Study on the Strains of Grifola frondosa (Fr)S. F. Gray
摘要: 征集国内外17个灰树花品系,通过室内外栽培试验结果,从中筛选出有代表性的优质菌株:GF17为中温型,子实体形成、成熟温度17~26℃,最适温度21~22℃,早熟,子实体色泽乳白色或灰白色,单朵平均鲜重143g,结实率超过95%;GF5为中偏低温型,子实体形成、成熟温度16~20℃,最适温度18℃,中熟,色泽黑色,单朵平均鲜重116.5g,结实率90%以上;GF11、GF6为低温型,子实体形成、成熟温度14~19℃,最适温度16℃,晚熟,色泽灰黑色,单朵平均鲜重分别为151.5g和119.5g,结实率超过85%.发现不同品系之间各氨基酸含量存在差异,光照强度对子实体色泽和质量有着重要影响。Abstract: Seventeen strains of Grifola frondosa were collected from. China and foreign countries. Indoor and outdoor experiments showed that,GF17 belonged to middle temperatural type,its fruitbodies formed and developed at 17~26℃,the optimum temperature was 21~22℃;early maturity,white colour,the average fresh weight of single fruitbody was 143.5g,bearing rate reached 95% or more;GF5 was mid-low temperatural type,grew and developed at 16~20℃,optimum was 18℃,middle maturity,black colour,fresh single fruitbody weighted 116.5 g,bearing rate was more than 90%.GF11 and. GF6 were low temperatural type,grew at 14~19℃,the optimum was 16℃,late maturity,grey colour,average fruitbody weights were 151.5 and 119.5 respectively,bearing rate reached 85% or more.The analysis results showed that various. GF strains differ in their amino acid contents.The illumination intensity was an important factor for the colour-forming and quality of fruitbodies.