Comparative studies on the group increasing of egg-carrying and free-spawning copepods
摘要: 对自由产卵的太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)和带卵囊的双齿许水蚤(Schmackeria dubia)在自然半封闭水体和实验室水箱培养条件下的群体增殖情况进行了比较,结果显示扰动水体太平洋纺锤水蚤的增殖率大大高于静止水体,而双齿许水蚤则在两类水体中都表现出高的增殖率。太平洋纺锤水蚤在静止水体中的低幼体产出率是其所产自由散落的卵沉底后无法正常孵化、无法对浮游群体进行补充的结果,而双齿许水蚤的卵因得到带体卵囊的保护而保持了高孵化率和幼体存活率,从而具有较强的抵抗外界恶劣环境的能力,并能够进行高密度培养以获得高的无节幼体产量。因此,带卵囊桡足类水蚤更适于作为海水鱼类育苗所需开口活饵料的来源。Abstract: Group increasing of free-spawning copepod Acartia pacifica and egg-carrying copepod Schmackeria dubia in a semi-closed pond and the tanks in laboratory were compared. The results indicated that reproduction rate of A. pacifica was higher in stiring water than in still water, while S. dubia exhibited active multiplication under both conditions. Low nauplii production of A. pacifica in still water should be attributed to low hatching rate of the disperse eggs after they sink to bottom. Eggs of S. dubia, on the contrary, would be protected by the egg sacs and avoid the harsh bottom environment, then this egg-carrying copepod can yield high density of nauplii in still water also. Our results imply egg-carrying copepods are more applicable to rear for larvae culture than free-spawning copepods.