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刘晓菲 甘芸 刘利华 赵建伟 黄建成 郑宇

刘晓菲,甘芸,刘利华,等. 黄龙病罹病柑橘叶片内生细菌和内生真菌群落结构多样性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):59−66 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.009
引用本文: 刘晓菲,甘芸,刘利华,等. 黄龙病罹病柑橘叶片内生细菌和内生真菌群落结构多样性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):59−66 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.009
LIU X F, GAN Y, LIU L H, et al. High-throughput Sequencing Analysis on Diversity of Bacterial and Fungal Endophytes on Huanglongbing-infected Citrus Plants [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):59−66 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.009
Citation: LIU X F, GAN Y, LIU L H, et al. High-throughput Sequencing Analysis on Diversity of Bacterial and Fungal Endophytes on Huanglongbing-infected Citrus Plants [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):59−66 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.009


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.009
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2017R1025-4);福建省农业科学院青年人才创新基金(YC2017-11);福建省财政专项——福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设项目(STIT2017-1-8)




  • 中图分类号: S 435

High-throughput Sequencing Analysis on Diversity of Bacterial and Fungal Endophytes on Huanglongbing-infected Citrus Plants

  • 摘要:   目的  比较健康、罹病柑橘叶片在温室条件下内生菌群落结构差异,以及同一植株不同罹病程度叶片的内生菌群落结构差异,分析黄龙病侵染相关的内生细菌和内生真菌种群动态变化,为柑橘黄龙病菌的共培养和病原学研究提供依据。  方法  通过引物对OI1/OI2c对植株染黄龙病的状态进行检验,以健康和不同罹病程度(无症绿色、斑驳黄化、均匀黄化)的柑橘叶片为样本,通过对细菌16S rRNA和真菌rDNA-ITS序列的高通量测序,将得到的内生细菌和内生真菌的数据进行聚类和多样性分析。  结果  4组样品分别通过聚类获得13个门类、22个纲、57个目、101个科、208个属的细菌,以及2个门类、12个纲、24个目、43个科、43个属的真菌。黄龙病菌的相对丰度随着叶片罹病程度的加深而增加。健康组和罹病组共有的细菌优势菌属为甲基细胞菌属、1174-901-12属。Sphingomonas属为健康组的优势菌属。AlphaI cluster属和Hymenobacter属的相对丰度随黄龙病的入侵增加。健康组和罹病组共有的真菌优势菌属为横断孢属,Zasmidium属和Trichomerium属只为罹病组的次优势菌属。Zymoseptoria属的相对丰度与黄龙病菌呈正相关。  结论  黄龙病菌的侵入改变了植株内生细菌和内生真菌的群落结构和多样性,健康组和罹病组的内生细菌、内生真菌群落结构多样性存在明显差异,其优势及次优势菌属及其相对丰度也有存在差异。高通量测序对植物样本的直接检测能有效避开前人使用传统检测的短板,获得包括难培养、低丰度菌群在内更完整的内生菌群落结构,为更系统分析与黄龙病菌入侵生长相关内生菌和寻找其潜在伴生菌的研究提供依据。
  • 图  1  染黄龙病叶片采样


    Figure  1.  Sampling of HLB-diseased leaves

    Note: H: healthy leaves; G: green leaves on diseased plant; M: yellow-mottled leaves on diseased plant; Y: yellow leaves on diseased plant.

    图  2  各样品黄龙病菌检测电泳结果


    Figure  2.  Electrophoresis of PCR products of HLB pathogens

    Note: M, Marker; D1–D9: huanglongbing-affected plants; H1–H9: healthy plants, P: positive control (huanglongbing-confirmed plant); N: negative control (water).

    图  3  各组别的黄龙病菌相对丰度ANOVA分析


    Figure  3.  ANOVA for relative abundance of HLB pathogens

    Note: H: healthy leaves; G: green leaves on diseased plant; M: yellow-mottled leaves on diseased plant; Y: yellow leaves on diseased plant.

    图  4  OTU数量与分类分布

    注:①a: 内生细菌OTU个数分布图,b: 内生真菌OTU个数分布图,c: 健康组H与罹病组D的内生细菌OTU 韦恩图,d :健康组H与罹病组D的内生真菌OTU 韦恩图,e: 罹病组的细菌OTU韦恩图,f:罹病组的真菌OTU韦恩图。②D:罹病组叶片,包括G、M和Y。

    Figure  4.  OTU Distribution and Venn graphs

    Note: ① a: OTU distribution of bacterial endophytes; b: OTU distribution of fungal endophytes; c: Venn graphs of bacterial endophytes between healthy (H) and diseased (D) plants; d: Venn graphs of fungal endophytes between H and D; e: Venn graphs of bacterium among D; f: Venn graphs of fungi among D. ②D: leaves on diseased plant including G, M and Y.

    图  5  内生菌Beta多样性分析基于bray-curtis算法的PCoA分析


    Figure  5.  Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot based on Bray-Curtis distance

    Note: a: bacteria; b: fungi. Same for Fig. 6.

    图  6  属水平下物种丰度排名前十的物种分布

    Figure  6.  Abundance (top 10) of endophytes in samples at genera level

    表  1  内生菌alpha多样性指数

    Table  1.   Alpha diversity index of endophytes

    组别 Group 细菌 Bacterium 真菌 Fungi
    H2.0570.253 83.2220.073 6
    G1.733 90.447 62.649 10.182 5
    M2.063 80.285 22.802 70.134 5
    Y2.345 80.212 42.818 60.124 8
    Note: H: healthy leaves; G: green leaves on diseased plant; M: yellow-mottled leaves on diseased plant; Y: yellow leaves on diseased plant.
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    表  2  门水平下物种相对丰度大于0.1%门类

    Table  2.   Abundance of endophytes in samples at phylum level (abundance>0.1%)

    门 PhylumHGMY
    细菌 Bacterium变形菌门 Proteobacteria94.48%94.41%93.97%93.62%
    放线菌门 Actinobacteria2.79%2.50%1.69%1.53%
    厚壁菌门 Firmicutes1.63%1.58%2.06%3.18%
    拟杆菌门 Bacteroidetes0.55%0.79%2.01%1.31%
    真菌 Fungi子囊菌门 Ascomycota80.07%96.34%83.27%91.34%
    担子菌门 Basidiomycota7.23%2.00%7.08%5.66%
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