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张晓龙 杨倩楠 李祥东 陈静 王超 陈金洁 张池 刘科学

张晓龙,杨倩楠,李祥东,等. 不同稻田生态种养模式对土壤理化性质及综合肥力的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(2):202−209 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.010
引用本文: 张晓龙,杨倩楠,李祥东,等. 不同稻田生态种养模式对土壤理化性质及综合肥力的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(2):202−209 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.010
ZHANG X L, YANG Q N, LI X D, et al. Effects of Crop/Animal Co-cultivations on Physiochemical Properties and Fertility of Rice Paddy Soil [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(2):202−209 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.010
Citation: ZHANG X L, YANG Q N, LI X D, et al. Effects of Crop/Animal Co-cultivations on Physiochemical Properties and Fertility of Rice Paddy Soil [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(2):202−209 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.010


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.010
基金项目: 广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515011543);广东省教育科学“十三五”规划项目(2020XJK116);广州新华学院校级自然科学类重点项目(2020KYZD02)



    刘科学(1980− )男,博士,副教授,主要从事土地整治与生态修复研究(E-mail:28257448@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: S511

Effects of Crop/Animal Co-cultivations on Physiochemical Properties and Fertility of Rice Paddy Soil

  • 摘要:   目的  定量评价不同生态种养模式对稻田土壤理化性状及综合肥力的影响,以期为华南地区稻田生态种养模式的选择提供理论依据。  方法  通过主成分分析法定量评价稻鸭(RD)、稻鱼(RF)、稻虾(RS)3种生态种养模式和常规种植(CK)稻田模式的土壤综合肥力的差异,明确影响稻田土壤综合肥力的主要影响因子。  结果  不同生态种养模式均可有效降低土壤容重,提高土壤孔隙度,缓解土壤酸化,对提高土壤养分和有机碳含量也具有较为显著的效果,其中0–10 cm表层土壤的孔隙度、有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量均为RD最高或并列最高。土壤综合肥力主成分分析结果显示,0–10 cm表层土壤肥力得分排序为RD > RF> RS > CK,10–20 cm亚表层土壤为RD > RF > CK > RS,并且土壤容重、有机碳、孔隙度、胡敏素碳、全氮和碱解氮为稻田土壤肥力的主要贡献性指标,全钾、pH、速效钾、全磷、富里酸碳、胡敏酸碳和有效磷为次要贡献性指标。  结论  整体来看,RD为培肥稻田土壤的最佳模式,RF其次,RS的效果较差。因此,华南地区稻田土壤培肥可将RD作为优先考虑的对象,或者结合现实情况合理选择其他生态种养模式。
  • 图  1  不同生态模式对稻田土壤有机碳及其组分含量的影响


    Figure  1.  Effects of ecological co-cultivations on content and composition of organic carbon in rice paddy soil

    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between co-cultivations (P<0.05). Same for Fig. 2.

    图  2  不同生态模式对稻田土壤腐殖质结构特征的影响

    Figure  2.  Effects of ecological co-cultivations on humus in rice paddy soil

    表  1  稻田共育品种、数量规格

    Table  1.   Co-cultivating animals, quantities, and specifications on rice paddy field

    处理Treatment共育品种Co-breeding variety
    稻鸭RD中山麻鸭300 只·hm−2200 g·只−1
    稻鱼RF鲫鱼 6000 尾·hm−225.0 g·尾−1
    稻虾RS克式原螯虾 777400 尾·hm−23.5 g·尾−1
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    表  2  不同生态模式对稻田土壤机械组成、质地、土壤容重和孔隙度的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of ecological co-cultivations on structure, texture, bulk density, and porosity of rice paddy soil

    处理Treatment机械组成Mechanical composition质地Texture容重Bulk density/(g·cm−3孔隙度Porosity/%
    < 0.002 mm黏粒Clay /%0.002~0.05 mm粉粒Silt/%> 0.05 mm砂粒Sand /%
    0–10 cmRD2.53±0.09 a70.79±0.66 c26.67±0.69 b粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.30±0.01 d53.53±0.24 a
    RF2.33±0.09 a83.47±0.21 a14.20±0.20 d粉(砂)土Silt (sandy) soil1.32±0.01 b50.67±0.34 c
    RS2.19±0.05 a68.61±0.12 d29.21±1.12 a粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.31±0.01 c52.64±0.13 b
    CK2.36±0.17 a79.17±0.10 b18.47±0.20 c粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.33±0.01 a49.83±0.01 d
    10–20 cmRD2.49±0.12 a73.25±0.19 b24.26±0.20 b粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.33±0.01 b49.48±0.46 b
    RF2.06±0.15 b87.73±0.14 a10.20±0.16 d粉(砂)土Silt (sandy) soil1.34±0.01 ab49.30±0.27 b
    RS2.41±0.10 ab66.80±0.35 c30.78±1.38 a粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.34±0.01 ab51.46±0.57 a
    CK2.65±0.07 a75.95±1.48 b21.40±1.44 c粉(砂)壤土Silty (sandy) loam1.35±0.01 a48.41±0.37 b
    同列不同小写字母表示相同土层不同模式间差异显著(P<0.05)。表3同。Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences in same soil layers between different co-cultivations (P<0.05). Same for Table 3.
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    表  3  不同生态模式对稻田土壤pH和养分含量的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of ecological co-cultivations on pH and nutrients in rice paddy soil

    处理TreatmentpH全氮TNTotal nitrogen/(g·kg−1全磷TPTotal phosphorus/ (g·kg−1全钾TKTotal potassium/ (g·kg−1碱解氮ANAvailable Nitrogen/(mg·kg−1)速效磷APAvailable phosphorus/(mg·kg−1)速效钾AKAvailable potassium/(mg·kg−1)
    0–10 cmRD5.47±0.02 b0.97±0.05 a0.70±0.04 a7.77±0.17 a104.43±1.00 a93.27±0.65 a120.00±0.58 a
    RF5.00±0.04 c0.81±0.02 b0.68±0.03 a6.63±0.26 b95.19±1.09 b81.37±1.07 b106.67±1.67 b
    RS5.74±0.01a0.85±0.01 b0.52±0.05 b6.37±0.03 b90.17±0.48 c68.47±0.52 c118.33±1.67 a
    CK4.67±0.01 d0.75±0.02 b0.53±0.01 b6.16±0.09 b84.77±0.52 d54.43±0.65 d118.32±1.67 a
    10–20 cmRD4.63±0.01 c0.91±0.01 a0.67±0.01 a7.03±0.13 a62.40±0.90 a97.17±0.68 a106.67±1.67 b
    RF4.87±0.04 b0.76±0.04 b0.30±0.04 c5.90±0.15 b54.97±0.73 b73.30±1.46 b96.67±1.67 c
    RS5.72±0.01 a0.82±0.03 b0.47±0.03 b5.65±0.13 b47.13±0.47 c42.77±0.33 d131.67±1.67 a
    CK4.24±0.02 d0.66±0.02 c0.43±0.06 b5.63±0.18 b47.83±0.17 c68.47±0.75 c76.67±1.67 d
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    表  4  肥力指标主成分分析

    Table  4.   PCA on soil fertility indicators

    项目Item主成分Principal component
    因子载荷Factor loading
    Z4−容重Bulk density(BD)−0.97−0.05−0.15
    Z13−有机碳Soil organic carbon(SOC)0.960.070.13
    Z5−孔隙度Porosity (SP)0.94−0.24−0.07
    Z16−胡敏素碳Humin carbon(HMC)0.91−0.120.29
    Z7−全氮Total nitrogen(TN)0.890.150.03
    Z9−全钾Total potassium (TK)0.790.560.20
    Z10−碱解氮Alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen(AN)0.750.240.36
    Z12−速效钾Available potassium (AK)0.69−0.45−0.22
    Z8−全磷Total phosphorus (TP)0.690.49−0.04
    Z15−富里酸碳Fulvic acid carbon(FAC)0.260.75−0.37
    Z14−胡敏酸碳Humic acid carbon( HAC)0.49−0.730.26
    Z11−速效磷Available phosphorus(AP)0.360.690.41
    贡献率Variance /%50.4220.9915.39
    累积贡献率Cumulative contribution/%50.4271.4186.80
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    表  5  不同生态模式稻田土壤肥力综合得分

    Table  5.   Comprehensive fertility scores of paddy soil under ecological co-cultivations

    处理Treatment第一主成分 ( F1)The primary principal component 第二主成分得分( F2) The secondary principal component 第三主成分得分( F3)The third principal component 综合得分(F)Composite scores
    0–10 cmRD4.8711.811−0.0826.601
    10–20 cmRD0.0721.991−0.4921.571
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