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高慧芳 许佳音 孟婷 陈金绍 邱君志 张重义 张燎原

高慧芳,许佳音,孟婷,等. 太子参根际土壤微生物多样性及其与土壤主要理化因子的相关性 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(3):345−357 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.014
引用本文: 高慧芳,许佳音,孟婷,等. 太子参根际土壤微生物多样性及其与土壤主要理化因子的相关性 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(3):345−357 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.014
GAO H F, XU J Y, MENG T, et al. Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil of Pseudostellaria heterophylla and Its Correlation with Main Soil Physicochemical Factor [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(3):345−357 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.014
Citation: GAO H F, XU J Y, MENG T, et al. Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil of Pseudostellaria heterophylla and Its Correlation with Main Soil Physicochemical Factor [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(3):345−357 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.014


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.014
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(81673542)





  • 中图分类号: Q 93; Q 49.745.8

Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil of Pseudostellaria heterophylla and Its Correlation with Main Soil Physicochemical Factor

  • 摘要:   目的  探究不同区域栽培太子参产生连作效应的潜在原因。  方法  采用高通量测序对柘荣县5个样地的太子参根际土壤进行微生物群落结构及多样性分析。  结果  土壤真菌的有效序列共744 331条,聚类后获得1314个真菌分类单元;获得细菌1032029条有效序列,聚类后获得10310个细菌分类单元。5个样地的共有OTU数明显多于每个样地特有的OTU数,表明不同样地的太子参根际土壤微生物群落趋势大致相同。α多样性分析表明,不同样地根际土壤微生物群落组成及丰度之间有明显差异,Ⅳ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ样地的物种丰度较高,而Ⅴ、Ⅲ样地的物种丰度较低。典范对应分析表明土壤化学性质和根系分泌物酚酸类物质影响太子参根际土壤微生物的群落分布。5个样地中都鉴定到镰刀菌属等致病真菌,且致病菌的含量与根际土壤其他微生物物种数呈反比,暗示镰刀菌影响太子参根际土壤其他微生物物种数。  结论  太子参连作效应及其病害的成因很大程度上归因于其根系分泌物参与调控的根际微生物菌群结构和多样性演变,导致病原菌增多。
  • 图  1  真菌和细菌的OTU丰度及韦恩图(AB:箱线图;CD:韦恩图)


    Figure  1.  OTU richness and Venn diagrams on fungi and bacteria in rhizosphere soil (AB: Box-plot; CD: Venn diagrams)

    Note: *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.

    图  2  主坐标分析太子参根际土壤真菌和细菌群落差异

    Figure  2.  Principal coordinates analysis on fungi and bacteria communities in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    图  3  UPGMA聚类分析

    Figure  3.  Cluster analysis of UPGMA

    图  4  太子参根际土壤优势微生物群落组成


    Figure  4.  Compositions of dominant microbial communities in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    Note: A: fungi community at phylum level; B: bacteria community at phylum level; C: fungi heatmap at genus level; D: bacteria heatmap at genus level.

    图  5  太子参根际差异微生物共变化网络图


    Figure  5.  Co-occurrent network of microorganisms in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    Note: A: fungi; B: bacteria

    图  6  太子参根际土壤微生物群落分布、化学性质和酚酸物质的典范对应分析


    Figure  6.  Canonical correspondence analysis on community distribution, chemical properties and phenolic acids in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    Note: OM: organic matter; TN: total nitrogen; TP: total phosphorus; TK: total potassium; NH4+: ammonium nitrogen; AP: available phosphorus; AK: available potassium; Fe: iron element; Mn: manganese element; Zn: zinc element; Cu: copper element; VaA: vanillic acid; SyA: syringic acid; Van: vanillin; pHA: p-Hydroxybenzoic acid: pCA: p-Coumaric acid; FeA: ferulic acid; BeA: benzoic acid; SaA: salicylic acid; CiA: cinnamic acid.

    表  1  太子参根际土壤样品信息

    Table  1.   Information on soils sampled from rhizosphere of P. heterophylla habitats

    Collection places
    Sampling conditions
    柘荣县英山乡油麻厝村 Youmacuo Village, Yingshan Township, Zherong CountyN27°16′42″ E119°49′2″一年生 annual
    柘荣县东源乡鸳鸯头村 Yuanyangtou Village, Dongyuan Township, Zherong CountyN27°10′17″ E119°56′42″一年生 annual
    柘荣县东源乡绸岭村 Chouling Village, Dongyuan Township, Zherong CountyN27°11′20″ E119°55′3″一年生 annual
    柘荣县东源乡东源村 Dongyuan Village, Dongyuan Township, Zherong CountyN27°13′1″ E119°53′40″一年生 annual
    柘荣县乍洋乡束刘厝村 Shuliucuo Village, Zhayang Township, Zherong CountyN27°11′54″ E119°59′43″一年生 annual
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    表  2  样品α多样性指数

    Table  2.   α diversity indices on 5 rhizosphere soil samples at P. heterophylla habitats

    微生物 Microbe样本 Samples物种丰富度指数 Observed_species香农指数 Shannon辛普森指数 SimpsonChao1指数 Chao1
    细菌 Bacteria5016.67ab10.51a1.00a6403.94ab
    真菌 Fungi470.00a6.09a0.97a565.75a
    注:同列数据后字母分别表示差异显著(P<0.05). 表58同.
    Note: Data with letters on same column indicate significant difference (P<0.05). Same for Table 5-8.
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    表  3  不同样地太子参根际土壤真菌群落中前20种优势分类单元及其相对丰度

    Table  3.   Top 20 dominant taxa and their relative abundance of fungi community in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    属名 Genus相对丰度 Relative abundance /%
    子囊菌门_未分类 Ascomycota_unclassified 12.98 a 14.06 a 3.13 a 12.37 a 24.03 a
    未鉴定 unidentified 14.85 a 13.25 ab 4.96 b 17.16 a 8.03 ab
    被孢霉菌属 Mortierella 20.14 a 9.03 b 6.78 b 11.65 b 6.13 b
    粪壳菌纲_未分类 Sordariomycetes_unclassified 3.44 a 6.54 a 15.03 a 1.72 a 26.65 a
    腐质霉属 Humicola 7.14 a 6.06 a 4.60 a 3.93 a 7.25 a
    赤霉属 Gibberella 1.74 a 2.99 b 2.96 b 9.45 a 1.90 b
    瘦脐菇属 Rickenella 0.01 a 0.00 a 17.27 a 1.18 a 0.00 a
    捷别尔达孢属 Teberdinia 3.51 ab 0.95 b 0.07 b 7.59 a 0.16 b
    双担菌属 Geminibasidium 0.01 b 0.00 b 10.59 a 0.15 b 0.00 b
    粪壳菌目_未分类 Sordariales_unclassified 1.98 bc 3.93 a 0.06 d 3.05 ab 1.00 cd
    隐球菌属 Cryptococcus 3.52 a 1.00 b 2.27 ab 0.59 b 1.16 b
    正青霉属 Eupenicillium 2.69 a 1.67 a 1.42 a 0.84 a 1.70 a
    稻曲菌属 Villosiclava 2.74 a 2.53 a 0.07 b 2.22 a 0.11 b
    粉褶蕈属 Entoloma 0.19 a 7.24 a 0.02 a 0.03 a 0.10 a
    柄孢壳属 Podospora 3.75 a 1.76 ab 0.87 ab 0.22 b 0.31 b
    真菌_未分类 Fungi_unclassified 0.02 a 1.53 a 1.66 a 1.94 a 0.06 a
    肉座菌属 Hypocrea 0.31 a 0.34 a 0.36 a 1.29 a 2.44 a
    毛壳菌属 Chaetomium 0.22 b 0.33 b 0.90 b 2.18 a 0.23 a
    镰刀菌属 Fusarium 0.57 a 0.69 a 0.06 a 1.66 a 0.40 a
    田头菇属 Agrocybe 0.51 a 0.21 a 0.11 a 0.23 a 0.25 a
    Note: Data with letters on same row indicate significant difference (P<0.05). Same for Table 4.
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    表  4  不同样地太子参根际土壤细菌群落中前20种优势分类单元及其相对丰度

    Table  4.   Top 20 dominant taxa and their relative abundance of bacteria community in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    属名 Genus相对丰度 Relative abundance/%
    酸杆菌 Gp1 8.28a 9.13a 5.91a 8.98a 5.51a
    厚壁菌门_未分类 Firmicutes_unclassified 2.26b 3.19b 6.20a 4.60ab 4.40ab
    黄单胞菌科_未分类 Xanthomonadaceae_unclassified 3.25a 1.33a 3.73a 2.14a 8.35a
    绿弯菌门_未分类 Chloroflexi_unclassified 3.79a 3.02a 3.76a 3.28a 2.75a
    β-变形菌纲_未分类 Betaproteobacteria_unclassified 3.58a 3.36ab 1.94b 3.33ab 2.61ab
    罗河杆菌属 Rhodanobacter 2.48ab 0.20b 7.51a 0.34b 3.67ab
    γ-变形菌纲_未分类 Gammaproteobacteria_unclassified 3.22a 1.83b 2.63b 3.41a 2.57ab
    细菌_未分类 Bacteria_unclassified 2.20a 2.73a 2.83a 2.90a 2.49a
    芽单孢菌属 Gemmatimonas 3.13a 3.76a 1.70a 2.06a 2.34a
    放线菌目_未分类 Actinomycetales_unclassified 2.03ab 1.09c 5.72a 1.47ab 2.20a
    酸杆菌 Gp3 2.50a 2.77a 1.66a 3.28a 2.12a
    红螺菌科_未分类 Rhodospirillaceae_unclassified 1.32b 2.02ab 3.62a 2.51ab 1.55b
    根瘤菌目_未分类 Rhizobiales_unclassified 2.09a 2.34a 2.00a 2.31a 2.21a
    红螺菌目_未分类 Rhodospirillales_unclassified 1.76b 1.50b 3.84a 2.16b 1.46b
    纤线杆菌属 Ktedonobacter 2.51a 1.72ab 1.33b 1.71ab 2.57a
    酸杆菌 Gp2 1.75ab 2.14b 1.01c 3.29a 1.34ab
    酸杆菌门_酸杆菌_未分类 Acidobacteria_Gp1_unclassified 2.21a 1.84ab 2.01ab 1.42bc 1.23c
    勒氏菌属 Gaiella 1.36a 1.23a 2.06a 1.96a 1.81a
    放线菌纲_未分类 Actinobacteria_unclassified 2.44a 1.72ab 1.31b 1.96ab 0.95b
    未命名 WPS-2_genera_incertae_sedis 1.51a 1.16a 1.68a 1.16a 1.12a
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    表  5  不同样地太子参根际土壤化学性质

    Table  5.   Chemical properties of rhizosphere soil from P. heterophylla habitats

    Organic matter/
    Total N/
    Total P/
    Total K/
    Ammonium N/
    Available P/
    Available K/
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    表  6  不同样地太子参根际土壤中有效态微量元素的含量

    Table  6.   Content of available trace elements in rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla habitats

    Available Mn/(mg·kg−1
    Available Cu/(mg·kg−1
    Available Zn/(mg·kg−1
    Available Fe/(mg·kg−1
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    表  7  不同样地太子参根系分泌物酚酸的含量

    Table  7.   Content of phenolic acids in root exudates of P. heterophylla at different locations

    Vanillic acid/(mg·kg−1
    Syringic acid/(mg·kg−1
    p-Hydroxybenzoic acid/(mg·kg−1
    p-Coumaric acid/(mg·kg−1
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    表  8  不同样地太子参根系分泌物酚酸的含量

    Table  8.   Content of phenolic acids in root exudates of P. heterophylla at different locations

    Ferulic acid/(mg·kg−1
    Benzoic Acid/(mg·kg−1
    Salicylic acid/(mg·kg−1
    Cinnamic acid/(mg·kg−1
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