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刘雨轩 胡宗琪 汪雪蓉 李冬花 王泓钦 赖恭梯 甘代奎 赖呈纯 陈桂信

刘雨轩,胡宗琪,汪雪蓉,等. 杜鹃花开放式组织培养体系的建立及其遗传稳定性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(3):344−353 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.009
引用本文: 刘雨轩,胡宗琪,汪雪蓉,等. 杜鹃花开放式组织培养体系的建立及其遗传稳定性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(3):344−353 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.009
LIU Y X, HU Z Q, WANG X R, et al. A Preliminary Study on Open Tissue Culture and Genetic Stability of Rhododendron Plantlets [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(3):344−353 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.009
Citation: LIU Y X, HU Z Q, WANG X R, et al. A Preliminary Study on Open Tissue Culture and Genetic Stability of Rhododendron Plantlets [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(3):344−353 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.009


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.009
基金项目: 福建省林业科技项目(闽林科便函[2018]26号)



    赖呈纯(1975−),男,博士,副研究员,研究方向:园艺植物生物技术与食品生物技术(Email:lccisland@ 163.com


  • 中图分类号: S 685.21

A Preliminary Study on Open Tissue Culture and Genetic Stability of Rhododendron Plantlets

  • 摘要:   目的  通过向培养基中添加不同种类的抑菌剂,建立锦绣杜鹃开放式组织培养,并以开放式组织培养初代和增殖阶段培育的试管芽苗为材料,探究开放式组织培养体系的遗传稳定性,以期为将来杜鹃花的工厂化育苗提供技术支持。  方法  以锦绣杜鹃当年生枝条的顶芽和带腋芽茎段为试验材料,对外植体的消毒方式以及开放式组织培养初代与增殖培养的阶段培养基抑菌剂的使用浓度进行探索,利用ISSR分子标记技术,检测各时期不同处理的试管芽苗与母本材料间的遗传稳定性。  结果  外植体材料的适宜消毒方式为10% H2O2消毒10~15 min,顶芽存活率61.67%,污染率33.33%,茎段存活率23.33%,污染率68.33%;开放式组织培养阶段,NaClO适宜作为抑菌剂,最适添加量为0.01%,材料存活率62.22%,此时新生叶片细长,数量多,增殖系数为3.067。ISSR分子标记分析表明,不同消毒方式处理的外植体材料、开放式组织培养的各试管芽苗材料以及母本材料间的遗传相似系数均为0.919~0.995,材料间的变异率低,遗传稳定性较好。  结论  初步探索了开放式组织培养用于杜鹃花组织培养工厂化育苗,锦绣杜鹃外植体的适宜消毒方式为10% H2O2消毒10~15 min,顶芽材料的存活率比带腋芽茎段材料高;在开放式组织培养的初代培养和增殖培养阶段,适宜添加0.01% NaClO作为培养基抑菌剂;外植体的不同消毒处理与开放式组织培养,对试管材料遗传稳定性的影响不大。
  • 图  1  不同消毒处理对顶芽材料的影响


    Figure  1.  Effects of disinfection treatments on terminal buds

    Note: Different lower case letters above the column indicate the significant differences in Duncan’s new Multiple-Range test in different processing groups, p<0.05, different subscripts of lowercase letters indicate different processing groups. The same as Fig2-3.

    图  2  不同消毒处理对带腋芽茎段材料的影响

    Figure  2.  Effects of disinfection treatments on stem segments with axillary buds

    图  3  不同抑菌剂对材料生长的影响

    注:1:CK;2:0.3% S106;3:0.01% NaClO;4:0.015% NaClO;5:0.02% NaClO;6:25 mg·L−1 代森锰锌;7:50 mg·L−1 代森锰锌;8:75 mg·L−1 代森锰锌;9:100 mg·L−1 代森锰锌。

    Figure  3.  Effect of antibacterial agents on growth of cut plant tissues

    1: CK; 2: 0.3% S106; 3: 0.01% NaClO; 4: 0.015% NaClO; 5: 0.02% NaClO; 6: 25 mg·L−1 mancozeb; 7: 50 mg·L−1 mancozeb; 8: 75 mg·L−1 mancozeb; 9: 100 mg·L−1 mancozeb。

    图  4  抑菌剂对材料生长的影响

    注:A:CK中生长的材料;B:0.3% S106 中生长的材料;C:0.01% NaClO中生长的材料。

    Figure  4.  Effect of bacteriostatic agent on growth of cut plant tissues

    Note: A: material grown in CK; B: material grown in 0.3% S106; C: material grown in 0.01% NaClO.

    图  5  引物UBC 845电泳结果

    注:1~30:锦绣杜鹃样品(顺序同表1);M:2 000 bp marker

    Figure  5.  Electrophoretic map of UBC primer 845

    Note:1~30: sample of R. pulchrum (in same order as shown in Table 1);M:2 000 bp marker.

    图  6  外植体消毒材料的聚类分析

    Figure  6.  Cluster analysis on bacteriostatic agents

    图  7  开放式培养体系的聚类分析

    Figure  7.  Cluster analysis on open tissue culture

    表  1  遗传稳定性分析材料

    Table  1.   Materials subjected to genetic stability analysis

    Source and treatment method of sample
    Source and treatment method of sample
    1 母本
    Buds of Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet., Untreated
    16 CL7 材料使用400 mg·L−1 ClO2 消毒10 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 400 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 10 min, Incipience media
    2 SY1 材料使用10% H2O2消毒 5 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 10% H2O2 solution for 5 min, Incipience media
    17 CL8 材料使用400 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 20 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 400 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 20 min, Incipience media
    3 SY2 材料使用10% H2O2消毒 10 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 10% H2O2 solution for 10 min, Incipience media
    18 CL9 材料使用400 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 30 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 400 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 30 min, Incipience media
    4 SY3 材料使用10% H2O2消毒 15 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 10% H2O2 solution for 15 min, Incipience media
    19 OPC1 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 100 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 100 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    5 SY4 材料使用12% H2O2消毒 5 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 12% H2O2 solution for 5 min, Incipience media
    20 OPC2 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 75 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 75 mg·L−1mancozeb
    6 SY5 材料使用12% H2O2消毒 10 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 12% H2O2 solution for 10 min, Incipience media
    21 OPC3 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 50 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 50 mg·L−1mancozeb
    7 SY6 材料使用12% H2O2消毒 15 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 12% H2O2 solution for 15 min, Incipience media
    22 OPC4 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 25 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 25 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    8 CN1 材料使用2% NaClO消毒 20 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 2% NaClO solution for 20 min,
    23 OPC5 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 0.01% NaClO
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 0.01% NaClO
    9 CN2 材料使用2% NaClO消毒 30 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 2% NaClO solution for 30 min,
    24 OPC6 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 0.015% NaClO
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 0.015% NaClO
    10 CL1 材料使用200 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 10 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 200 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 10 min, Incipience media
    25 OPC7 开放式初代培养,初代培养基 + 0.02% NaClO
    Open primary culture, Incipience media + 0.02% NaClO
    11 CL2 材料使用200 mg·L−1ClO2消毒 20 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 200 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 20 min, Incipience media
    26 OZZ1 开放式增殖培养,增殖培养基 + 0.01% NaClO
    Open proliferation culture, Proliferation medium + 0.01% NaClO
    12 CL3 材料使用200 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 30 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 200 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 30 min, Incipience media
    27 OZZ2 开放式增殖培养,增殖培养基 + 0.015% NaClO
    Open proliferation culture, Proliferation medium + 0.015% NaClO
    13 CL4 材料使用300 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 10 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 300 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 10 min, Incipience media
    28 OZZ3 开放式增殖培养,增殖培养基 + 0.02% NaClO
    Open proliferation culture, Proliferation medium + 0.02% NaClO
    14 CL5 材料使用300 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 20 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 300 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 20 min, Incipience media
    29 OZZ4 开放式增殖培养,增殖培养基 + 100 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open proliferation culture, Proliferation medium + 100 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    15 CL6 材料使用300 mg·L−1 ClO2消毒 30 min,初代培养基
    Material disinfected by 300 mg·L−1ClO2 solution for 30 min, Incipience media
    30 OZZ5 开放式增殖培养,增殖培养基 + 75 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    Open proliferation culture, Proliferation medium + 75 mg·L−1 mancozeb
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    表  2  不同ZT含量对材料增殖系数的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of ZT content on proliferation coefficient of materials

    Content of
    Multiplication coefficient
    10 d20 d30 d
    Stem segment with
    axillary bud
    0 1.250 1.750 1.750
    1.5 1.400 1.643 2.000
    2.0 1.000 2.222 2.389
    2.5 1.000 2.313 2.500
    3.0 1.385 2.333 2.944
    Terminal bud
    0 1.000 1.000 1.000
    1.5 1.000 1.000 1.000
    2.0 1.000 1.000 1.000
    2.5 1.000 1.000 1.000
    3.0 1.000 1.000 1.000
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    表  3  开放式增殖培养对材料的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of open tissue culture on materials

    Content of
    bacteriostatic agent
    10 d20 d30 d
    Stem segment with
    axillary bud
    0.01% NaClO 1.667 1.815 3.067
    0.015% NaClO 1.364 1.636 1.333
    0.02% NaClO 1.333 1.333 1.000
    100 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    100 m·L−1 mancozeb
    1.667 1.815 2.667
    75 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    75 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    1.167 2.000 2.526
    Terminal bud
    0.01% NaClO 1.000 1.000 1.000
    0.015% NaClO 1.000 1.000 1.000
    0.02% NaClO 1.000 1.000 1.000
    100 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    100 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    1.000 1.000 1.000
    75 mg·L−1代森锰锌
    75 mg·L−1 mancozeb
    1.000 1.000 1.000
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    表  4  13条ISSR引物的碱基序列扩增

    Table  4.   Base sequence amplification of 13 ISSR primers

    Serial name
    Percentage of
    UBC 810 (GA)8T 7 2 28.57
    UBC 811 (GA)8C 10 0 0.00
    UBC 815 (CT)8G 8 1 12.50
    UBC 816 (CA)8T 10 4 40.00
    UBC 823 (TC)8C 8 1 12.50
    UBC 826 (AC)8C 9 0 0.00
    UBC 827 (AC)8G 6 2 33.33
    UBC 834 (AG)8YT 9 2 22.22
    UBC 835 (AG)8YC 9 3 33.33
    UBC 840 (GA)8YT 8 3 37.50
    UBC 845 (CT)8RG 10 8 80.00
    UBC 847 (CA)8RC 7 1 14.29
    UBC 857 (AC)8YG 9 2 22.22
    总计 Total 110 29
    平均 Average 8.46 2.23 26.36
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-09-01
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