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余居华 王利民 丁洪 王煌平 郑祥洲 张玉树 张银龙

余居华,王利民,丁洪,等. 畜禽粪便施用对红壤铝胁迫下油菜幼苗生长及光合荧光特性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(2):206−215 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.02.011
引用本文: 余居华,王利民,丁洪,等. 畜禽粪便施用对红壤铝胁迫下油菜幼苗生长及光合荧光特性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(2):206−215 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.02.011
YU J H, WANG L M, DING H, et al. Growth and Photosynthesis of Brassica napus Seedlings Affected by Organic Manure Application on Acid Red Soil under Aluminum Stress [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(2):206−215 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.02.011
Citation: YU J H, WANG L M, DING H, et al. Growth and Photosynthesis of Brassica napus Seedlings Affected by Organic Manure Application on Acid Red Soil under Aluminum Stress [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(2):206−215 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.02.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.02.011
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51709183);中国博士后科学基金项目(2017M611862);福建省科技计划公益类专项(2020R1025001);福建省农业科学院项目(YC2019007、ZYTS2019016、ZYTS202218、CXPT202106、CXTD2021012-2、DEC2019-05、DWHZ-2022-11)

    余居华(1984 —),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事生源物质生物地球化学循环研究,E-mail:juhuayu1984@gmail.com

  • 中图分类号: S158.3

Growth and Photosynthesis of Brassica napus Seedlings Affected by Organic Manure Application on Acid Red Soil under Aluminum Stress

  • 摘要:   目的  红壤铝毒是限制作物生长的主要因素,畜禽粪便等有机物料作为改善土壤酸度和推动国家化肥零增长行动计划的重要途径之一,其对铝毒胁迫下作物生长及光合荧光特性的影响及其机理研究具有重要意义。  方法  利用盆栽试验,探究不施畜禽粪便(CK)、施用猪粪10 g·kg−1(P10)、猪粪30 g·kg−1(P30)、猪粪50 g·kg−1(P50)、鸡粪10 g·kg−1(C10)、鸡粪30 g·kg−1(C30)、鸡粪50 g·kg−1(C50)、鸡粪猪粪各15 g·kg−1(PC15)等8个处理对酸性土壤铝毒胁迫下油菜(Brassica napus L.)生物量、光合作用参数和叶绿素荧光特性的影响。  结果  在土壤铝毒胁迫下,不同畜禽粪便处理均促进了油菜幼苗地上部生物量、光合色素含量、光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性,在第80天各处理均显著大于对照组(P<0.05),表明畜禽粪便有效缓解红壤铝胁迫对油菜幼苗生长的毒害作用。施用等量鸡粪处理比猪粪更有利于促进油菜幼苗地上部生物量、光合色素含量,但对光合作用参数、Fv/Fm值和qP的促进作用较弱,而且鸡粪、猪粪混施处理光合色素含量、光合参数TrGsCiqN均大于单施处理(P<0.05),说明高pH值的鸡粪更利于促进油菜生长,而高养分含量的猪粪更利于促进油菜光合荧光特性。  结论  猪粪施用量50 g·kg−1对油菜生长及光合荧光特性的铝毒胁迫缓解作用最佳,而鸡粪最佳施用量为30 g·kg−1。就油菜幼苗生长和光合荧光特性而言,畜禽粪便种类筛选、最佳用量确定并结合土壤酸度调控对缓解红壤铝毒至关重要。
  • 图  1  不同畜禽粪便处理油菜地上部生物量和光合荧光参数相关性分析

    a:35 d,b:80 d。**、*表示极显著相关(P<0.01)及显著相关(P<0.05)。

    Figure  1.  Correlations between aboveground biomass and photosynthetic fluorescence indexes of seedlings under varied treatments

    a and b represent 35 d and 80 d incubation, respectively. ** and * mean extremely significant correlation at P<0.01 and significant correlation at P<0.05, respectively.

    表  1  供试样品基本理化性质

    Table  1.   Physicochemical properties of specimens

    pH value
    Organic matter/%
    Available K/
    Hydrolyzable N/
    Reactive Al/
    土样 Soil 4.50 2.98 44.5 123 4.65 0.284
    鸡粪 Chicken manure 7.60 35.46 1235 2998 846
    猪粪 Pig manure 7.20 46.82 2171 4186 1283
    “—” denotes value not detected.
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    表  2  不同畜禽粪便处理对油菜地上部生物量、土壤pH和活性铝含量的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of manure applications on aboveground biomass and pH and reactive aluminium in soil

    Biomass at 35 d/g
    Biomass at 80 d/g
    pH 活性铝
    Reactive Al/(mg·kg−1
    CK 0.68±0.12 b 1.87±0.31 d 4.66±0.10 d 0.273±0.024 a
    P10 0.91±0.28 a 3.59±0.56 c 5.27±0.07 bc 0.138±0.021 c
    P30 0.92±0.17 a 4.50±0.34 b 5.57±0.23 b 0.137±0.014 c
    P50 0.87±0.35 ab 4.05±0.62 bc 5.76±0.15 b 0.137±0.012 c
    C10 0.89±0.19 ab 4.31±0.39 b 5.19 ±0.13 c 0.243±0.025 ab
    C30 0.95±0.21 a 5.08±0.39 ab 5.58±0.17 b 0.127±0.016 cd
    C50 1.08±0.32 a 5.13±0.54 a 6.23±0.06 a 0.135±0.018 c
    PC15 0.88±0.26 ab 4.98±0.54 b 5.31±0.18 bc 0.214±0.026 bc
    Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at 0.05 level. Same for Tables 3–5.
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    表  3  不同畜禽粪便处理油菜叶片光合色素变化规律

    Table  3.   Changes in photosynthetic pigment content of seedlings under varied treatments

    Chl-a /(mg ·g−1)
    Chl-a+ Chl-b/ (mg·g−1)
    Chl-a/ Chl-b
    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    CK3.59±0.77 d5.11±1.10 cd1.32±0.31 d1.76±0.54 d4.92±1.12 e6.87±1.28 d2.72±0.26 ab2.91±0.27 a
    P104.53±1.12 bc6.45±1.27 bc1.82±0.39 bc2.42±0.68 c6.34±1.32 c8.87±1.51 c2.48±0.23 bc2.66±0.25 a
    P304.58±1.21 bc6.52±1.37 bc1.73±0.39 bc2.30±0.69 c6.31±1.40 c8.82±1.60 c2.65±0.25 ab2.83±0.27 a
    P506.19±1.83 b8.81±2.07 b2.09±0.54 b2.78±0.93 bc8.29±2.06 b11.59±2.35 b2.96±0.28 a3.17±0.30 a
    C106.48±1.87 ab9.23±2.11 ab2.24±0.56 ab2.97±0.97 bc8.72±2.12 ab12.21±2.42 ab2.89±0.27 a3.09±0.29 a
    C303.86±0.95 c5.49±1.07 c1.56±0.34 cd2.07±0.58 c5.42±1.13 cd7.57±1.28 c2.47±0.23 bc2.65±0.25 a
    C508.28±2.17 a11.79±2.46 a3.15±0.72 a4.19±1.25 a11.43±2.52 a15.98±2.88 a2.63±0.25 ab2.81±0.27 a
    PC156.26±1.59 ab8.91±1.79 b2.47±0.54 ab3.29±0.94 ab8.73±1.85 ab12.19±2.12 ab2.53±0.23 b2.71±0.26 a
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    表  4  不同畜禽粪便处理油菜的光合特性

    Table  4.   Photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings under varied treatments

    净光合速率 Pn/
    蒸腾速率 Tr/
    ( mmol·m−2·s−1)
    气孔导度 Gs/
    ( mmol·m−2·s−1)
    胞间CO2浓度 Ci/
    水分利用效率 WUE/
    35天 Day 35 CK 3.32±0.15 d 1.35±0.37 d 128.00±4.38 d 319.03±3.17 a 1.08±0.21 d
    P10 11.27±0.91 ab 2.64±0.13 ab 178.33±11.05 b 254.67±10.71 b 4.31±0.41 b
    P30 11.76±0.35 a 2.73±0.13 a 177.67±10.40 b 240.33±7.45 bc 4.50±0.32 b
    P50 12.33±0.23 a 3.08±0.21 a 236.67±11.42 a 249.67±9.13 b 4.05±0.27 bc
    C10 7.93±0.68 c 1.89±0.15 c 134.67±7.33 cd 248.04±3.84 b 3.59±0.15 c
    C30 11.21±0.12 ab 2.20±0.01 bc 142.00±2.08 c 226.33±6.39 c 5.08±0.23 a
    C50 8.17±0.55 c 2.29±0.31 b 147.01±12.69 c 217.67±10.18 c 5.13±0.34 a
    PC15 10.60±0.57 b 2.67±0.03 ab 190.00±4.06 ab 257.02±11.08 b 3.98±0.25 bc
    80天 Day 80 CK 4.22±0.29 e 2.03±0.75 d 177.28±37.23 e 367.84±68.05 a 1.43±0.45 e
    P10 14.34±1.79 ab 3.97±0.52 ab 246.99±50.63 b 319.10±20.74 b 5.72±0.88 bc
    P30 14.96±0.69 a 4.10±0.53 a 246.07±78.74 b 301.13±19.57 bc 5.97±0.69 b
    P50 15.69±0.45 a 4.63±0.97 a 327.79±88.50 a 312.84±32.85 b 5.34±0.58 bc
    C10 10.09±1.33 d 2.84±0.43 b 186.52±27.98 d 310.79±23.31 b 4.76±0.32 d
    C30 14.26±0.24 a 3.30±0.03 c 196.67±45.23 cd 283.59±1.42 c 6.74±0.49 ab
    C50 10.39±1.08 d 3.44±1.06 bc 203.61±69.23 c 272.75±42.27 c 6.81±0.74 a
    PC15 13.49±1.11 bc 4.01±0.12 a 263.15±65.78 b 322.04±4.83 b 5.28±0.54 c
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    表  5  不同畜禽粪便处理油菜光合荧光参数变化

    Table  5.   Changes in photosynthetic fluorescence indexes of seedlings under varied treatments

    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    Day 35
    Day 80
    CK0.69±0.02 b0.84±0.01 c0.45±0.02 c0.61±0.11 c0.22±0.13 c0.34±0.10 c0.32±0.11 d0.24±0.05 d
    P100.73±0.01 a0.89±0.01 a0.51±0.04 b0.69±0.13 b0.48±0.07 a0.85±0.05 a0.81±0.13 b0.60±0.06 b
    P300.78±0.01 a0.95±0.02 a0.53±0.03 ab0.72±0.15 ab0.51±0.09 a0.85±0.06 a0.86±0.15 ab0.64±0.07 b
    P500.71±0.01 a0.86±0.01 b0.59±0.04 a0.80±0.08 a0.41±0.13 a0.72±0.08 a0.67±0.08 b0.50±0.04 b
    C100.75±0.01 a0.91±0.01 a0.60±0.02 a0.82±0.05 a0.33±0.02 a0.58±0.01 b0.40±0.05 c0.29±0.02 c
    C300.76±0.01 a0.92±0.01 a0.64±0.03 a0.87±0.12 a0.34±0.01 b0.60±0.01 b0.42±0.12 c0.31±0.06 c
    C500.72±0.02 a0.87±0.01 ab0.60±0.04 a0.82±0.13 a0.29±0.11 bc0.51±0.07 b0.37±0.13 c0.27±0.06 c
    PC150.73±0.02 a0.88±0.02 ab0.62±0.01 a0.84±0.21 a0.39±0.05 ab0.69±0.03 ab0.98±0.21 a0.73±0.09 a
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