• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effcets of Bacillus Subtilis on Muscle Nutrition of Philippine Eel,Anguill marmorata

  • 摘要: 研究枯草芽孢杆菌对菲律宾鳗鲡肌肉营养价值的影响。以不同枯草芽孢杆菌含量饲料饲养菲律宾鳗鲡为对象,对其肌肉一般营养成分、氨基酸营养、脂肪酸营养进行分析比较。结果表明:枯草芽孢杆菌对菲律宾鳗鲡肌肉水分、蛋白质、粗脂肪含量无显著影响(P>0.05)。菲律宾鳗鲡属氨基酸组成均衡性较好(SRC>80,∑EAA/∑NEAA>60%)的优质水产品,富含Glu、Arg、Asp等有助于术后病人康复的氨基酸。Lys含量较为富余,适当摄入可平衡谷物中Lys短缺。枯草芽孢杆菌添加对其氨基酸组成无显著性影响(P>0.05)。菲律宾鳗鲡肌肉脂肪酸主要组成种类不少于11种,其中饱和脂肪酸3种、单不饱和脂肪酸4种、多不饱和脂肪酸4种,不饱和脂肪酸相对含量均较高,富含多不饱和脂肪酸(二十碳四烯酸、EPA、DHA)。枯草芽孢杆菌添加可显著提高菲律宾鳗鲡肌肉中单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸含量(P<0.05)。


    Abstract: The effects of Bacillus Subtilis on muscle nutrition of Philippine eel,Anguill marmorata were investigated.Analysis of the amino acid composition and fatty acid composition of Anguill marmorata fed with Bacillus Subtilis showed no significant differences in moisture content,protein content and fat content among 4groups(P>0.05).Anguill marmorata is a high-quality protein source according to FAO/WHO model,which contains Glu with the maximum content,and followed by Asp,Arg and Lys,while Bacillus Subtilis showed no significant effect on amino acid composition of muscle of Anguill marmorata(P>0.05).All these amino acids are helpful for recovery,and also make up for lack of Lys in grain.,Muscle of Anguill marmorata contains more than11 kinds of fatty acid,including 3kinds of saturated fatty acid,4kinds of monounsaturated fatty acid and 3kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acid.Meanwhile,Anguill marmorata is rich in unsaturated fatty acid(63.2%,65.2%).When the Bacillus Subtilis supplemental level was between 1% to 3%,the MUFA and PUFA content were enhanced significantly(P<0.05).


