• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and application of hybrid rice,Ⅱ Youhang No.1

  • 摘要: Ⅱ优航1号是用强恢复系"航1号"与三系不育系Ⅱ-32A配组育成的中籼型三系杂交稻组合。该组合具有丰产稳产性好、适应性广、制种产量高、茎秆粗壮、根系发达、群体形态结构整齐、熟期转色好、穗大粒多等特点。2004~2005年先后通过了福建省和全国品种审定委员会审定。介绍了该组合的选育过程、特征特性、栽培和制种技术要点。


    Abstract: "Ⅱ Youhang No.1" was developed by crossing the good quality three-line male sterile "Ⅱ-32A" with the restorer line "Hang No.1." The hybrid rice combination exhibited the desirable characteristics including high and stable yield,wide ecological adaptabilities and high seed production.It has been certified by the crop variety evaluation committees in Fujian in 2001,and subsequently,in China in 2005.This paper presents the breeding process,characteristics,cultivation techniques and seed production of ⅡYouhang No.1.


