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李文志 龙友华 莫飞旭 何立楠 石金巧 冉飞

李文志,龙友华,莫飞旭,等. 叶面施钾、钠对猕猴桃品质及贮藏性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(12):1312−1320 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.004
引用本文: 李文志,龙友华,莫飞旭,等. 叶面施钾、钠对猕猴桃品质及贮藏性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(12):1312−1320 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.004
LI W Z, LONG Y H, MO F X, et al. Effects of Foliar Spraying of Potassium and Sodium on Quality and Shelf Life of Kiwifruits [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(12):1312−1320 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.004
Citation: LI W Z, LONG Y H, MO F X, et al. Effects of Foliar Spraying of Potassium and Sodium on Quality and Shelf Life of Kiwifruits [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(12):1312−1320 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.004


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.004
基金项目: 贵州省科技计划项目[黔科合支撑(2017)2566-1];贵州省修文县科技计划项目[修猕合同(2017)01];贵州省修文县猕猴桃产业发展项目[修猕合同(2017)02]




  • 中图分类号: S 663.4

Effects of Foliar Spraying of Potassium and Sodium on Quality and Shelf Life of Kiwifruits

  • 摘要:   目的  探明钾、钠对猕猴桃果实品质及贮藏性的影响。  方法  以8年生贵长猕猴桃为试材,在常规栽培管理模式下,共设置9个不同的磷酸二氢钾和氯化钠处理,并在室内测定采收后猕猴桃果实品质和贮藏期间果实品质变化。  结果  猕猴桃果实品质随钾、钠肥处理随质量浓度升高呈现先增加后降低的趋势,钾肥和钠肥混施处理对果实品质改善效果优于单一施用处理,其中0.2mg·mL-1磷酸二氢钾和0.1mg·mL-1氯化钠混合施用对猕猴桃果实品质改善最显著,其糖酸比、维生素C含量最高,分别为14.54、128.13 mg·hg−1,果形指数和单果质量最大,分别为1.65、76.07 g;0.2%磷酸二氢钾处理能显著降低果实贮藏过程中的软果率、坏果率,延长猕猴桃的贮藏时间;  结论  叶面喷施磷酸二氢钾和氯化钠能改善猕猴桃果实品质、延缓猕猴桃果实贮藏期间营养物质下降速度,推迟可溶性糖含量到达峰值的时间;在施钾情况下,适量施钠对提高猕猴桃果实品质及贮藏性是有益的。
  • 图  1  不同喷施处理对猕猴桃果实可溶性糖含量变化的影响

    Figure  1.  Soluble sugar content of kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    图  2  不同处理对猕猴桃果实维生素C含量变化的影响

    Figure  2.  Vitamin C content of kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    图  3  不同处理对猕猴桃果实蛋白质含量变化的影响

    Figure  3.  Protein content of Kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    图  4  不同喷施处理对猕猴桃果实软果率的影响

    Figure  4.  Occurrence of softened kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    图  5  不同喷施处理对猕猴桃果实坏果率的影响

    Figure  5.  Occurrence of rotten kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    表  1  不同喷施处理方案及实际喷施质量浓度

    Table  1.   Design of spray treatments and actual solution concentration applied

    Pharmacy name
    Spray concentration/(mg·mL−1)
    A KH2PO4 0.1
    B KH2PO4+NaCl 0.1+0.1
    C NaCl 0.1
    D KH2PO4 0.2
    E KH2PO4+NaCl 0.2+0.1
    F KH2PO4+NaCl 0.1+0.2
    G NaCl 0.2
    H KH2PO4+NaCl 0.1+0.3
    I KH2PO4+NaCl 0.3+0.1
    CK 清水 Water -
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    表  2  不同处理对猕猴桃果实外观品质的影响

    Table  2.   External appearance of kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    Maximum single fruit quality/g
    Single fruit quality/g
    Transverse diameter/mm
    Longitudinal diameter/mm
    Fruit shape index
    A(0.1K)91.59±5.43 cd73.19±1.49 abc44.23±0.33 a68.04±0.25 a1.54±0.01 b
    B(0.1K+0.1Na)98.61±1.15 bc73.45±1.75 abc44.17±0.72 a69.7±0.47 a1.58±0.04 ab
    C(0.1Na)91.06±4.72 cd72.40±2.00 abc43.65±0.27 ab66.21±0.63 b1.52±0.02 b
    D(0.2K)104.09±7.38 ab74.79±2.91 ab43.98±0.52 ab69.59±1.01 a1.59±0.04 ab
    E(0.2K+0.1Na)107.92±5.44 a76.07±3.90 a41.98±0.98 b69.28±0.33 a1.65±0.05 a
    F(0.2Na+0.1K)87.42±3.03 de71.76±1.71 bc42.78±0.44 ab68.67±0.49 a1.60±0.03 ab
    G(0.2Na)87.28±6.68 de71.27±2.41 bc42.66±0.72 ab68.15±0.60 a1.60±0.04 ab
    H(0.3Na+0.1K)80.37±4.39 e69.25±1.21 c42.8±0.88 ab66.37±0.75 b1.55±0.05 ab
    I(0.3K+0.1Na)86.54±3.40 de71.39±1.95 bc43.7±0.28 ab68.37±0.26 a1.56±0.01 ab
    CK83.88±1.65 de69.33±1.33 b43.49±0.24 ab69.16±0.16 a1.59±0.01 ab
    Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences(P<0.05), the same as table 3.
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    表  3  不同喷施处理对猕猴桃内在品质的影响

    Table  3.   Intrinsic quality of kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    Vitamin C/mg·hg−1
    Soluble sugar/%
    Titratable acid/%
    Sugar-acid ratio
    A(0.1K) 119.03±4.16 abcd 11.68±0.65 c 1.09±0.06 cd 10.70±0.51 c 1.27±0.04 abcd
    B(0.1K+0.1Na) 120.06±6.41 abc 13.58±1.09 b 1.10±0.01 cd 12.29±0.04 b 1.34±0.06 ab
    C(0.1Na) 115.33±4.07 bcd 9.73±0.25 e 1.20±0.04 bc 8.11±0.35 d 1.24±0.03 cd
    D(0.2K) 123.68±6.00 ab 14.18±0.75 ab 1.07±0.01 d 13.18±0.10 b 1.35±0.03 a
    E(0.2K+0.1Na) 128.13±6.71 a 15.42±0.98 a 1.06±0.04 d 14.54±0.57 a 1.32±0.03 abc
    F(0.2Na+0.1K) 113.47±5.64 bcd 11.26±0.74 cd 1.35±0.04 a 8.31±0.27 d 1.3±0.06 abc
    G(0.2Na) 112.93±4.68 cd 10.19±0.62 de 1.19±0.03 bc 8.48±0.21 d 1.26±0.04 bcd
    H(0.3Na+0.1K) 109.27±7.32 d 9.19±0.75 e 1.37±0.01 a 6.71±0.05 f 1.21±0.03 d
    I(0.3K+0.1Na) 110.23±3.59 cd 9.34±0.79 e 1.30±0.05 ab 7.13±0.24 ef 1.24±0.05 cd
    CK 109.46±4.61 d 10.51±0.46 cde 1.32±0.04 a 7.92±0.28 de 1.20±0.05 d
    Note: Soluble sugar content is the peak value during storage, titratable acid at time of sampling, and vitamin C and protein contents upon harvesting.
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    表  4  不同处理对果实贮藏时间的影响

    Table  4.   Shelf life of kiwifruits as affected by treatments

    Storage time/d
    Storage time/d
    A(0.1K) 55 F(0.2Na+0.1K) 56
    B(0.1K+0.1Na) 56 G(0.2Na) 61
    C(0.1Na) 54 H(0.3Na+0.1K) 45
    D(0.2K) 63 I(0.3K+0.1Na) 47
    E(0.2K+0.1Na) 60 CK 53
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