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ZHANG A, DONG Y P, LIN X J, et al. Effects of coffee waste mulching on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of coffee seedlings [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(X):1−9
Citation: ZHANG A, DONG Y P, LIN X J, et al. Effects of coffee waste mulching on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of coffee seedlings [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(X):1−9

Effects of coffee waste mulching on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of coffee seedlings

  • Received Date: 2021-10-27
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-03-29
  • Available Online: 2022-04-24
  •   Objective  The effects of coffee peel and litter on the growth and photosynthesis of coffee seedlings were investigated to determine a suitable ecological cycle cultivation a suitable of coffee.   Method  One-year-old seedlings of seedlings were used as experimental materials. A randomized block design was used to study the effects of coffee peel and litter on their leaf photosynthesis and water use efficiency. Conventional mulching group was set up: C (control), L (litter mulching cultivation), P (peel mulching cultivation) and LP (litter and peel mulching cultivation).   Result  Coffee litter mulching significantly increased the specific leaf area of coffee by 45.46%, while coffee peel mulching significantly decreased the plant height by 12.11%. Coffee peel mulching significantly increased net photosynthesis, leaf respiration, total photosynthesis, net water use efficiency and total water use efficiency by 78.33%, 109.34%, 91.72%, 80.54% and 104.95%, but did not affect stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and carbon use efficiency. The comprehensive evaluation of coffee photosynthesis under coffee waste mulching treatment was P>LP>L>C.   Conclusion  Coffee peel mulching was better than other mulching treatments in promoting the growth and photosynthetic capacity of coffee seedlings. The suitable coffee ecological cycle cultivation with the peel amount of 239.05 g m-2 could to realize cost saving and efficiency increase in coffee planting process.
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