Preliminary studies on life history of Spodoptera exigua
摘要: 甜菜夜蛾在浙江南部地区每年发生6代,4月下旬开始发生,5~12月为该虫为害时期,其中7~9月为全年为害高峰期。甜菜夜蛾在浙江温州地区露地不能越冬,但能以少量蛹在塑料大棚内越冬。在22.3~27.9℃的自然变温条件下,甜菜夜蛾各虫态的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短。Abstract: Spodoptera exigua is an important pest of vegetables.It occurs 6 generations a year in south of Zhejiang Province.They occur from the last ten days of April, and seriously damage the various vegetables during May to December, with the peak period from July to September.Spodoptera exigua can overwinter in the form of pupa within green house.Development duration of Spodoptera exigua is shortened with the increase of temperature within the range from 22.3℃to 27.9℃at natural condition.