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褚世海 丛胜波 李儒海 黄启超 侯有明

褚世海,丛胜波,李儒海,等. 短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟生长发育和繁殖的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1288−1293. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.008
引用本文: 褚世海,丛胜波,李儒海,等. 短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟生长发育和繁殖的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1288−1293. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.008
CHU S H, CONG S B, LI R H, et al. Effects of Short-term High-temperature Exposure on Growth, Development and Reproduction of Herpetogramma basalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1288−1293. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.008
Citation: CHU S H, CONG S B, LI R H, et al. Effects of Short-term High-temperature Exposure on Growth, Development and Reproduction of Herpetogramma basalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1288−1293. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.008
基金项目: 湖北省农业科技创新中心项目(2011-620-003-03-04)

    褚世海(1974 − ),男,博士,副研究员,研究方向:入侵生物学,杂草学(E-mail:chushihai1@163.com


    侯有明(1966 − ),男,博士,教授,研究方向:昆虫生态学(E-mail:ymhou@fafu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: S 451.1

Effects of Short-term High-temperature Exposure on Growth, Development and Reproduction of Herpetogramma basalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

  • 摘要:   目的  研究短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟生长发育和繁殖的影响,为准确地评估其生防潜能提供科学依据。  方法  将黑点切叶野螟1龄幼虫分别在2种高温(35℃和40℃)暴露4种时长(2、4、8、16 h)后,观察测定幼虫存活率、化蛹率、羽化率、蛹重、发育历期、成虫产卵量等指标。  结果  经2种温度、不同时长的处理后,黑点切叶野螟各项生长发育和繁殖指标均受到不同程度的影响。幼虫存活率显著降低,35℃处理16 h,幼虫存活率由1龄的65.83%降为5龄的28.33%;对化蛹率和羽化率无显著影响;幼虫发育历期随温度升高而延长,2种温度(35℃和40℃)处理16 h后,幼虫历期分别比对照长0.90 d和1.74 d;对蛹期无影响;成虫寿命在经8 h和16 h处理后缩短约1 d;蛹重在8 h和16 h高温处理后略有下降;雌虫产卵量在2种温度下均为处理16 h的最低;对卵的孵化率无显著影响。  结论  黑点切叶野螟受短时高温的影响主要体现在降低存活率和抑制发育速率,影响程度取决于高温强度和持续时间。在供试条件下,黑点切叶野螟均能完成生活史,保持种群的延续,这对生防是有益的。但是,较长时间的高温处理导致幼虫存活率显著下降,这可能是黑点切叶野螟夏季种群密度低的原因。
  • 图  1  短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟幼虫存活率的影响


    Figure  1.  Effect of short-term high-temperature exposure on larval survival rate of 1st instar H. basalis

    Note: Bars on line plot are standard errors of mean. Different lowercase letters indicate significantly different survival rates among different treatments (P<0.05).

    表  1  短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟蛹重、化蛹率和羽化率的影响

    Table  1.   Effects of short-term high-temperature exposure on pupal weight, pupation rate and egg emergence rate of 1st instar H. basalis

    温度 Temperature处理时间 Duration of exposure/h蛹重 Pupal weight/(mg·头−1化蛹率 Pupation rate/%羽化率 Emergence rate/%
    35℃ 0 33.78±0.33 aA 82.59±2.31 aA 90.08±2.93 aA
    2 33.17±0.86 abAB 82.47±4.47 aA 89.09±2.24 aA
    4 32.08±0.27 abcBC 81.05±4.77 aA 87.71±2.59 aA
    8 31.97±0.63 bcBC 79.44±4.19 aA 88.89±5.56 aA
    16 31.12±0.49 cC 83.81±10.72 aA 89.26±6.43 aA
    40℃ 0 33.78±0.33 aA 82.59±2.31 aA 90.08±2.93 aA
    2 33.32±0.27 abAB 80.23±4.55 aA 92.46±4.14 aA
    4 32.48±0.41 bcABC 78.08±10.72 aA 88.89±6.41 aA
    8 32.13±0.66 bcBC 76.15±8.40 aA 86.11±7.35 aA
    16 32.01±0.06 cBC 82.22±1.92 aA 81.67±4.41 aA
    Note: Data followed by different lowercase letters on a column of a same temperature treatment are significantly different (P<0.05); those followed by different capital letters on a column for two different temperature treatments are significantly different (P<0.05). Same for Tables 2 & 3.
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    表  2  短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟幼虫历期、蛹历期和成虫寿命的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of short-term high-temperature exposure on larval development time, pupal duration and adult lifespan of 1st instar H. basalis

    温度 Temperature处理时间 Duration of exposure/h幼虫历期 Larval duration/d蛹历期 Pupal duration/d成虫寿命 Adult longevity/d
    35℃ 0 13.7±0.4 bE 7.6±0.1 bA 10.6±0.5 aA
    2 13.8±0.2 bE 7.7±0.1 abA 10.2±0.3 abAB
    4 13.8±0.2 bE 7.8±0.1 abA 10.3±0.2 abAB
    8 14.4±0.3 aCD 7. 9±0.2 abA 9.5±0.3 bBC
    16 14.6±0.2 aC 8.0±0.1 aA 9.5±0.3 bBC
    40℃ 0 13.7±0.4 bE 7.6±0.1 aA 10.6±0.5 aA
    2 13.8±0.3 bE 7.9±0.1 aA 10.5±0.3 aA
    4 14.0±0.2 bDE 7.8±0.2 aA 9.9±0.3 abABC
    8 15.0±0.2 aAB 8.0±0.1 aA 10.0±0.1 abABC
    16 15.4±0.4 aA 7.9±0.1 aA 9.3±0.3 bC
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    表  3  短时高温处理对黑点切叶野螟化蛹率、雌虫产卵量和下一代卵孵化率的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of short-term high-temperature exposure on eggs laid per female and egg hatching rate of 1st instar H. basalis

    温度 Temperature处理时间 Duration of exposure/h单雌产卵量 Egg number per female下一代卵孵化率 Offspring hatching rate/%
    35℃ 0 317.0±18.7 aA 66.73±2.01 aA
    2 322.7±27.3 aA 66.01±0.95 aA
    4 287.3±17.9 abABC 66.59±1.12 aA
    8 289.3±16.5 abABC 64.70±0.94 aA
    16 228.7±20.7 bC 64.43±1.12 aA
    40℃ 0 317.0±18.7 aA 66.73±2.01 aA
    2 294.0±16.7 aABC 66.44±1.06 aA
    4 307.7±48.5 aAB 65.12±1.66 aA
    8 281.0±22.0 aABC 64.58±0.88 aA
    16 240.3±20.7 aBC 64.38±1.09 aA
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