为研究福清山羊生长发育规律,分别测定福清山羊从初生到18月龄的各项生长发育指标,并采用Von Bertalanffy、Gompertz和Logistic 3种非线性生长模型拟合其体重生长曲线。结果表明:除12月龄外,福清山羊公羊在各不同生长发育时期的体重均高于母羊,公、母羊的初生平均体重为1.98、1.74kg,周岁为24.19、24.58kg,18月龄为32.41、29.34kg;福清山羊公羊体型较母羊大,体高、体长性状均在2月龄以前生长较快,胸围则在4月龄以前生长较快,福清山羊胸围增大是体重增长的主要原因;Von Bertalanffy模型能更好地拟合福清山羊的体重生长曲线,其公、母羊体重生长曲线方程分别为W=38.384(1-0.527e-0.118t)3、W=33.945(1-0.545e-0.133t)3,体重生长拐点月龄分别为3.9和3.7个月,拐点体重分别为11.4、10.1kg。
In this paper,the body weight,body size and other growing indices of Fuqing goats from 0to 18 months were detected,and three kinds of nonlinear models,Von Bertalanffy,Gompertz and Logistic,were used to investigate the growing and developing regularity of Fuqing goat.The results showed that the average weight of ram were 1.98 kg when birth,24.19 kg at 12 months,32.41 kg at 18 months,and those of ewes were 1.74 kg when birth,24.58 kg at 12 months,29.34 kg at 18 months,which indicated that the body weight of male Fuqing goats in different growth periods were higher than those of the female except at 12 months.The size of ram was bigger than ewes.The traits of body height and body length grew faster in 2months and chest girth grew faster in 4months.The chest girth of Fuqing goats was proved to be important for the weight gain.Among three growth curve models,Von Bertalanffy fitted best,and the fitting equations for male and female Fuqing goats were W = 38.384(1-0.527e-0.118t)3 and W = 33.945(1- 0.545e-0.133t)3,the inflection point of age were 3.9and 3.7month,and the inflection point of weight were 11.4and 10.1kg,respectively.