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To provide information for theaquaculture and marketing purposes,the amino acid contents of Maccullochella peelii during its growth periods and at time of harvest for a comparison with groupers and sturgeonswere determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer.The results showed that the maximumtotal amino acid content of 70.96%(on dry-basis)was reached when the fish was considered marketable.They were lower for thejuveniles at 69.24% and the parent fish at 65.36%.The ratiosbetween different kinds of amino acidson the parent and marketable fish were similar,but EAA/TAA for the juveniles was approximately 2% lower,while EAA/NEAA2% higher than the others.Insofar as thepalatability as food is concerned,the meats from thethreespecies all contained more than 50% TAA(i.e,M.peeliiat 57.17%,grouper at 57.68%,and sturgeon at57.85%).In addition,the E/T of M.peelii was 40.34,and E/NT 67.62,which are higher than thereference standardsset for the protein by WHO/FAO(i.e.,40%for E/Tand greater than 60%for E/NT).