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2024 Vol. 39, No. 5

2024, 39(5): 1-2.
Animal Science
Mitochondrial Genome and Phylogeny of Takifugu xanthopterus
ZHU Chunyue, HU Zongyun, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Boxu, LIU Zhonghang, YANG Peimin
2024, 39(5): 503-511. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.001
  Objective   Mitochondrial genome of Yellowfin Puffer (Takifugu xanthopterus) was studied to analyze the genetic diversity and phylogeny of the fish.  Method  Mitochondrial genome of T. xanthopterus found in Dayang River was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology.   Result  The complete mitochondrial genome was 16444 bp (GenBank accession No. MT560586) consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, 2 ribosomal RNAs, one control region, and one OL. The 13 protein-coding genes started with ATG codon except for cox1, which started with a special GTG codon. Cox2 and nad4 ended with codon T. The preference codon (RSCU>2) included Arg (CGA) and Ser (UCC). All 22 tRNA genes, except trnS1, had the typical cloverleaf-like secondary structure. Taking Monotreta leiurus as the outgroup, the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of 16 species of pufferfish were analyzed for evolutionary relationship. The phylogenetic tree constructed by Bayes software showed that T. xanthopterus was closely related to T. chrysops and T. pardalis.  Conclusion  The mitochondrial genome structure and gene order of T. xanthopterus as analyzed seemed to be typical of fish.
Silage Carbon Sources Preferred by Epiphytic Lactic Acid Bacteria
CHEN Xinzhu, DONG Zhaoxia, ZHANG Jianguo
2024, 39(5): 512-521. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.002
  Objective   Preferential carbon sources of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were studied in laboratory to aid turning native grasses into silage.   Method   Sixteen representative LAB were isolated from forage and cultured on MRS broth media using glucose, sucrose, fructose, xylose, raffinose, or a mixture of the 5 sugars as carbon source. Three replicates for each LAB strain and a blank control without LAB inoculation for each sugar treatment were included. After incubation for 24 h, contents of residual sugars and generated lactic acid in the medium were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography.   Results   (1) Sucrose appeared to be the preferential carbon source by most LAB. Among the other sugars, raffinose and xylose were preferred by Lactobacillus fermentum (LbF-WM), and xylose by Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (LeP-IR). (2) An 100% utilization on sucrose by Lb. reuteri (LbR-EG) and Leuconostoc citreum (LeC-IR), on fructose by LbF-WM and LbR-EG, as well as on raffinose by LbF-WM, LbR-EG, and LeP-IR was observed. Enterococcus faecium (EF-KG), Lb. brevis (LbB-KG), Lactobacillus pentosus (LbPe-EG), and Lactococcus lactis (LcL-SC) could more efficiently utilize glucose than the other sugars. (3) The greatest amounts of lactic acid were produced from the fermentation of glucose or the mixed sugars by E. durans (EG-IR), from that of fructose by LbPe-EG, from that of raffinose or the sugar mixture by Leuconostoc mesenteroides (LeM-IR), from that of sucrose by LbPe-EG, from that of xylose by LbF-WM, and from that of the mixed sugars by Lactococcus garvieae (LcG-IR). (4) The lactic acid production was more efficient by E. durans (ED-IR) on glucose, by Lb. plantarum (LbPl-IR), or LbPe-EG on fructose, by LbPl-IR or LeM-IR on raffinose, by LbPe-EG, LbPl-IR, or ED-IR on sucrose, Le. pseudomesenteroides (LeP-IR) on xylose, and LcG-IR or EG-IR on mixed sugars. A lactic acid production efficiency greater than 80% was reached by LbPl-IR grown on the medium with the mixed sugars.   Conclusion   The sugar utilization and lactic acid production of the LAB fermentations on native grasses varied significantly. Sucrose appeared to be the preferential carbon source by most LAB, sucrose and glucose could obtain the higher utilization rate and lactic acid amount, and glucose could obtain higher lactic acid efficiency. For efficient and effective application of LAB to obtain extended shelf-life silage, it was imperative that careful selection of microbe strains and carbon source be exercised.
Crop Science
Five Traits Affected by Breeding of Indica-Japonica Hybrids
LI Zhongjin, FU Siyuan, CHEN Pingping, YOU Yuehua, DAI Zhanfeng, HUANG Shuiming, PENG Yulin
2024, 39(5): 522-531. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.003
  Objective  Genetic improvement on 5 traits of rice through heterosis by hybridizing Indica-Japonica was analyzed.   Method   Following the NC-II incomplete diallel hybridization protocol, 14 rice parents and 48 hybrid combinations were generated for the analysis. Genetics, heterosis, and correlations of growth period, plant height, spikelet length, spikelet width, and spikelet length-width ratio of the varieties were evaluated according to the additive and dominant genetic effects.   Result  The ratios of additive variance component to phenotypic variance (VA/VP) on the growth period, plant height, spikelet length, spikelet width, and spikelet length-width ratio of the rice were 69.2%, 74.2%, 58.9%, 66.0%, and 63.5%, respectively. The variations of broad-sense heritability (H2B) and narrow-sense heritability (H2N) were 59.0%–99.6% and 69.2%–98.9%, respectively, at significant or extremely significant level. The traits were largely controlled by additive effects, little by environmental factors, and only effective for early generation selection in breeding practice. The growth period, plant height, spikelet length, pikelet width, and spikelet length-width ratio of most combinations displayed a heterosis of both negative intermediate and super parent hybrid vigor. The growth period of the hybrids was shortened, the plant height reduced, and the spikelet length-width ratio in between two parents. The growth period was an independent genetic trait, while the plant height somewhat positively correlated with the grain shape.   Conclusion   In breeding Indica-Japonicahybrids, balancing the benefits gained on the growth period, plant height, grain shape, and other traits through heterosis needed be carefully considered.
Horticultural Science
Models for Predicting Evapotranspiration of Fruiting Cucumber Plants in Greenhouse
ZHU Xin, LIN Qiong, HE Zhiqi, YI Zhigang
2024, 39(5): 532-539. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.004
  Objective  Mathematic models for accurate real-time prediction on evapotranspiration of greenhouse cucumber plants during fruiting period were evaluated to optimize the irrigation operation.   Method   Cucumber plants were cultivated in a greenhouse. During the fruiting period, microclimate conditions were automatically monitored by sensors and recorders, and plant evapotranspiration determined by weighing the fruits. Using transplanting time, air temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, and daily average irrigation amount of previous 5d as inputs, models including the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) were evaluated according to the cucumber evapotranspiration prediction. A data collection interval of 20min was applied.  Result  Of the tested models, GRU performed with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8577, root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.3279 g, and mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.6744 g. It also yielded the lowest relative error fluctuation between the predicted and the measured data ranging from 0.11% to 10.01% when the daily real-time cumulative evapotranspiration of cucumbers exceeded 50 g.   Conclusion   The GRU-based model could best predict the greenhouse cucumber evapotranspiration at fruiting stage. The information could aid better water management for cucumber cultivation.
Identification and Expressions of GRF Genes in Artemisia argyi
GUO Chenning, LI Jingjing, YANG Jingfan, LIU Jun, YANG Hao, MA Rui, CHEN Suiqing, LIAN Conglong
2024, 39(5): 540-549. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.005
  Objective  Growth-regulating factor (GRF) genes in Artemisia argyi were identified and analyzed.   Method  Bioinformatic analysis on the physiochemical properties, structure, and evolution of the GRF genes, as well as their expressions in different tissues under stresses, of A. argyi was conducted using qRT-PCR.   Result  SeventeenAsGRFs were hydrophilic proteins in the phylogenetic evolutionary tree of 4 subfamilies. Those genes of same clade in the evolutionary tree contained a similar or same conserved motif. The members were randomly distributed on 11 chromosomes with promoters of multiple stress- and hormone-responsive elements and one that varied in the response to salinity. The tissue-specific expressions of the genes, including AaGRF05, AaGRF06, AaGRF11, andAaGRF14, peaked in 12h after being exposed to abscisic acid, indoacetic acid, salicylic acid, or methyl jasmonate.   Conclusion   The GRF genes associated with the growth and stress regulation of A. argyi were identified, and relevant bioinformatics obtained.
Somatic Incompatibility and Genetic Differences among Strains of Ganoderma sinense
JIANG Xiaohan, YANG Chunyan, WANG Chezhao, LIU Xinrui
2024, 39(5): 550-556. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006
  Objective   Somatic incompatibility (SI) and genetic differences among Ganoderma sinense strains were studied.   Method  DikaryonG. sinense strains were generated from 7 monokaryon parents by uni- or bi-directional nuclear migration. On a PDA medium, SI between the dikaryon strains was tested, and genetic differentiations examined using ISSR, RAPD, and SRAP molecular markers.   Result  Eleven dikaron strains of 5 distinctive genetic types showing a gap, a gap with line, or a wall-like SI were obtained. The combined genetic similarity coefficients of the ISSR, RAPD, and SRAP molecular markers on the strains ranged from 0.29 to 0.97. The UPMGA clustering of the strains corresponded to that of the parents.   Conclusion   The SI among the G. sinense strains were mainly associated with the nucleus rather than the cytoplasm. Since the SI types largely paralleled the genetic differences of the dikaron strains, SI determination could be conveniently applied to preliminarily study the genetics of a G. sinense strain.
SNP Markers Development and Genetic Relationship Identification of Germplasm Resources of Canarium album Based on SLAF-Seq Technology
SHEN Chaogui, LAI Ruilian, CHEN Jin, FENG Xin, CHEN Yiting, WEI Xiaoxia, WU Rujian
2024, 39(5): 557-562. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.007
  Objective  SNP markers development and genetic diversity analysis of Canarium album were perfomed to facilitate the protection and utilization of germplasm resources of C. album.  Method  SNP markers of C. album were developed based on SLAF-Seq technology, and the genetic structure and genetic diversity were studied by phylogenetic analysis, population cluster analysis and principal component analysis.  Result  A total of 506 701 SLAF loci were mined, including 27 108 polymorphic SLAF loci, and 361 386 SNP markers were developed. Based on these SNP markers, germplasm resources of C. album were respectively divided into 3 and 6 groups by phylogenetic tree and population cluster analysis. The overall Nei diversity index and Shanon Wiener index were 0.321 and 0.472, respectively. The results of two classification methods showed that germplasm resources of C. album from different regions were not classified strictly according to regional distribution.  Conclusion  The genetic diversity of germplasm resources of C. album had great genetic diversity which were exchange frequently among different regions, and the developed SNP markers of C. album could effectively identify the germplasm resources.
Effects of Selenium and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Applications on Growth, Photosynthesis, and Selenium Accumulation of Amaranthus tricolor L.
LU Yunmei, HUANG Renhua, LIU Hongyu
2024, 39(5): 563-570. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.008
  Objective   Amaranth cultivation enriched by applications of selenium and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was investigated.   Methods  In a pot experiment, selenium and AMF were added to the soil in cultivating Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings. Effects on the photosynthesis, growth, and selenium accumulation of the plants were monitored.  Results  The selenium treatment significantly increased the contents of chlorophyll a and b, transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) but reduced the amaranthine and not significantly affected the infection rate of or dependence on the mycorrhizae of the seedlings. On the other hand, AMF along with the application of various selenium compounds promoted the amaranth growth and increased the leaf amaranthine content, photosynthetic capacity, and selenium accumulation in the roots, stems and leaves.   Conclusion  Combined AMF and selenium applications benefited the photosynthesis and nutritional quality of A. tricolor.
Cultivating Coprinus comatus Using Spent Grape Branches as Substrate
ZHOU Shubo, LI Minglei, QI Wei, HUANG Kai, ZHENG Changhua, YUAN Chunlong
2024, 39(5): 571-583. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.009
  Objective  Utilization of spent grape vines as substrate to cultivate edible mushrooms was investigated.  Method  Seven strains of Coprinus comatus were cultured on 6 differently formulated substrates using dead and pruned branches from grape vines grown on the eastern foothills of Mt. Helan in an experimentation. From 42 designed treatments, bio-efficiency, nutritional conversion, and heavy metal transfer in the mushroom cultivation were compared.  Result  The bio-efficiency of 16 treatments was greater than 100% with CM6 that grew on the CC900 substrate containing 20% grape branches being the highest. The harvested C. comatus had a significantly higher crude polysaccharide content than control grown on a conventional medium without the added grape branches. Treatments DM4 and CM3 also performed well. The bio-efficiency rendered by the various treatments closely correlated to the ash content of the cultured mushrooms but not significantly to the yield, appearance, flavor, or food safety of the harvests.  Conclusion  Spent grape branches could not only be utilized to adequately replace the traditional materials for cultivating C. comatus but also improve the yield and nutrition of the mushrooms grown on the substrate.
Plant Protection
Integrated SKNet/Mobilenet V3 Classification of Mango Leaf Diseases and Infestations
SHEN Yihui, HE Huibin, CHEN Xiaoyu, YAN Shengnan
2024, 39(5): 584-592. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.010
  Objective  Leaf diseases and infestations on mango trees were classified for database establishment and precision identification by combining the Mobilenet V3 model with Selective Kernel Network (SKNet).   Method  To improve the accuracy of disease and infestation classification on mango plants, data augmentation was firstly conducted. A denoising diffusion model was applied to expand the dataset followed by using a multi-scale structural similarity index to examine the similarity between the virtually generated and the camera-captured images of the diseases or infestations. Then, the training and generation effects of DDIM and DCGAN networks were compared. In the Mobilenet V3 model, the SE attention module was replaced with SKNet to construct the final platform.  Results  The MS-SSIM index of all types of DDIM images was greater than 0.63, which was higher than that of DCGAN. The classification accuracy of 98% delivered by merging SKNet with Mobilenet V3 was the best performance. Furthermore, combination of the two programs afforded more focus on the diseased leaves than did other smooth grade activation visualization by adding CA, CBAM, or ECA.   Conclusion   The newly developed classification method by integrating SKNet and Mobilenet V3 performed satisfactorily in distinguishing various diseased or infested mango leaves. The application not only significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of disease identification but also reduced the epidemic monitoring costs by easily incorporating it with mobile or embedded devices.
Migration and Dispersion of Empoasca vitis in Tea Plantations Analyzed by HYSPLIT
GAO Dongmei, HUANGFU Jiayi, GUO Xiao
2024, 39(5): 593-599. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.011
  Objective  Migratory and dispersal behaviors of Empoasca vitis (Göthe) at tea plantations were analyzed.   Method  Yellow insect-trapping boards attached to ballons were strategically placed at varying heights and orientations in a tea plantation to catch E. vitis. The HYSPLIT-4 airflow dynamics model and meteorological data were used to analyze and simulate the insect migration and dispersion patterns. Based upon the field survey and the data on the population density and dispersion, factors driving the E. vitis movement were postulated.  Result  The maximum flying altitude of E. vitis was 8 m. The insect population steadily declined from 2 m up to 8 m. The HYSPLIT-4 generated insect movement trajectory indicated that the migration time was the only determinant, not the flying altitude nor dispersal distance. The 24h-migration of the insects ranged 35.70-178.10 km and transformed between aggregated and random distribution patterns that typified the dispersion.  Conclusion   E. vitis migrated from region to region affected by prevailing air currents. The movement transitioned between aggregated and random dispersion in the field and regions. Consequently, effective pest control should be executed in the target area and extended no more than 200 km from the border.
Identification of Root Rot Pathogens on Polygonatum cyrtonema in Fujian
GAO Wenli, SU Hailan, LIN Fengfang, NIU Yuqing, ZHU Yujing, LIU Bo, CHENG Xi, XIAO Rongfeng
2024, 39(5): 600-608. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.012
  Objective   Pathogens that caused the root rot disease on Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua in Fujian were identified.   Methods   Based on the survey of P. cyrtonema root rot disease in three planting areas in the province, infected plants and rhizomes were sampled to isolate the microbes. Suspected pathogens were examined morphologically and molecular biologically prior to a pathogenicity test for a confirmed identification.  Results  Approximately 10.50% the typical disease symptoms appeared on the seedlings, and 17.65% on the rhizomes at harvest. Based on the morphological characteristics, FOF1/FOR1 and F8/R8 PCR amplification of specific primers, and sequences of translation elongation factor-1α (tef-1α) gene, the pathogens that caused the infection were identified to include Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani,> and F. fujikuroi from 98 isolates. The frequency of isolating F. oxysporum from the collected samples was 75.51%, 20.41% on F. solani, and 4.08% on F. fujikuroi. Inoculating the isolated pathogens on healthy rhizomes reproduced the same symptoms as observed in the field and followed Koch’s rules.  Conclusion   F. oxysporum, F. solani, and F. fujikuroi were identified to be the pathogens of the root rot disease on P. cyrtonema in Fujian. F. fujikuroi was the first time to be associated with the outbreak in China.
An Evaluation Protocol for Fire Blight Resistance of Pear Cultivars
LIU Zhenya, SU Xuanle, TANG Li, LEI Chenhao, LI Yapeng, DAN Hongxia, ZHANG Wangbin
2024, 39(5): 609-614. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.013
  Objective  A simple method to evaluate the fire blight disease resistance of pear cultivars was developed.  Method  Fruits of 77 pear germplasms, including 36 cultivars and 41 hybrid progenies of Korla fragrant pear, were artificially infected with Erwinia amylovora at young, expansion, and ripening stages to examine the pathogenic responses. A protocol for grading the disease resistance of the germplasms was proposed.   Results  It appeared that, 24 h after an artificial E. amylovora inoculation, the fruits at young stage more than at expansion or ripening stage displayed symptoms sufficient for an effective assessment of the resistance of the pear plants. Using the method, significant variations on the disease resistance were observed on the 77 germplasms. Of the cultivars, 13 were shown to be highly susceptible to the infection, 11 susceptible, 27 moderately susceptible, and 26 resistant (i.e., 33.77% of the total).   Conclusion  The system to evaluate and determine the resistance of a pear cultivar to fire blight was developed. It was based on the response of the young fruits to a pathogenic inoculation with E. amylovora. In 24 h after the artificial infection on the fruits, 26 of the 77 sampled germplasms were determined to be resistant to the disease and could be used for breeding purposes.
Selection of Reference Genes in Ganoderma pseudoferreum for Studying a Rubber Tree Disease
ZHAO Xinyang, LUO Youhong, CAI Haibin, ZHOU Yi, TU Min
2024, 39(5): 615-622. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.014
  Objective   Stability of the reference genes of Ganoderma pseudoferreum under stresses was determined for studying the gene functions and mechanism of the red root rot disease on rubber trees.   Methods  RNA of G. pseudoferreum mycelia under a stress of temperature, salt, oxidation, pH, drought, or a biocontrol bacteria invasion were isolated and reverse-transcribed into cDNA. RT-qPCR was applied to amplify 6 candidate reference genes, i.e., UBC, ACT, RPL6, β-TUB, APT, and 28s. Software geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and RefFinder were used to determine the stability of the genes under stresses.   Results   The RNA of all samples displayed two clear bands and melting curves with a single peak. Analyses by geNorm, NormFinder, Bestkeeper, and RefFinder collectively ranked the expression stability of the genes under a temperature stress as UBCACTRPL6β-TUB28sAPT; that under a salt stress, ACTRPL6UBCAPTβ-TUB28s; that under an oxidative stress, UBCACT28sAPTβ-TUBRPL6; that under a pH stress, RPL6UBCAPTACTβ-TUB28s; that under a drought stress, ACTUBCβ-TUBRPL6APT28s; and that under the biotic stress, UBCACTRPL628sAPTβ-TUB.   Conclusion  It appeared that ACT and UBC to be the choice reference genes for normalizing the gene expression under drought, oxidation, temperature, and biotic stresses, while ACT and RPL6 under a salt stress, and UBC and RPL6 under a pH stress.