Duck Tembusu virus is a newly discovered virus in recent years, which caused duck high fever, egg-laying and feed intake decreased.In this study, we used Sheldrake as animal model, and infected with duck Tembusu virus.Then we determinated the immune organ indices and the antibody levels in ducks induced by recombinant H5 avian influenza inactivated vaccine and Newcastle disease virus attenuated live vaccine, respectively.The results showed that the duck immune organs were violated after infected with duck Tembusu virus, resulting in spleen enlargement (1dpi to 3dpi) , bursa atrophy (1dpi to 14dpi) , and the test group thymus index was significantly lower than the control group from 7dpi to 10 dpi.Compared with immunized-group, the antibodies level of the infected-immunized-group were delayed and low, and reduction in peaks and declined accelerate throughout the test period.The above results indicated that duck Tembusu virus can affect the humor immune response to inactivated vaccine and attenuated vaccine in duck.