Studies on the Mineral Nutrient and Requirement Rule in "on" or "off" yearyof Lonyan Tree
摘要: 本文对龙眼(福眼)大小年的矿质营养需求规律进行6年的探讨。结果表明:龙眼叶片矿质营养水平,主要生育各组织器官的营养生理特点,矿质营养年周期动态规律及对主要矿质营养需求,均与大小年有关。表现出以围绕开花、果实增长或枝梢建造而变化。矿质营养年周期呈“V”型模式变化,出现较一致的季节性差异。在花期、果实增长期或枝梢抽生期的主要矿质营养含量最低值,在大年的钾表现更明显,可见龙眼对钾的需求较敏感,应重视钾肥的施用。Abstract: From 1982 to 1987 we investigated the mineral nutrient and the rule of requirement for lonyan tree. The mineral nutrientlevel of longan trees is relative with "on" or "off" year of longan tree. The annual variation of mineral nutrients shows a pattern of "v". Longan tree is more sensitive to potassium content tnan nitrogen and phosphorous content. We consider that potassium fertilizer application is the most important for longan tree.