Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus by Adding Sheathing Leaves of Zizania latifolia
摘要: 检测表明茭白鞘叶中含有丰富的有机质与氮源, 分别是稻草的2倍和4倍, 是栽培双孢蘑菇的理想替代原料。在传统稻草配方中添加茭白鞘叶栽培蘑菇的试验, 研究结果表明:走菌速度随配方中茭白鞘叶含量的增加而减慢, 茭白鞘叶配方的蘑菇现蕾期和开始采菇时间分别比稻草配方迟3、4d;稻草与茭白鞘叶各占50%配方为最佳, 单季产量达到20.45kg·m-2, 几乎和传统配方持平, 而投入产出比可以达到4.479, 超过传统配方的3.439, 并且菇体单粒重和传统配方没有显著差异, 而且鲜菇的品质经分析和传统配方几乎无异, 具有良好的经济效益。本研究初步明确了茭白鞘叶栽培蘑菇的工艺流程、栽培技术与克服出现问题的方法, 而且利用茭白鞘叶栽培蘑菇既缓解了蘑菇主产区稻草紧缺的局面, 又是解决茭白鞘叶资源浪费和环境污染的可行途径。Abstract: The sheathing leaves of Zizania latifolia, which contained 4 times higher in organic matters and twice more nitrogen than the rice straw, was seen as an excellent potential substrate material for mushroom cultivation.Our experiment by adding the sheathing leaves of Z.latifolia to the traditional compost formulation in growing Agaricus bisporus indicated that increasing the sheathing leaves in the medium slowed the hyphae running, delayed the pinning to 3 days, and postponed the mushroom harvest up to 4 days.The optimal results appeared to be when 50% sheathing leaves and 50% rice straw were used in combination for the formulation.Using the formulation, (a) the mushroom yield in one growing season reached 20.45 kg·m-2, approaching the same level as the traditional formula (Control) ; (b) the output/input ratio was 4.479, which was higher than 3.439 for Control;and, (c) there was no appreciable differences from Control on the single fruit weight or the characteristics of the fruiting body.Thus, the substitution seemed economically viable.And, at the same time, the practice could alleviate the rice straw shortage in major mushroom producing areas, and materially reduce waste and pollution caused by the disposal of the sheathing leaves.