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Research Institute of Agri-Engineering and Technology, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Agricultural Products Processing Technology Research Centre, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350003, China
Staticadsorption and desorption of 4 macroporous resins were evaluated for the purification of polyphenols from pruns, Prunus salicina Lindl. The dynamic conditions for the filtration process were optimized using theinhibitory activity of the filtered polyphenols on xanthine oxidase as a yardstick.As a result, HP-20 was chosen as the resin for the filtration. HP-20 had asaturation time of 6 h under static adsorption,and anequilibrium timeof 2 h for thedesorption. On the filtration process, the optimized conditions were determined to includeafeeding solution atthe concentration of 1.0 mgmL-1, a solution loadingrate at 2.0 mLmin-1, and the use of 80% ethanol for elution at the rate of 2.0 mLmin-1. After the filtration, the oncentration of the polyphenolsolution increased from 25.47% to 74.89%, the IC50on the enzyme inhibition reduced from 179.21 gmL-1 to 72.35 gmL-1, and the anti-enzymatic efficacy increased 2.47 times.