HACCP System on Massive Production of Mushroom Spawn Using Breathable Bags
摘要: 通过分析工厂化生产蘑菇透气袋菌种过程中每个环节可能造成的潜在危害,确定影响蘑菇透气袋菌种质量的关键控制点(CCP),针对每一个CCP制定相应的预防措施,将菌种生产过程可能存在的潜在危害降到最低程度,以确保所生产蘑菇透气袋菌种的活力、成品率。在工厂化生产蘑菇透气袋菌种中引入HACCP,建立工厂化蘑菇透气袋菌种的HACCP体系。Abstract: All potentially hazardous occurrences in the production of mushroom spawn using breathable bags were analyzed to establish the critical control points for an HACCP program.For each CCP,precautionary measures designed to minimize the potential hazards are included to assure the product safety and quality.