Problems and Countermeasures on Mechanization of Peanut Cultivation and Harvest in Fujian
摘要: 从福建省花生生产情况出发,阐述了福建省农业机械化生产现状,指出花生机械化生产面临的地形和土壤类型复杂,农田面积小,规模化生产低,制约大型设备利用,设备技术性能不先进,制造粗放,缺乏统一标准,农机农艺融合亟待加强等问题,提出宣传引导,领导重视,建立农机农艺协调机制,开展农机农艺融合关键技术研究,加强花生机械化栽培示范,促进花生规模化生产,鼓励扶持潜用户购机,搞好配套服务等对策。Abstract: This article analyzes the current status of peanuts agriculture in Fujian.To upgrade the peanut production by mechanization faces a great deal of challenges,including the complex terrain and soil type,small farmland,few large-scale production,etc.Technically,obsolete equipment and facilities hinders optimal performance,while traditional practices prevents efficient operations,and an absence of uniform standards causes confusion on logistics and marketing.Consequently,it is imperative that agricultural mechanization and agronomy need to be jointly improved with appropriate governmental and industrial supports in order to modernize the agriculture.Dissemination and demonstration of the advanced technology and management would be essential for the realization of large-scale production of peanuts in the province.