• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


余亚白, 陈扬祥, 欧阳桐娇

余亚白, 陈扬祥, 欧阳桐娇. 龙眼双芽扦插育苗研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 1994, 9(4): 18-21.
引用本文: 余亚白, 陈扬祥, 欧阳桐娇. 龙眼双芽扦插育苗研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 1994, 9(4): 18-21.
Yu Yabai, Chen Yangxiang, Ou Yangtongjiao. Studies on Raising Seedlings of Lonyan by Two-Bud-Cutting[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1994, 9(4): 18-21.
Citation: Yu Yabai, Chen Yangxiang, Ou Yangtongjiao. Studies on Raising Seedlings of Lonyan by Two-Bud-Cutting[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1994, 9(4): 18-21.


Studies on Raising Seedlings of Lonyan by Two-Bud-Cutting

  • 摘要: 报道了龙眼双芽扦插育苗的研究进展:1.采用双芽插条生根率和生长情况与多芽长插条相同,可较大限度地节省枝条。2.插条的适宜木质素含量是17.73%~19.04%,外观颜色为浅绿色、深绿色和浅褐色。3.用自行研制的KG-1型环状剥皮刀对选用的枝条进行环割(宽度为2cm).约15d后,伤口愈合并长有白色愈伤组织时,每个枝条保留2个叶片即可离体扦插。4.扦插前枝条必须浸在150mg/kg吲哚丁酸溶液5min.5.扦插基质以70%泥炭土加30%蛭石粉的混合基质为宜。扦插后置于间歇性弥雾的玻璃温室中,保持气温20~27℃、相对湿度85%以上。60d后开始长根,生根率可达71.8%,6~7个月后,每株苗留4~5个叶片移栽于营养袋,并置于间歇性弥雾的温室中6~8d后开始长新根,成苗率可达85%以上,已成活的360株双芽扦插苗两年后的平均高度为80cm,最高达150cm,比嫁接育苗可提早1年左右出圃。
    Abstract: This study makes known that the progress of raising seedlings of Lonyan by cuttings.1.By using the Two-Bud-cutting, the root-growing rate and the growth condition are nearly as same as that of long cutting with several buds and a lot of cuttings being saved.2.The suitable xyloid content in the cutting is 17.73%to 19.04%and the colour of the cutting is light-green,dark-green or light-brown,accordingly.3.The Two-Bud-Cutting with a width of 2 cm should be done by KG-1 type cycle-peeling knife made by us.When the wound heals up and produces the white callus(about 15 days after peeling off),the cutting can be cut from the mother tree to raise seedling and two green leaves should be remained on each cutting.4.The cutting base should besoaked in 150 mg/kg IBA for about 5 minutes before cultivated.5.The suitable substrate for raising cuttings are made of 70%peat soil and 30%vermiculite powder.The seedling bed should be in the green house with the treatment of fine spray.The air temperature should be kept between 20~27 ℃ and the relative humidity should be above 85%.According to the method as mentioned above,the cutting begins to grow roots after 60days and the seedling survival rate reaches 85%to 90%.The period of raising seedlings by this way can be about one year shorter than that by graftage.
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  • 收稿日期:  1994-06-12
  • 刊出日期:  1994-12-14


