Breeding of New Variety‘Minyin huangpei Sugarcane'
摘要: ‘闽引黄皮果蔗’是福建省农业科学院甘蔗研究所、福建省种植业技术推广总站从广东引进的果蔗新品种。该品种植株高大、茎粗, 高产稳产, 品质好, 口感好, 经过多年多点试验和生产示范的结果表明, ‘闽引黄皮果蔗’的平均蔗茎产量达到142 653.3kg·hm-2, 比果蔗主栽品种黑皮果蔗118 508.7kg·hm-2增产20.37%, 差异达极显著水平。该品种的部分农艺性状和品质性状优于对照种或与对照种相当, 具有一定的推广应用前景。Abstract: 'Minyin huangpei sugarcane'is a new sugarcane variety introduced from Guangdong.This variety characterizes excellently in plant height and stem diameter with high yield, good in quality and textures.By repeating annual multipoint test for the variety demonstration in production, its average yield was 142 653.3 kg·hm-2 and was 20.37% higher than the yield of Heipi sugarcane′in 118 508.7kg·m-2 (P<0.01) .Some agronomic properties and quality traits of the variety were similar or better than the control variety, which indicated apotential of it in extending for cultivation.