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吴绍军 孟佳丽 王夏雯 姜若勇 余翔

吴绍军, 孟佳丽, 王夏雯, 姜若勇, 余翔. 托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄生长、产量和品质的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(2): 192-197. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.008
引用本文: 吴绍军, 孟佳丽, 王夏雯, 姜若勇, 余翔. 托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄生长、产量和品质的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(2): 192-197. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.008
WU Shao-jun, MENG Jia-li, WANG Xia-wen, JIANG Ruo-yong, YU Xiang. Effects of Solanum torvum Rootstock Grafting on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(2): 192-197. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.008
Citation: WU Shao-jun, MENG Jia-li, WANG Xia-wen, JIANG Ruo-yong, YU Xiang. Effects of Solanum torvum Rootstock Grafting on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(2): 192-197. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.008

江苏省农业三新工程项目 SXGC[2016]265

江苏省创新能力建设专项资金:科技服务骨干机构能力提升项目 2017


    吴绍军(1982-), 男, 硕士, 助理研究员, 研究方向:设施西甜瓜等栽培和育种(E-mail:297321312@qq.com)


    余翔(1983-), 男, 硕士, 副研究员, 研究方向:西甜瓜栽培和育种(E-mail:125485676@qq.com)

  • 中图分类号: S641.204.3

Effects of Solanum torvum Rootstock Grafting on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomato Plants

  • 摘要:   目的  以茄子为砧木嫁接番茄,综合评价茄砧嫁接对番茄生长、产量及品质的影响,进一步明确茄砧嫁接栽培的生物学效应,为该技术的应用提供理论依据。  方法  以托鲁巴姆为砧木,金棚9号为接穗,自根苗为对照,通过蛭石栽培方式,研究茄砧嫁接对番茄生长、产量、肥水利用率和品质的影响。  结果  嫁接后番茄植株的株高降低,叶片数减少,植株根、茎干鲜重降低,根冠比增加,植株光合色素含量增加,根系活力增强,单果重、单株结果数、单株产量降低;嫁接后增加了果实中Vc、可溶性糖含量,降低了可滴定酸,提高了糖酸比;可溶性固形物、番茄红素含量自根苗和嫁接苗无显著差异;嫁接后,降低了植株耗水量和矿质元素的吸收量,提高了水分和矿质元素的利用率。  结论  综合生长、产量、品质等指标,托鲁巴姆嫁接有助于番茄果实品质的提高,在嫁接栽培方面有一定利用价值。
  • 表  1  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄株高和叶片数的影响

    Table  1.   Effects of S. torvum rootstock grafting on plant height and leaf count of tomato plants

    10 d 17 d 24 d 31 d 38 d 45 d
    Plant height/cm
    CK 21.9±0.88a 37.9±1.79a 56.1±2.14a 80.1±5.36a 98.7±5.11a 116.8±5.08a
    T1 22.3±1.25a 32.8±1.39b 46.6±2.45b 66.6±2.91b 83.2±2.22b 99.8±3.62b
    Leaf number
    CK 6.7±0.48a 9.5±0.52a 12.5±0.50ab 15.2±0.63a 18.1±0.94a 20.6±0.66a
    T1 6.5±0.53a 9.1±0.74a 12±0.44b 14.1±0.71b 16.6±0.49b 18.5±0.50b
    注:同列数值不同字母表示差异显著水平达0.05。表 2~8同。
    Note:Statistical analysis was conducted using Duncan's of SAS software. Different letters within a same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. The same as table 2-8.
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    表  2  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄植株干鲜重的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of S. torvum rootstock grafting on fresh and dry weights of tomato plants

    地上部Shoot 地下部Root 根冠比
    Root-shoot ratio
    Fresh weight/(g·plant-1)
    Dry weight/(g·plant -1)
    DM percentage/%
    Fresh weight/(g·plant-1)
    Dry weigh/(g·plant-1)
    DM percentage/%
    Ck 731.5±7.05a 81.6±1.78a 11.2±0.01b 14.5±0.85a 2.0±0.12a 13.9±0.32b 0.021±0.0017b
    T1 344.1±8.08b 46.6±0.45b 13.6±0.02a 9.9±0.33b 1.9±0.08a 19.4±0.28a 0.041±0.0038a
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    表  3  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄光合色素含量和根系活力的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of S. torvum rootstock grafting on photosynthetic pigment content in leaves and root vigor of tomato plants

    Total chlorophyll/(mg·g-1)
    Root vigor/(μg·g-1·h-1)
    CK 1.950±0.069a 0.767±0.037a 2.717±0.011a 0.294±0.016b 37.63±3.584b
    T1 1.944±0.046a 0.729±0.032a 2.673±0.010a 0.319±0.077a 60.42±1.41a
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    表  4  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄单果重和单株产量的影响

    Table  4.   Effects of S. torvum rootstock grafting on fruit weight and yield per plant of tomato plants

    Fruit weight /g
    Fruit number per plant
    Yield per plant/kg
    Yield per 667m2/kg
    CK 229.4±0.02a 11.9±0.12a 2.73±0.10a 8201.3±301.30a
    T1 173.5±0.03b 11.1±0.76a 1.92±0.08b 5744.9±242.76b
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    表  5  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄水分利用率的影响

    Table  5.   Effect of S. torvum rootstock grafting on water utilization of tomato plants

    Water consumption/(m3·plant-1)
    Yield per plant/(kg·plant-1)
    Water use efficiency/(kg·m-3)
    CK 0.0866±0.001a 2.73±0.10a 31.6±0.23a
    T1 0.0551±0.002b 1.92±0.08b 34.8±0.31a
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    表  6  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄植株矿质元素吸收量的影响

    Table  6.   Effect of S. torvum rootstock grafting on mineral absorption of tomato plants

    矿质元素吸收量Absorption of mineral elements/(g·plant-1)
    N P K Ca Mg
    CK 9.82±0.43a 3.22±0.86a 16.21±0.97a 6.74±0.43a 3.52±0.32a
    T1 5.92±0.13b 2.22±0.30b 10.74±0.65b 4.05±0.56b 1.95±0.31b
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    表  7  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄矿质元素利用率的影响

    Table  7.   Effect of S. torvum rootstock grafting on mineral utilization of tomato plants

    矿质元素利用率Mineral element use efficiency/ (kg·g-1)
    N P K Ca Mg
    CK 0.279±0.018b 0.851±0.048a 0.169±0.011a 0.407±0.019b 0.779±0.056b
    T1 0.324±0.014a 0.864±0.029a 0.178±0.003a 0.473±0.041a 0.984±0.019a
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    表  8  托鲁巴姆嫁接对番茄果实营养品质的影响

    Table  8.   Effect of S. torvum rootstock grafting on nutritional quality of tomatoes

    Soluble solid/%
    Vc/(mg·hg-1FW) 可溶性糖
    Soluble sugar/(g·hg-1FW)
    Titratable acid/(g·hg-1FW)
    Sugar-acid ratio
    CK 4.667±0.31a 23.60±0.70b 2.65±0.045b 0.3567±0.047a 7.514±0.86a 5.34±0.41a
    T1 4.993±0.57a 27.23±0.40a 2.89±0.087a 0.3333±0.021a 8.704±0.65a 5.46±0.82a
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