• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


A Study on Cutting Cultivation of Foliage Plant all year round

  • 摘要: 本文着重探索引进的观赏植物加速苗木繁殖的技术。根据扦插发根原理,利用地热苗床,进行周年扦插育苗研究。3年来对引进的105种品种,按科用分类,选出4个科属中有代表性的品种各1个,经过反复试验,获得了成功。如以周年计算,育苗数量比冬春两季无加温苗床成倍增长,经济效益极显着。


    Abstract: The present paper dealt with cutting cultivation of foliage plant all year round.The ecological greenhouse was designed to balance the temperature in 25±3℃ degree all year round,in which 4 families of foliage plant,Dlefferbachia,Neoregelia,Brassaia and Dracaena,were cut to cultivate.The result showed that the cutting cultivation of foliage plant could be conducted in the ecological greenhouse all year round,of which the developmental rate was one time higher than in the normal seedbed.


