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李波 赵永田 高甜甜 金洪 陶科 侯太平

李波, 赵永田, 高甜甜, 金洪, 陶科, 侯太平. 5种植物乙醇提取物抑菌杀虫活性[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(4): 451-457. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.04.012
引用本文: 李波, 赵永田, 高甜甜, 金洪, 陶科, 侯太平. 5种植物乙醇提取物抑菌杀虫活性[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(4): 451-457. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.04.012
LI Bo, ZHAO Yong-tian, GAO Tian-tian, JIN Hong, TAO Ke, HOU Tai-ping. Antibacterial and Insecticidal Activities of Ethanol Plant Extracts[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(4): 451-457. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.04.012
Citation: LI Bo, ZHAO Yong-tian, GAO Tian-tian, JIN Hong, TAO Ke, HOU Tai-ping. Antibacterial and Insecticidal Activities of Ethanol Plant Extracts[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(4): 451-457. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.04.012


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.04.012

“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目子课题 2016YFC0502004


    李波(1992-), 男, 硕士, 主要从事植物天然产物研究(E-mail:931805288@qq.com)


    侯太平(1964-), 男, 博士, 教授, 主要从事植物农药、农药分子设计与仿生合成、生物防治等方面研究(E-mail:houtplab@scu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: Q43

Antibacterial and Insecticidal Activities of Ethanol Plant Extracts

  • 摘要:   目的  研究5种植物乙醇提取物的抑菌杀虫活性,并对杀蝗活性最高的闹羊花提取物进行活性物质的分离,为进一步研究其杀蝗活性物质的结构和其作用机理提供参考。  方法  筛选铁棒锤Aconitum Pendulum、肉豆蔻Myristica fragrans Houtt、(紫丱子)紫铆Butea monosperma(Lan.)Kuntze、翼首草Pterocephalus hookeri和闹羊花Rhododendron mole 5种植物乙醇提取物,分别测定其对植物病原真菌的抑制活性,对蚜虫和东亚飞蝗的毒力;采用连续分级萃取法和柱层析法分离闹羊花的杀蝗活性物质。  结果  肉豆蔻提取物在1 000 mg·L-1质量浓度下对番茄绵腐病菌、苹果轮纹病菌和水稻纹枯病菌的抑制率分别为75.23%、77.78%和88.85%;48 h后闹羊花提取物在2 000 mg·L-1质量浓度下对蚜虫的致死率为55.38%,10 000 mg·L-1下的致死率为100%;闹羊花提取物在10 000 mg·L-1质量浓度下,24 h后对蝗虫的致死率为44.83%,96 h后的致死率为86.96%。从闹羊花提取物中分离得到的活性物质流分Ⅲ-2-2,在1 000 mg·L-1质量浓度下,24 h后对蝗虫的致死率为53.57%,120 h后的致死率为90.48%。  结论  肉豆蔻提取物的抑菌活性最高;闹羊花提取物对蚜虫和蝗虫的毒杀活性最高;闹羊花提取物中杀蝗活性物质集中在石油醚萃取物和二氯甲烷萃取物,从二氯甲烷萃取物中分离得到对蝗虫毒杀活性最高的流分Ⅲ-2-2。
  • 表  1  不同植物乙醇提取物的相对抑菌率

    Table  1.   Antibacterial activity of extracts

    Ethanol extract
    Gibberella zeae
    Physalospora berengeriana
    Fusarium oxysporum
    Helminthosporium maydis
    Pythium aphanidermatum
    Phytopthora infestans
    Rhizoctonia solani
    铁棒锤Aconitum Pendulum 2.59±0.17c 14.59±0.53c 10.02±0.60c 4.72±0.84c 24.77±1.54bc 3.46±0.73c 28.53±1.66bc
    肉豆蔻 Myristica fragrans Houtt 52.78±2.03a 77.78±1.81a 65.49±2.67a 48.76±1.90a 75.23±2.71a 53.05±2.11a 88.85±2.83a
    紫丱子 Butea monosperma(Lan.)Kuntze 10.00±1.90bc - 8.9±0.82c 4.72±0.23c 7.85±0.45d 7.08±0.32c 26.00±2.11c
    翼首草 Pterocephalus hookeri 14.37±1.66b 34.5±2.47b 23.25±2.26b 15.67±1.03b 32.29±1.84b 19.38±2.23b 38.07±3.04b
    闹羊花 Rhododendron molle 5.67±1.49c 15.78±1.56c 7.83±2.38c 20.00±1.60b 21.27±0.75c 12.49±1.88bc 11.78±1.91d
    注:①“-”表示负数;②表内数据系3次重复的统计结果,供试药物质量浓度为1000 mg·L-1,同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。表 2~7同。
    Note:①“-”means negative;② The data was the statistical result of three repetitions, the concentration was 1 000 mg·L-1, different lower-case letters after the same column of data showed significant difference (P < 0.05).The same Table 2-7.
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    表  2  乙醇提取物对蚜虫的致死率

    Table  2.   Lethality of ethanol extracts on aphids

    Ethanol extract
    2000 mg·L-1 5000 mg·L-1 10000 mg·L-1
    铁棒锤 Aconitum Pendulum 29.74±3.54d 39.71±4.47cd 67.79±7.45c
    肉豆蔻 Myristica fragrans Houtt 6.64±2.38e 42.79±6.81c 80.15±5.65b
    紫丱子 Butea monosperma(Lan.)Kuntze 39.81±4.71c 38.46±4.37cd 39.14±5.54d
    翼首草 Pterocephalus hookeri 10.33±3.23e 31.19±5.38d 46.67±5.02d
    闹羊花 Rhododendron molle 55.38±7.26b 78.25±6.83b 100a
    阳性对照Positive control 100a 100a 100a
    注:阳性对照为质量浓度100 mg·L-1的氯虫菊酯。
    Note: The positive control was permethrin with 100 mg·L-1.
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    表  3  乙醇提取物对蝗虫的致死率

    Table  3.   3 Lethality of ethanol extracts on locusts

    Ethanol extract
    校正死亡率Corrected mortality
    24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h
    铁棒锤 Aconitum Pendulum 24.14±2.53b 48.15±2.78b 60±3.54c 65.22±2.60c
    肉豆蔻 Myristica fragrans Houtt 10.34±2.14c 29.63±2.43c 44±1.71d 47.83±3.14d
    紫丱子 Butea monosperma(Lan.)Kuntze 17.24±1.37bc 33.33±2.32c 36±2.61d 39.13±2.38d
    翼首草 Pterocephalus hookeri 13.79±1.64c 25.92±1.37c 40±2.87d 43.48±1.54d
    闹羊花 Rhododendron molle 44.83±2.72a 74.07±3.49a 84±2.11b 86.96±2.66b
    阳性对照Positive control 44.83±2.13a 81.48±3.02a 100a 100a
    注:供试药物质量浓度为10 000 mg·L-1,阳性对照为40 mg·L-1的氟虫腈。
    Note: The concentration was 10 000 mg·L-1, the positive control was fipronil with 40 mg·L-1.
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    表  4  4种萃取物对蝗虫的致死率

    Table  4.   Lethality of extracts on locusts

    Test drug
    校正死亡率Corrected mortality
    24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h
    石油醚萃取物Petroleum etherfraction 40.00±2.54c 55.17±3.32b 67.86±2.83b 70.37±2.71b
    二氯甲烷萃取物Dichloromethanefraction 66.67±3.14a 86.21±2.32a 85.71±2.67a 88.98±2.65a
    乙酸乙酯萃取物Ethyl acetate fraction 13.33±2.74d 13.79±2.75c 10.71±1.32d 14.81±2.04c
    乙醇萃取物Ethanol fraction 3.33±1.60e 3.33±1.60d 7.14±2.56d 14.81±1.92c
    提取物Extract 50.00±1.92b 51.72±2.23b 53.57±1.49c 70.37±3.78b
    注:供试药物质量浓度为4 000 mg·L-1
    Note: The concentration was 4 000 mg·L-1.
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    表  5  第一次柱层析各流分对蝗虫的致死率

    Table  5.   Lethality on locusts of substance separated from 1st column chromatography

    Test drug
    校正死亡率Corrected mortality
    24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h
    3.33±1.03c 10.71±1.78c 17.86±2.32c 23.03±1.90c
    13.33±1.73b 17.24±2.23c 23.08±2.14c 29.17±1.45c
    40.00±2.11a 65.52±3.56a 88.46±2.81a 95.83±2.66a
    3.33±0.54c 27.59±2.47b 34.62±1.91b 45.83±3.04b
    注:供试药物质量浓度为2 000 mg·L-1表 6同。
    Note: The concentration was 2 000 mg·L-1.The same as Table 6.
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    表  6  第二次柱层析各流分对蝗虫的致死活性

    Table  6.   Lethality on locusts of substance separated from 2nd column chromatography

    Test drug
    校正死亡率Corrected mortality
    24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h
    Ⅲ-1 0c 13.64±2.53b 23.08±2.65b 29.17±2.75c
    Ⅲ-2 76.67±2.53a 96.55±2.88a 100.00a 100.00a
    Ⅲ-3 9.33±1.26b 10.34±2.49b 30.77±2.32b 54.17±2.83b
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    表  7  第三次柱层析杀蝗活性验证结果

    Table  7.   Lethality on locusts of substance separated from 3rd column chromatography

    Test drug
    校正死亡率Corrected mortality
    24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 120 h
    Ⅲ-2-1 3.57±1.71b 33.33±2.38b 32±2.26b 30.43±2.84b 33.33±1.83b
    Ⅲ-2-2 53.57±2.71a 70.37±2.53a 72±2.81a 82.61±3.65a 90.48±2.49a
    注:供试药物质量浓度为1 000 mg·L-1
    Note: The concentration was 1 000 mg·L-1.
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