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江兴华. 不同组合猪繁殖与呼吸综合征疫苗对仔猪的免疫效果研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1117−1125 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.002
引用本文: 江兴华. 不同组合猪繁殖与呼吸综合征疫苗对仔猪的免疫效果研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1117−1125 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.002
JIANG X H. Immune Effect of Different Vaccine Combinations of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome On Piglets [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1117−1125 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.002
Citation: JIANG X H. Immune Effect of Different Vaccine Combinations of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome On Piglets [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1117−1125 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.002


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.002
基金项目: 福州市科技创新平台项目(2021-P-036);福建省科技重大专项(2021NZ029008)


  • 中图分类号: S 852

Immune Effect of Different Vaccine Combinations of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome On Piglets

  • 摘要:   目的  设计猪繁殖与呼吸综合征PRRS活疫苗与灭活疫苗4种不同组合方式免疫仔猪,最大限度地发挥其对仔猪的免疫效果,为生产上制定PRRS的疫苗防控方案提供参考。  方法  制定4组不同组合的PRRS疫苗免疫方案,筛选 25头28~35 d仔猪,随机分成5组。A组为使用PRRS活疫苗(CH-1R株)A进行一免,每头注射2 mL(含1头份),间隔14 d使用PRRS灭活疫苗(CH-1a株)A进行二免,每头肌肉注射2 mL;B组免疫同A组,只是一免用PRRS活疫苗(CH-1R株)B,二免用PRRS灭活疫苗(CH-1a株)B;C组为一免与二免均使用PRRS灭活疫苗(CH-1a株)A,两次免疫间隔14 d,每次肌肉注射2 mL;D组为一免与二免均使用PRRS灭活疫苗(CH-1a株)B,其他方法同C组;E组为未免对照组。各组均于免疫前、一免后1、3、5、7 d进行采外周血检测细胞因子含量(IL-2、IFN-γ、IFN-α、TNF-α),于一免前、一免后14 d、二免后7、14、21、28 d进行采血检测免疫后抗体水平(GP5蛋白与N蛋白抗体),各组于二免后28 d进行攻毒,攻毒后21 d内观察体温变化,21d后进行剖检观察肺脏的病变。  结果  各免疫组一免后细胞因子含量发生不同的变化,对照组IL-2随日龄的增大有明显的下降,A、B组在3 d时显著高于其他免疫组;C、D组的IFN-γ含量在3、5、7 d时均显著高于A、B组;B组的 IFN-α含量在一免后3、5、7 d时显著高于其他组,A组的TNF-α含量在7 d时显著高于其他组。攻毒后对照组的体温上升快且高,高温持续期长,B组温度上升幅度小,较快降至常温。免后不同时间抗体水平、抗体阳性率、攻毒保护率B组均最高。  结论  PRRS活疫苗与灭活疫苗组合在仔猪上的免疫效果优于PRRS疫苗组合组,B厂家疫苗免疫组免疫效果优于A厂家免疫组。
  • 图  1  不同时间点各组IL-2含量变化


    Figure  1.  Changes of IL-2 content in each group at different time points

    1)Comparisons between groups at different time points were represented by lowercase letters, with different letters representing significant differences (P<0.05). 2) A, B, C, D and E represent different immune groups, and their immune information is shown in Table 1. The same as Fig. 2, 3, 4.

    图  2  不同时间点各组IFN-γ含量变化

    Figure  2.  Changes of IFN-γ content in each group at different time points

    图  3  不同时间点各组IFN-α含量变化

    Figure  3.  Changes of IFN-α content in each group at different time points

    图  4  不同时间点各组TNF-α含量变化

    Figure  4.  Changes of TNF-α content in each group at different time points

    图  5  不同组免后GP5蛋白抗体水平

    1-14 d代表一免后14 d,2-7 d代表二免后7 d,2-14 d,代表二免后14 d,2-21 d,代表二免后21 d,2-28 d代表二免后28 d。

    Figure  5.  GP5 protein antibody levels in different groups after immunization

    1-14 d represents the 14th day after the first immunization,2-7 d represents the 7th day after the second immunization,2-14 d represents the 14th day after the second immunization,2-21 d represents the 21st day after the second immunization,2-28 d represents the 28th day after the second immunization.

    图  6  不同组免后N蛋白抗体水平

    1-14 d代表1免后14 d,2-7 d代表2免后7 d,2-14 d,代表2免后14 d,2-21 d,代表2免后21 d,2-28 d代表2免后28 d

    Figure  6.  N protein antibody levels in different groups after immunization

    1-14 d represents the 14th day after the first immunization,2-7 d represents the 7th day after the second immunization,2-14 d represents the 14th day after the second immunization,2-21 d represents the 21st day after the second immunization,2-28 d represents the 28th day after the second immunization

    图  7  各组攻毒后体温变化曲线

    Figure  7.  Body temperature change curve of each group after challenge

    图  8  各组攻毒后肺脏病变情况

    Figure  8.  Lung lesions in each group after challenge

    表  1  各组免疫信息

    Table  1.   Information table of immune in each group

    Total /头
    The first immunization
    第二次免疫(一免后14 d)
    Second immunization
    (14 days after the first immunization)
    Immune type
    Immune type
    A组 A Group 5 PRRS活疫苗(A) 肌注 2 PRRS灭活疫苗(A) 肌注 2
    B组 B Group 5 PRRS活疫苗(B) 肌注 2 PRRS灭活疫苗(B) 肌注 2
    C组 C Group 5 PRRS灭活疫苗(A) 肌注 2 PRRS灭活疫苗(A) 肌注 2
    D组 D Group 5 PRRS灭活疫苗(B) 肌注 2 PRRS灭活疫苗(B) 肌注 2
    E组 E Group 5 灭菌生理盐水 肌注 2 灭菌生理盐水 肌注 2
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    表  2  相关引物序列表

    Table  2.   Sequence table of related primers

    Primers names
    Sequences (5′-3′)
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    表  3  不同疫苗组免疫后GP5蛋白抗体阳性率

    Table  3.   Positive rates of antibodies against GP5 proteins after immunization in different groups (单位:%)

    Before first immunization
    一免后14 d
    14th d after first immunization
    二免后7 d
    7th d after second immunization
    二免后14 d
    14th d after second immunization
    二免后21 d
    21th d after second immunization
    二免后28 d
    28th d after second immunization
    A组 Group A 0 0 20 60 80 100
    B组 Group B 0 0 20 80 100 100
    C组 Group C 0 0 0 0 20 20
    D组 Group D 0 0 20 20 40 60
    E组(对照)Group E (Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0
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    表  4  不同疫苗组免疫后N蛋白抗体阳性率

    Table  4.   Positive rate of N protein antibody in different groups after immunization (单位:%)

    Before the first immunization
    一免后14 d
    14th d after the first immunization
    二免后7 d
    7thd after second immunization
    二免后14 d
    14thd after second immunization
    二免后21 d
    21thd after second immunization
    二免后28 d
    28th d after second immunization
    A组 Group A 0 0 40 60 100 100
    B组 Group B 0 0 60 80 100 100
    C组 Group C 0 0 0 20 20 40
    D组 Group D 0 0 20 40 60 60
    E组(对照)Group E (Control) 0 0 0 0 0 0
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    表  5  不同组攻毒保护率

    Table  5.   Challenge protection rate of different groups

    Challenge protection rate/%
    A组 Group A80
    B组 Group B100
    C组 Group C40
    D组 Group D60
    E组(对照) Group E(control)0
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