Breeding a New Okra Cultivar, Min Qiukui No.2
摘要: 闽秋葵2号属于黄秋葵杂交一代新品种,该品种叶脉红色,侧枝多,产量高,较耐寒,果实光亮无刚毛,且不易老化;其株高1.6 m,始花节位5~6,果淡紫红色、6~9棱,果长19 cm,横径1.8 cm,单果鲜重25 g,2013-2014年参加福建省黄秋葵新品种区域试验,平均产量46 681.5 kg·hm-2,比对照东园2号增产44.61%;2014-2015年参加福建省黄秋葵新品种生产性试验,平均产量达到41 089.5 kg·hm-2,是一个优质高产抗病的黄秋葵新品种,2016年6月通过了福建省农作物品种审定委员会认定(闽认菜2016022)。Abstract: Min Qiukui No. 2 was a new okra cultivar of F1 generation.The variety had red veins, numerous collaterals, high yield, low-temperature tolerance, shinning fruits without setae, and long shelf life. The plant was typically 1.6 m tall with fist flower appearing on the 5th-6th node. Its violet-red fruit had 6 to 9 arrises, and was 19 cm long and 1.8cm in diameter. The averageweight of a single fruit was 25g. In a regional trial for new okra cultivarsin Fujian in 2013-2014, the average yield of Min Qiukui No.2 reached 46 681.5 kg·hm-2, which was 44.61% higher than that of Dongyuan No.2 in comparison. At the production trial in 2014-2015, the average yield was slightly lower, at 41 089.5 kg·hm-2. It was considered a new okra variety that was superior in eating quality with high yield and disease resistance.The variety was released by crops varieties approval committee of Fujian province in june 2016(Fujian cuisin 2016022).
- F1 generation /
- new cultivar /
- Min Qiukui No.2 /
- selection and breeding
表 1 品比试验产量表现
Table 1 Yield of Min Qiukui No. 2 in comparison with other varieties
年份 组合 (品种) 总产量/(kg·hm-2) 比CK1/±% 2012 洛江1号×莆田1号 46597.5 aA 30.46 东园2号× gz136-1 39237.0 bB 9.85 HN-5×JLQK-12 37801.5 cBC 5.83 Ⅱ12B5×HN-5 36901.5 cCD 3.31 新星五角 (CK1) 35718.0 dDE - 1204-02× Ⅱ12B5 31600.5 fE -11.52 11J4-2× 1204-02 34501.5 eF -3.40 莆田秋葵×Ⅱ12B5 30601.5 fF -14.32 2013 闽秋葵2号 45439.5 aA 30.94 新星五角 (CK1) 34701.0 bB - 注:同列数据后不同大、小写字母表示差异达极显著 (P<0.01) 或显著 (P<0.05) 水平。 表 2 区试试验产量表现
Table 2 Yield of Min Qiukui No. 2 at regional trial
年份 试点名称 闽秋葵2号/(kg·hm-2) 东园2号 (CK2) /(kg·hm-2) 比CK2/±% 2013 龙文 51128.1 33114.0 54.4 龙海 47781.3 31497.3 51.7 永安 48245.1 34733.7 38.9 2014 龙文 50163.7 31709.1 58.2 龙海 48580.2 32694.0 48.6 永安 47502.4 33906.1 40.1 大田 45215.8 32812.6 37.8 武平 41942.2 30283.2 38.5 表 3 生产试验产量表现
Table 3 Yield of Min Qiukui No. 2 at production trial
年份 试点名称 产量/(kg·hm-2) 2014 三明 37546.5 龙岩 35800.5 漳州 48096.0 2015 三明 37285.5 龙岩 36972.0 龙海 50839.5 表 4 营养成分测定情况
Table 4 Nutrients infruits of Min Qiukui No. 2
样品名称 蛋白质/% 粗纤维/% 钾/(mg·hg-1) 钙/(mg·hg-1) 镁/(mg·hg-1) 铁/(mg·hg-1) 锌/(mg·hg-1) 维生素C/(mg·hg-1) 闽秋葵2号 18.7 9.0 2143 646 346 3.2 0.47 14.8 新星五角 (CK1) 15.9 7.7 2300 241 258 2.6 0.50 14.8 -
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