Effects of Deastringency with Carbon Dioxide and Alcohol on Fruit Quality and Chloroplast Pigment Content of Persimmon cv. ‘Zaohong’
摘要: 以最新选育的早熟红柿早红为试材,使用不同浓度二氧化碳和乙醇对果实进行脱涩处理。结果表明:室温条件下,二氧化碳和乙醇可使早红柿果实的可溶性单宁含量显著降低, 其中30%和40%乙醇处理及80%二氧化碳处理可使柿果中可溶性单宁含量在96 h内降到阀值之下,且乙醇处理较二氧化碳处理能更有效地降低果实中的可溶性单宁含量;早红柿果实中可溶性糖含量表现为前48 h下降然后开始上升的过程,可滴定酸含量总体呈下降趋势,但两者处理间变化表现不一;维生素C呈现先微量上升后下降的趋势,叶绿体色素总含量也逐渐下降,但类胡萝卜素含量逐渐增加。试验结果还表明,用二氧化碳对早红柿进行脱涩总体评价好于乙醇脱涩处理,且二氧化碳浓度越高品质效果越好。Abstract: Fruits of persimmon cv. Zaohong were treated with carbon dioxide and alcohol in different concentration for deastringency. The results showed that, at room temperature, the treatment of carbon dioxide and alcohol reduced soluble tannin content significantly. Especially in treatment with 30% and 40% alcohol and 80% carbon dioxide, the content of soluble tannin was reduced to lower than a threshold value within 96 hours. The efficiency of reduction was better in alcohol treatment than in carbon dioxide treatment. The content of soluble sugar in treated fruits revealed decreasing in early phase of treatment for 48h then turn to increasing and the trends were different in between two treatments. The content of titratable acid and chloroplast pigment in treated fruits were decreased but the carotenoid content was increased gradually. The vitamin C content increased slightly at early phase of treatment, then downwards to decrease. Overall results, it was indicated that deastringency effect for persimmon fruits presented better with carbon dioxide treatment than with alcoholic. The higher the concentration, the better fruit quality.