• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Establishment of Tea Plantations with Improved Carbon Sequestration Ecosystem for Fujian

  • 摘要: 针对福建省纯茶园地表覆盖率低、水土流失严重、衰老和幼龄茶园光能利用率低、肥料过量偏施导致碳排放增加等茶叶生产上普遍存在的问题,分析了福建茶园生态系统的固碳潜力和茶园营养物质循环与贮存的减排潜力,提出适合福建茶叶优质稳产的立体生态茶园、复合生物循环茶园和因需施肥免耕茶园等增汇减排的低碳茶业经济技术构建模式。估算在福建20万hm2茶园的80%纯茶园中建立人工立体复合生态茶园,每年可增加生物固碳3.88×105t以上,增加土壤有机碳储量7.30×105t以上;优化施肥,有机碳储量可提高4.70×105t。通过技术构建,相当于固定CO2量5.82×106t以上,增强了山地茶园碳汇功能。


    Abstract: Examples of commonly found ecological problems of the tea plantations in Fujian included low surface coverage, severe soil erosion, low solar energy utilization in aging and young tea gardens, nitrogen over-fertilization, reduced carbon sequestration potential, and declined nutrient circulation and storage.To alleviate or minimize the shortfalls, a proposal for improvements is presented.A model was constructed aiming to increase the carbon sink and reduce the carbon emission.It was hoped that a high and stable yield, low-carbon tea production in the province could be resulted.The model includes designs of a tri-dimensional ecological tea garden and a compounded biological cycle tea garden, as well as the scientific fertilization and zero tillage.It could be estimated that the model of compounded and tri-dimensional ecological tea plantation would lead to consequences of increase in bio-carbon sequestration over 3.88?105 t and in soil organic carbon storage over 12.00?105 t annually if applied to 80% area of the 20?104 hm2 tea gardens in Fujian. Moreover,the amount of organic carbon storage would also be increased about 3.88?105 t by fertilizer optimization. With the establishment of technological model in tea plantations, the CO2 emission was equivalently reduced over 5.82?105 t, which significantly improved the carbon sequestration ability of tea gardens.


