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崔月峰 卢铁钢 孙国才 王桂艳 王健 黄文佳

崔月峰, 卢铁钢, 孙国才, 王桂艳, 王健, 黄文佳. 秸秆不同还田方式对北方粳稻物质生产和产量的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(6): 630-637. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.06.002
引用本文: 崔月峰, 卢铁钢, 孙国才, 王桂艳, 王健, 黄文佳. 秸秆不同还田方式对北方粳稻物质生产和产量的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(6): 630-637. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.06.002
CUI Yue-feng, LU Tie-gang, SUN Guo-cai, WANG Gui-yan, WANG Jian, HUANG Wen-jia. Effect of Straw Utilization Methods on Japonica Rice Production in Northern China[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(6): 630-637. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.06.002
Citation: CUI Yue-feng, LU Tie-gang, SUN Guo-cai, WANG Gui-yan, WANG Jian, HUANG Wen-jia. Effect of Straw Utilization Methods on Japonica Rice Production in Northern China[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(6): 630-637. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.06.002


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.06.002

国家重点研发计划项目 2017YFD0100502-4

国家重点研发计划项目 2017YFD0300710-A04

国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFD0300305-02

国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项 CARS-01-37


    崔月峰(1984-), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 主要从事水稻育种和栽培研究(E-mail:sncyf552@126.com)


    孙国才(1968-), 男, 研究员, 主要从事水稻育种和示范推广(E-mail:sunguocai1226@sina.com)

  • 中图分类号: S511

Effect of Straw Utilization Methods on Japonica Rice Production in Northern China

  • 摘要:   目的  研究秸秆直接还田和秸秆炭化(即生物炭)还田对北方粳稻物质生产和产量的影响。  方法  以北方超级粳稻沈农265为试材, 采用育苗移栽的种植方式, 设置常规生产、秸秆直接还田(6 t·hm-2)、低量生物炭还田(2 t·hm-2)和高量生物炭还田(40 t·hm-2)等4个处理, 分析沈农265的物质生产及产量差异变化。  结果  与常规生产相比, 秸秆直接还田后粳稻干物质积累不足, 叶输出率和贡献率分别显著降低了41.19%和34.69%, 每穗实粒数、千粒重和有效穗数都呈现出负向效应, 致使产量下降; 高量生物炭还田下干物质积累有下降趋势, 叶和茎鞘输出率分别显著降低了21.41%和17.43%, 每穗实粒数下降; 低量生物炭还田使干物质积累量增加, 叶贡献率显著提高11.68%, 水稻每穗实粒数、千粒重和有效穗数产生正向效应, 有提高产量的潜力。  结论  适宜的秸秆生物炭还田(2 t·hm-2), 有利于促进北方稻区的水稻生产。
  • 图  1  秸秆及生物炭还田对叶干物质积累的影响

    注:图中不同小写字母表示同一发育时期不同处理之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。图 2~3同。

    Figure  1.  Effect of straw or biochar addition on dry matter weight of leave

    Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between treatments at the same developmental stage (P < 0.05). The same as Fig. 2-3.

    图  2  秸秆及生物炭还田对茎鞘干物质积累的影响

    Figure  2.  Effect of straw or biochar addition on dry matter weight of stems and sheaths

    图  3  秸秆及生物炭还田对穗干物质积累的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of straw or biochar addition on dry matter weight of panicle

    表  1  秸秆及生物炭主要理化性质

    Table  1.   Major physical and chemical properties of straws and biochar used in this study





    秸秆Straw 0.87 0.45 2.04 50.36 6.93
    生物炭Biochar 1.28 0.73 1.46 63.27 9.02
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    表  2  秸秆及生物炭还田下抽穗期到成熟期干物质增量(×102 kg·hm-2)差异

    Table  2.   Dry matter increases from heading stage to maturity of rice grains with straw or biochar addition in soil

    干物质增量Dry matter increase
    叶Leaf 茎鞘Stem and sheath 穗Panicle 总量Total
    CK -6.35bc -5.12a 81.81ab 70.34ab
    S -3.80a -5.44a 74.96c 65.72c
    C1 -7.24c -5.09a 83.52a 71.19a
    C2 -5.09ab -4.46a 74.82c 65.27c
    注:同列数据后不同小写字母表示在各处理间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。表 3~4同。
    Note:Different lowercase characters in single column indicate differences (P<0.05) between treatments. The same as Table 3-4.
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    表  3  秸秆及生物炭还田下器官输出率和贡献率差异

    Table  3.   Rates of output and contribution by rice organs with straw or biochar addition in soil

    输出率Output rate/% 贡献率Contribution rate/%
    叶L 茎鞘SS 叶+茎鞘L+SS 叶L 茎鞘SS 叶+茎鞘L+SS
    CK 21.10a 9.03a 13.21a 7.76ab 6.26a 14.02a
    S 12.41c 9.89a 10.79b 5.07c 7.26a 12.32b
    C1 21.54a 8.59ab 13.28a 8.67a 6.09a 14.76a
    C2 16.58b 7.45b 10.55b 6.80bc 5.98a 12.75b
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    表  4  秸秆及生物炭还田下水稻产量及其构成因素差异

    Table  4.   Rice yield and yield components with straw or biochar addition in soil

    Spike lets density
    Spike lets
    Seed setting
    Filled grains/
    Effective panicles
    Grain yield/
    CK 16.87±0.32a 7.87±0.21a 132.77±2.65a 85.40±1.67b 113.30±1.95ab 24.87±0.21a 12.33±0.47a 8318.33±134.28ab
    S 16.53±0.15a 7.93±0.15a 131.13±2.57ab 85.93±2.50b 112.73±2.34ab 24.67±0.40a 12.00±0.46a 7933.13±126.93c
    C1 16.93±0.52a 7.60±0.20a 128.90±3.56ab 90.03±3.06a 115.93±1.53a 25.30±0.36a 12.67±0.15a 8494.87±191.88a
    C2 16.23±0.32a 7.77±0.12a 125.87±2.76b 88.00±1.61ab 110.70±1.77b 25.13±0.51a 12.57±0.35a 8216.10±105.96b
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