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王加真 张昕昱 金星 黄家春 陈莹莹

王加真, 张昕昱, 金星, 黄家春, 陈莹莹. 红蓝光源茶园夜间补光对春茶产量、品质的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(1): 46-52. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.008
引用本文: 王加真, 张昕昱, 金星, 黄家春, 陈莹莹. 红蓝光源茶园夜间补光对春茶产量、品质的影响[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(1): 46-52. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.008
WANG Jia-zhen, ZHANG Xin-yu, JIN Xin, HUANG Jia-chun, CHENG Ying-ying. Effects of Red and Blue LED Light at Night on Growth and Leaf Quality of Tea Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(1): 46-52. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.008
Citation: WANG Jia-zhen, ZHANG Xin-yu, JIN Xin, HUANG Jia-chun, CHENG Ying-ying. Effects of Red and Blue LED Light at Night on Growth and Leaf Quality of Tea Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(1): 46-52. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.008

教育部留学回国人员科研项目 2015-1098

贵州省科学技术基金项目 J2019-1321

赤水河流域环境保护与山地农业发展协同创新中心 2013-11

贵州省教育厅产学研合作示范基地项目 2015-344

贵州省教育厅自然科学研究项目 2017-052

大学生创新创业训练计划项目 2018520893

贵州省千层次创新性人才培养项目 2018-6


    王加真(1977-), 男, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向:茶树生态与茶叶品质(E-mail:247054993@qq.com)

  • 中图分类号: S571.1

Effects of Red and Blue LED Light at Night on Growth and Leaf Quality of Tea Plants

  • 摘要:   目的  探索红蓝LED光源补光对贵州茶区春茶产量和品质的影响,为春茶高品质栽培提供理论依据。  方法  通过随机区组试验,设夜间不补光(CK)、LED1(红蓝光质比0.81)补光、LED2(红蓝光质比1.65)补光和LED3(红蓝光质比2.10)补光等4种处理,于茶树新梢开始生长时进行不同光源补光处理(21d),研究不同光源补光对春季茶树芽叶生长和品质的影响。  结果  不同补光处理均能促进茶树芽叶生长及提高茶叶品质,不同红蓝光质比表现不同,其中以蓝光占比最大的LED1处理(红蓝光质比0.81)的补光效果最好,与不补光(对照)相比,可显著增加单芽和一芽二叶的芽头数量(47.4%和74.89%)、重量(12.36%和41.56%);显著增加一芽一叶和一芽二叶的总叶绿素(25.61%和12.61%)、多酚(23.42%和23.29%)和游离氨基酸含量(32.23%和29.38%),降低酚氨比(-8%和-11.1%)。  结论  早春低温弱光环境下的茶园应用红蓝光质比为0.81的LED灯进行补光,可延长茶树光合作用时间,提高光合效率,实现高产优质。
  • 图  1  茶园试验装置

    Figure  1.  Experimental setting at tea plantation

    图  2  3种LED灯的光谱分布


    Figure  2.  Spectral distributions of 3 types of LEDs

    Note:A:Absolute photon flux distribution; B:Relative radiation spectrum distribution.

    表  1  试验用LED灯泡的光电特性

    Table  1.   Specifications of LEDs

    Chip number ratio of red & blue
    Peak wavelengeh Λp/nm
    Photosynthetically active radiation PAR/W
    Photosynthetic photon flux/(μmol·s-1)
    Yield photon flux
    红蓝光质比Photosynthetic photon flux ratio of red light & blue light
    LED1 1:1 457.4 & 662.8 2.49 11.01 4.42 0.81
    LED2 2:1 456.6 & 661.0 2.20 10.37 4.70 1.65
    LED3 3:1 455.8 & 660.2 2.08 10.01 4.79 2.10
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    表  2  不同LED灯茶园补光21d后对茶树新梢芽叶的生长影响

    Table  2.   Growth of buds on Qianmei 601 plants under LED settings for 21 days

    百芽鲜重Fresh weight of 100/(个·g-1) 发芽密度Bud density/(个·m-2)
    Apical bud
    Apical bud and subtending one leaf
    Apical bud and subtending two leaves
    Apical bud
    Apical bud and subtending one leaf
    Apical bud and subtending two leaves
    CK 6.886±0.71b 15.909±1.10b 20.675±2.61b 365±79b 286±57a 219±52b
    LED1 7.737±0.70a 17.348±3.19a 29.267±1.69a 538±86a 229±51a 383±55a
    LED2 7.023±0.42b 14.314±1.65bc 22.483±2.46b 617±116a 191±39a 271±68b
    LED3 6.873±0.43b 13.345±1.56c 21.700±1.13b 737±143a 254±46a 209±36b
    注:表中同一指标用不同小写字母标识表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.01)。表 34同。
    Note:Different letter within a columnindicates the significantly difference at the 1% levels.The same as table 3-4.
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    表  3  不同LED灯茶园补光21d后对茶树新梢芽叶的色素影响

    Table  3.   Chlorophyll in buds of Qianmei 601 plants under LED settings for 21 days

    一芽一叶Apical bud and subtending one leaf 一芽二叶Apical bud and subtending two leaves
    Total Chlorophylls/%
    Total Chlorophylls/%
    CK 0.701±0.015b 0.241±0.017a 7.19±0.68b 0.904±0.07c 0.296±0.017a 7.45±0.58b
    LED 1 0.892±0.008a 0.212±0.015a 6.08±1.25b 1.018±0.017a 0.241±0.017b 6.77±0.79b
    LED2 0.850±0.016a 0.210±0.014a 7.14±0.80b 1.008±0.034a 0.256±0.019b 9.32±1.10a
    LED3 0.756±0.063ab 0.220±0.017a 9.43±0.49a 0.943±0.024b 0.257±0.0164b 10.71±1.20a
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    表  4  不同LED灯茶园补光21d后对茶树叶片多酚及游离氨基酸含量的影响

    Table  4.   Polyphenols and amino acids in leaves of Qianmei plants under LED settings for 21 days

    一芽一叶Apical bud and subtending one leaf 一芽二叶Apical bud and subtending two leaves
    Total ployphenols/%
    Free amino acid/%
    酚氨比 多酚
    Total ployphenols/%
    Free amino acid/%
    CK 23.91±1.35c 2.091±0.199c 11.52±1.33b 22.67±0.73c 1.838±0.178c 12.6±1.03b
    LED 1 29.51±0.89a 2.765±0.303a 10.60±1.10c 27.95±0.96a 2.378±0.221a 11.2±1.01c
    LED2 28.0±0.56ab 2.479±0.243b 11.38±1.05b 25.57±0.63b 1.947±0.179b 13.22±1.23a
    LED3 25.96±0.65b 1.968±0.188c 13.28±1.25a 24.05±0.53c 1.772±0.179d 13.69±1.42a
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