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池敏青 翁志辉 于洪杰

池敏青,翁志辉,于洪杰. 福建农业现代化水平测度与发展对策研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(12):1485−1498 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.013
引用本文: 池敏青,翁志辉,于洪杰. 福建农业现代化水平测度与发展对策研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(12):1485−1498 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.013
CHI M Q, WENG Z H, YU H J. Assessment and Strategy on Agricultural Modernization in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(12):1485−1498 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.013
Citation: CHI M Q, WENG Z H, YU H J. Assessment and Strategy on Agricultural Modernization in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(12):1485−1498 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.013


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.013
基金项目: 福建省社会科学基金(FJ2021B146);福建省科技计划公益类专项(2022R1033004);福建省农业科学院引导性科技创新项目(YDXM2019004);福建省乡村振兴智库项目(2023ZK-5)

    池敏青(1981 —),女,硕士,副研究员,主要从事农业信息分析、农业科技评价与政策创新研究,E-mail:774238686@qq.com


    翁志辉(1966 —),男,编审,主要从事农业科技发展战略与科技信息传播研究,E-mail:wzh2002@163.com

  • 中图分类号: F327

Assessment and Strategy on Agricultural Modernization in Fujian

  • 摘要:   目的  评价福建农业现代化发展水平和制约因素,提出推进农业现代化的实施路径和发展策略,为新发展阶段福建加快推进农业现代化和全面推进乡村振兴提供决策参考。  方法  运用综合指数法、层次分析法和目标值法,从产业、生产、经营三大体系和高效、绿色、支撑三大目标,构建6个一级指标和24个二级指标的农业现代化发展评价指标体系,测度“十三五”时期福建和全国农业现代化实现程度。  结果  “十三五”期间,福建农业现代化平均综合得分为66.07分,高于全国平均水平(61.21分),已迈入转型跨越中期阶段(全国平均处于转型跨越初级阶段);农业现代化水平呈现稳步上升趋势,年均增长2.18%(略低于全国2.64%的增长率)。分指标水平测度显示,产业体系和质量效益实现程度为78.38%和71.16%,分别比全国高26.07%和52.90%。生产体系、经营体系、绿色发展和支持保护实现程度分别为70.22%、46.53%、67.92%和41.02%,分别比全国低0.73%、11.33%、8.77%和38.43%。福建农业现代化发展优势主要体现在农业生产效率较高、农业产业结构较合理、农产品加工业较发达、资源集约化利用程度较高等方面;而土地规模化经营水平低、农业组织经营主体弱小、农产品安全还有待提高、财政金融支持力度有限等是主要制约因素。  建议  未来推进福建农业现代化均衡发展的重点方向是:加大高标准农田改造提升力度,提高特色经济作物种植能力,加强新型经营主体和社会化服务组织培育,强化绿色防控技术推广和完善农产品质量安全体系,提高财政支农力度和优化支农资金结构,提高农业保险补贴水平和扩大补贴范围。
  • 图  1  “十三五”时期农业现代化水平综合得分

    Figure  1.  Overall scores on agricultural modernization in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  2  “十三五”时期农业现代化一级指标实现程度

    Figure  2.  Achieved level on first tier modernization indicators in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  3  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化不同体系指标分值变化

    Figure  3.  Scored indicators on systems in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  4  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化产业体系指标分值变化

    Figure  4.  Scored indicators on industries in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  5  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化生产体系指标分值变化

    Figure  5.  Scored indicators on production in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  6  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化经营体系指标分值变化

    Figure  6.  Scored indicators on management in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  7  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化质量效益指标分值变化

    Figure  7.  Scored indicators on quality and benefit in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  8  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化绿色发展指标分值变化

    Figure  8.  Scored indicators on green practices in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    图  9  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化支持保护指标分值变化

    Figure  9.  Scored indicators on protective and supportive roles in Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    表  1  农业现代化发展水平评价指标体系

    Table  1.   Indexes for assessing agricultural modernization

    First level index
    First level index weight
    Secondary index
    Secondary index weight
    Basically achieve
    the target value
    Fully achieve
    the target value
    Industrial System
    20 (1)粮食产量稳定度 Stability of grain output 5 80 100
    Aquaculture production value accounts for the proportion of total agricultural production value/%
    5 45 60
    The ratio of agricultural product processing industry to total agricultural output value/%
    6 3.5 4.5
    Proportion of added value in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery services/%
    4 4.8 8
    Manufacturing system
    14 (5)农作物耕种收综合机械化率
    Comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest/%
    5 75 90
    Contribution rate of progress in agricultural science and technology/%
    6 65 75
    Rate of agricultural informatization/%
    3 60 70
    Management system
    17 (8)土地适度规模经营比重
    Appropriate scale of land management ratio/%
    5 45 55
    Livestock and poultry breeding scale level/%
    5 70 80
    (10)水产养殖规模化率 Aquaculture scale rate/% 4 12 16
    Coverage of family farms and cooperatives/%
    3 0.675 0.9
    Quality and benefit
    22 (12)农业劳动生产率 Agricultural labor productivity/(元·人−1 5 50000 65000
    Agricultural land production rate/(万元·hm−2
    6 6 8
    Per capita disposable income of farmers/元
    6 25000 40000
    Quantity of quality agricultural products per 10 000 hectares
    3 24 32
    (16)农产品出口指数 Agricultural export index/% 2 10.5 14
    Green development
    22 (17)万元农业GDP耗水
    Water consumption per 10 000 yuan of agricultural GDP/m3
    6 500 450
    Agriculture consumes 10 000 yuan of GDP(吨标准煤)(ton standard coal)/t
    5 0.1 0.08
    Pesticide application intensity/ (kg·hm−2)
    4 8 6
    Fertilizer intensity/(kg·hm−2
    4 300 225
    Utilization rate of agricultural waste/%
    3 80 90
    Support to protect
    5 (22)农林水事务支出占农林牧渔业增加值的比重
    Expenditure on agriculture,forestry and water conservancy accounts for the proportion of added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery/%
    2 30 40
    Agricultural loan input of unit added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery/元
    2 0.6 1
    Depth of occupation insurance/%
    1 0.8 1.2
    (17)Water consumption per 10 000 yuan of agricultural GDP;(18)agriculture energy consumption in 10 000 yuan of GDP;(19)pesticide application intensity; (20) chemical fertilizer application, 4 as negative indicators and remainders positive.
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    表  2  农业现代化和单项指标发展阶段划分

    Table  2.   Agricultural modernization and development stage classifications on individual indicators

    Total score range(single indicator
    realization degree%)
    Developmental stage
    Total score range(single indicator
    realization degree%)
    Developmental stage
    <60(<60%) 发展起步阶段
    Initial stage of development
    60~<75(60%~<75%) 转型跨越阶段
    Transition spanning stage
    75~<85(75%~<85%) 基本实现阶段
    Basic implementation phase
    ≥85(≥85%) 全面实现阶段
    Comprehensive implementation stage
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    表  3  “十三五”时期农业现代化二级指标实现程度

    Table  3.   Achieved level on second tier modernization indicators in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    Index realization degree/%
    Fujian vs. the Nation (±)/
    percentage point
    (9)畜禽养殖规模化水平 Livestock and poultry breeding scale level 113.55 70.52 43.03
    (13)农业土地产出率 Agricultural land production rate 282.90 66.32 216.58
    Water consumption per 10 000 yuan of agricultural GDP
    128.63 84.81 43.82
    (16)农产品出口指数 Agricultural export index 97.63 56.60 41.03
    (12)农业劳动生产率 Agricultural labor productivity 92.56 54.92 37.63
    The ratio of agricultural product processing industry to total agricultural output value
    91.33 44.21 47.12
    (21)农业废弃物利用率 Utilization rate of agricultural waste 87.33 94.29 −6.96
    (1)粮食产量稳定度 Stability of grain output 86.82 92.47 −5.65
    (18)万元农业GDP耗能 Agriculture consumes 10 000 yuan of GDP 83.98 62.72 21.26
    Aquaculture production value accounts for the proportion of total agricultural production value
    82.38 62.51 19.87
    (6)农业科技进步贡献率 Contribution rate of progress in agricultural science and technology 80.00 77.79 2.21
    (5)农作物耕种收综合机械化率 Comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest 69.11 76.17 −7.06
    (7)农业信息化率 Rate of agricultural informatization 52.49 47.54 4.94
    Agricultural loan input of unit added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery
    50.30 56.22 −5.92
    (14)农民人均可支配收入 Per capita disposable income of farmers 44.80 36.78 8.02
    Proportion of added value in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery services
    43.41 50.82 −7.42
    Expenditure on agriculture,forestry and water conservancy accounts for the
    proportion of added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery
    43.07 75.55 −32.48
    (20)化肥施用强度 Fertilizer intensity 33.01 66.71 −33.69
    (11)家庭农场和合作社覆盖率 Coverage of family farms and cooperatives 32.31 43.52 −11.21
    (10)水产养殖规模化率 Aquaculture scale rate 30.20 30.20 0
    (19)农药施用强度 Pesticide application intensity 20.09 66.42 −46.33
    (24)农业保险深度 Depth of occupation insurance 18.37 69.60 −51.23
    (8)土地适度规模经营比重 Appropriate scale of land management ratio 14.67 57.64 −42.97
    (15)每万公顷优质农产品数量 Quantity of quality agricultural products per 10,000 hectares 12.87 5.79 7.08
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    表  4  “十三五”时期福建农业现代化二级指标优劣势项

    Table  4.   Advantages and disadvantages on second tier indicators for Fujian in 13th Five-Year Plan period

    First level index
    Index realization degree/%
    Quality item
    Industrial System
    (3) 农产品加工业与农业总产值之比
    The ratio of agricultural product processing industry to total agricultural output value
    91.33 优势项
    (1) 粮食产量稳定度 Stability of grain output 86.82 优势项
    (2) 养殖业产值占农业总产值比重
    Aquaculture production value accounts for the proportion of total agricultural production value
    82.38 优势项
    (4) 农林牧渔服务业增加值占农林牧渔业增加值的比重
    Proportion of added value in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery services
    43.41 劣势项
    Manufacturing system
    (6) 农业科技进步贡献率
    Contribution rate of progress in agricultural science and technology
    80.00 优势项
    (5) 农作物耕种收综合机械化率
    Comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest
    69.11 优势项
    (7) 农业信息化率 Rate of agricultural informatization 52.49 劣势项
    Management system
    (9) 畜禽养殖规模化水平 Livestock and poultry breeding scale level 100.00 优势项
    (11) 家庭农场和合作社覆盖率
    Coverage of family farms and cooperatives
    32.31 劣势项
    (10) 水产养殖规模化率 Aquaculture scale rate 30.20 劣势项
    (8) 土地适度规模经营比重
    Appropriate scale of land management ratio
    14.67 劣势项
    Quality and benefit
    (13) 农业土地产出率
    Agricultural land production rate
    100.00 优势项
    (16) 农产品出口指数 Agricultural export index 97.63 优势项
    (12) 农业劳动生产率
    Agricultural labor productivity
    92.56 优势项
    (14) 农民人均可支配收入
    Per capita disposable income of farmers
    44.80 劣势项
    (15) 每万公顷优质农产品数量
    Quantity of quality agricultural products per 10,000 hectares
    12.87 劣势项
    Green development
    (17) 万元农业GDP耗水
    Water consumption per 10 000 yuan of agricultural GDP
    100.00 优势项
    (21) 农业废弃物利用率 Utilization rate of agricultural waste 87.33 优势项
    (18) 万元农业GDP耗能
    Agriculture consumes 10,000 yuan of GDP
    83.98 优势项
    (20) 化肥施用强度 Fertilizer intensity 33.01 劣势项
    (19) 农药施用强度 Pesticide application intensity 20.09 劣势项
    Support to protect
    (23) 单位农林牧渔业增加值的农业贷款投入
    Agricultural loan input of unit added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery
    50.30 劣势项
    (22) 农林水事务支出占农林牧渔业增加值的比重
    Expenditure on agriculture,forestry and water conservancy accounts for the proportion of added value of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery
    43.07 劣势项
    (24) 农业保险深度 Depth of occupation insurance 18.37 劣势项
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