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LIU Z Y, SU X L, TANG L, et al. Establishment of Pear Fire Blight Resistance Evaluation System Based Young Fruit and Resistance Identification of 77 Pear Germplasm Resources [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(X):1−7
Citation: LIU Z Y, SU X L, TANG L, et al. Establishment of Pear Fire Blight Resistance Evaluation System Based Young Fruit and Resistance Identification of 77 Pear Germplasm Resources [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(X):1−7

Establishment of Pear Fire Blight Resistance Evaluation System Based Young Fruit and Resistance Identification of 77 Pear Germplasm Resources

  • Received Date: 2023-06-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-09-22
  • Available Online: 2024-06-26
  • : [ Objective ] Using Pear Young Fruit establish resistance evaluation system of pear fire blight, resistance materials of pear fire blight (Erwinia amylovora)were Screened to provide technical information for disease resistance breeding research.  Method  77 Pear germplasm resources,including 36 cultivates and 41 hybrid progenies of ‘Kuerlexiangli’pear by Artifical inoculating young fruit stage, fruit expansion stage,fruit ripening period,The disease resistance grading index of pear varieties (germplasm) was formulated according to the strength of the pathogenic response after inoculation,and the disease resistance levels of 77 Pear germplasm resources were comprehensively evaluated.  Results  The results showed that young fruit stage can more accurate assessment of resistance leve, Compared with fruit expansion stage and fruit ripening period;77 Pear germplasm resources represented significant different on disease resistance,among which 13 were highly susceptible to the stain,11 varieties(germplasm)were susceptible, 27 varieties(germplasm) were moderately susceptible,26 varieties(germplasm) were resistant. The majority of the pear varieties(germplasm) tested was susceptible to E.amylovora, 33.77% varieties(germplasm) were evaluated as resistant, 66.23% varieties(germplasm) were evaluated as varying degrees susceptible.  Conclusion  Resistance evaluation system was established through young fruit stage was determined as inoculation periods, Observing incidence after 24 h inoculation;the 26 resistant varieties(germplasm) were Screened from the test varieties by using resistance evaluation system,which could provide the selective breeding of hybrid parents of pears,and which could provide research reference for rapid breeding of new resistant varieties in the future.
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