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吴凤英 童晨晓 张伟婷 刘东明 何峥旋 毛艳玲

吴凤英,童晨晓,张伟婷,等. 烟秆与竹炭基肥对植烟土壤碳氮组分及微生物的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(1):109−115 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.01.014
引用本文: 吴凤英,童晨晓,张伟婷,等. 烟秆与竹炭基肥对植烟土壤碳氮组分及微生物的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(1):109−115 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.01.014
WU F Y, TONG C X, CHEN Y L, et al. Effects of Tobacco Stalk Biochar- and Bamboo Biochar-based Fertilizers on Carbon, Nitrogen, and Microbes in Soil of Tobacco Field [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(1):109−115 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.01.014
Citation: WU F Y, TONG C X, CHEN Y L, et al. Effects of Tobacco Stalk Biochar- and Bamboo Biochar-based Fertilizers on Carbon, Nitrogen, and Microbes in Soil of Tobacco Field [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(1):109−115 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.01.014


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.01.014
基金项目: 福建省科技厅高校产学研联合创新项目(2021N5002);福建省林业科技推广项目(2020TG17);福建省财政厅科技专项资金项目(〔2022〕639号)




  • 中图分类号: S 154

Effects of Tobacco Stalk Biochar- and Bamboo Biochar-based Fertilizers on Carbon, Nitrogen, and Microbes in Soil of Tobacco Field

  • 摘要:   目的  通过大田试验,研究烟秆和竹炭基肥施用对植烟土壤碳氮组分及微生物的影响,为提升植烟土壤质量提供依据。  方法  设置不施肥、烟草专用肥、烟秆炭基肥及竹炭基肥4个处理,研究烟秆与竹炭基肥施用后植烟土壤pH、碳、氮组分变化规律及其对酶活性、微生物群落的影响。  结果  与烟草专用肥处理相比,施用烟秆炭基肥和竹炭基肥,土壤pH均提高0.5个单位以上,可溶性有机碳含量分别提高21.4%和30.7%,易氧化有机碳含量分别提高32.4%和17.9%,可溶性有机氮含量分别提高50.7%和37.7%,颗粒有机氮含量分别提高28.0%和12.7%,土壤蔗糖酶活性分别提高9.4%和3.6%,微生物量碳含量均提高30%以上。烟秆炭基肥处理土壤细菌群落Chao1指数与烟草专用肥处理和竹炭基肥处理相比分别显著提高5.4%和3.2%,而三者间的土壤细菌群落Observed species和Shannon指数无显著差异。烟秆和竹炭基肥处理均影响土壤细菌群落组成结构,变形菌门与不施肥处理相比分别下降5.0%和3.4%。与烟草专用肥处理相比,竹炭基肥处理厚壁菌门丰度提高18.3%,烟秆炭基肥处理玫瑰弯菌属丰度提升64.8%。  结论  烟秆炭基肥及竹炭基肥均可提高土壤碳、氮组分含量,土壤酶活性和微生物群落丰度,进而优化土壤细菌群落结构。与竹炭基肥相比,烟秆炭基肥对改善土壤环境的效果更为明显。
  • 图  1  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理对土壤微生物量碳、氮和酶的影响

    Figure  1.  Effects of TBF and BBF treatments on soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, and enzymes

    图  2  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理土壤细菌群落分布PCA分析

    Figure  2.  PCA on microbial distribution in soil treated with TBF or BBF

    图  3  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理对土壤细菌门水平主要菌群相对丰度的影响

    Figure  3.  Effects of TBF or BBF treatments on relative abundance of major flora in soils at phylum level

    图  4  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理对土壤细菌属水平主要菌群相对丰度的影响

    Figure  4.  Effects of TBF or BBF treatments on relative abundance of major flora in soils at genus level

    表  1  生物炭基本理化性质

    Table  1.   Basic physiochemical properties of biochar

    Test material
    Specific surface area/(m2·g−1)
    烟秆炭 Tobacco stem biochar9.74645.2022.132.53118.5810.12
    竹炭 Bamboo biochar11.2774.473.902.204.106.40
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    表  2  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理对土壤不同生育期pH的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of TBF and BBF on soil pH at tobacco growth stages

    Rooting stage
    Prosperous period
    Mature period
    CK5.07±0.03 a4.91±0.01 b4.84±0.05 b
    F4.59±0.05 b4.55±0.05 c4.50±0.07 c
    YBF5.18±0.06 a5.09±0.09 a5.03±0.04 a
    ZBF5.20±0.07 a5.07±0.04 a5.01±0.02 a
    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between treatments (p<0.05).The same below.
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    表  3  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理对土壤碳氮组分的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of TBF and BBF treatments on soil carbon and nitrogen

    处理 TreatmentSOC/(g·kg−1)DOC/(g·kg−1)LOC/(g·kg−1)POC/(g·kg−1)DON/(mg·kg−1)PON/(mg·kg−1)NH4+-N/(mg·kg−1)NO3-N/(mg·kg−1)
    CK14.41±0.27 c0.47±0.0 1b2.38±0.05 d2.86±0.10 d19.43±2.22 b169.87±7.06 d6.32±1.27 c1.14±0.04 c
    F14.62±0.36 c0.50±0.02 b2.87±0.05 c3.10±0.06 c25.75±3.07 b208.26±4.70 c9.17±0.31 c4.97±0.36 a
    YBF15.38±0.09 b0.61±0.01 a3.80±0.11 a3.66±0.06 a38.83±3.91 a266.56±6.22 a29.38±2.86 a2.63±0.19 b
    ZBF16.16±0.33 a0.65±0.03 a3.38±0.25 b3.40±0.13 b35.45±4.89 a234.66±7.55 b22.30±1.48 b2.58±0.18 b
    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between treatments (p<0.05).The same below.
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    表  4  烟秆和竹炭基肥处理土壤细菌群落alpha多样性

    Table  4.   Alpha diversity of microbial community in soil treated with TBF or BBF

    Chao1 index
    Observed species
    Shannon index
    CK 4022.74±50.92 d 2736.40±93.64 b 9.59±0.16 b
    F 4070.07±48.52 bc 2823.60±40.32 ab 9.76±0.15 ab
    YBF 4291.49±51.99 a 2905.73±51.17 a 9.86±0.10 ab
    ZBF 4160.59±23.85 b 2945.60±38.34 a 10.04±0.09 a
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