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葛楠 肖开颜 王江木 刘持 刘新月 马晴 苏凤艳

葛楠,肖开颜,王江木,等. 西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑生长性能和肌肉品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(12):1395−1404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.002
引用本文: 葛楠,肖开颜,王江木,等. 西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑生长性能和肌肉品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(12):1395−1404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.002
GE N, XIAO K Y, WANG J M, et al. Effects of Aqueous Extract of Panax quinquefolium Stems and Leaves in Diet on Growth and Meat Quality of Quails [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(12):1395−1404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.002
Citation: GE N, XIAO K Y, WANG J M, et al. Effects of Aqueous Extract of Panax quinquefolium Stems and Leaves in Diet on Growth and Meat Quality of Quails [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(12):1395−1404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.002


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.12.002
基金项目: 吉林省科技发展重点研发计划项目(20200404030YY)

    葛楠(1996 —),女,硕士,主要从事林业技术与产品开发研究,E-mail:875535868@qq.com


    苏凤艳(1973 —),女,博士,教授,主要从事中兽药产品开发与中药废弃物利用研究,E-mail:sufy110@163.com

  • 中图分类号: S965.3;S816.7

Effects of Aqueous Extract of Panax quinquefolium Stems and Leaves in Diet on Growth and Meat Quality of Quails

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑生长性能、肌肉品质的影响,为西洋参茎叶作为添加剂开发利用提供依据。  方法  将150只1日龄鹌鹑,随机分成5组,每组3个重复,每个重复10只鹌鹑。空白对照组(CON)饲喂基础日粮,抗生素对照组(KSS)在基础日粮中添加阿莫西林(100 mg·kg−1),3个试验组在基础日粮中分别添加1%(SD)、1.5%(SZ)和2%(SG)西洋参茎叶提取物。试验期50 d,预饲期5 d,正饲期45 d。  结果  从鹌鹑生长性能来看,SZ组可显著提高鹌鹑平均日增质量(P<0.05),同时显著降低料肉比(P<0.05)。从鹌鹑肉嫩度来看,与CON组和KSS组相比,试验组鹌鹑胸肌与腿肌剪切力显著降低(P<0.05),肉嫩度均增强,其中SZ组肉嫩度最佳;从鹌鹑肉中营养成分来看,鹌鹑胸肌中蛋白质含量SG组显著高于CON组(P<0.05),SZ和SG组脂肪含量显著高于CON组和KSS组(P<0.05);鹌鹑腿肌中蛋白质含量SZ和SG组显著高于CON组和KSS组(P<0.05),脂肪含量SZ组显著高于CON组和KSS组(P<0.05);胸肌和腿肌中水分含量各组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。从鹌鹑肌肉中脂肪酸含量来看,与CON组相比,各试验组鹌鹑胸肌中不饱和脂肪酸含量降低不显著( P >0.05),SZ组鹌鹑腿肌中不饱和脂肪酸含量显著升高( P <0.05);从鹌鹑肌肉中肌苷酸含量来看,SZ组鹌鹑胸肌和腿肌中肌苷酸含量均显著高于KSS组( P <0.05);从鹌鹑肌肉中氨基酸含量来看,SD、SZ和SG组鹌鹑胸肌和腿肌中必需氨基酸和风味氨基酸含量均显著高于KSS组(P<0.05)。从H.E.染色结果来看,各试验组鹌鹑的肝肾组织结构均未见异常。鹌鹑生长激素(Growth hormone, GH)基因(GH基因)表达水平各试验组均显著高于CON组(P<0.05),且SZ组鹌鹑生长激素(GH)基因表达量最高。  结论  西洋参茎叶提取物可加速鹌鹑生长,改善肌肉品质,增加肌肉风味,且对肝肾发育无不良影响,安全性比较高,可代替抗生素作为中草药饲料添加剂进一步开发利用。
  • 图  1  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑肝脏组织结构的影响(×100倍)


    Figure  1.  Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on liver of quail (100×)

    A: CON group;B: KSS group;C: SD group;D: SZ group;E: SG group.

    图  2  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑肾脏组织结构的影响(×100倍)


    Figure  2.  Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on renal tissue of quail (100×)

    A: CON group; B: KSS group; C: SD group; D: SZ group; E: SG group.

    图  3  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑GH基因表达的影响


    Figure  3.  Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on GH expression in quails

    Data are mean±standard deviation; those with different lowercase letters represent significant difference at P<0.05; those with same letter indicate no significant difference at p>0.05.

    表  1  基础饲粮组成及营养成分水平

    Table  1.   Formulation and proximate analysis of experimental diets              (单位:g·kg−1

    0~20 d
    0–20 d
    21~45 d
    21–45 d
    玉米 Corn540510
    大豆粕 Bean pulp270260
    米糠 Imported fishmeal10090
    骨粉 Rice bran50100
    禽用多维 Bone meal1515
    Multivitamins trace elements premix
    赖氨酸 Lysine2.52.5
    蛋氨酸 Methionine66
    食盐 Salt11
    石粉 Stone powder1212
    粗蛋白 Crude protein243.8229.4
    钙 Ca44
    磷 P13.312.3
    粗脂肪 Crude fat146.3153.7
    粗纤维 Crude fiber34.325.3
    粗灰分 Crush ash61.069.1
    赖氨酸 Lysine11.28.7
    蛋氨酸 Methionine4.73.8
    微量元素预混料向饲料提供Mg 300 mg·kg−1、Mn 90 mg·kg−1、Zn 100 mg·kg−1、Cu 7 mg·kg−1、I 0.3 mg·kg−1、Fe 80 mg·kg−1
    Premixed forage contained 300 mg·kg−1 Mg, 90 mg·kg−1 Mn, 100 mg ·kg−1 Zn, 7 mg·kg−1 Cu, 0.3 mg·kg−1 I, and 80 mg·kg−1 Fe.
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    表  2  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑生长性能的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on growth of quails

    Average daily gain/
    Average daily feed intake/
    KSS3.5±0.39b19.64± 1.25a5.62±0.36a
    SD3.87±0.07ab19.77± 1.43a5.11±0.40a
    SZ4.08±0. 11a18.42± 1.45a4.51±0.36b
    SG3.82±0.26ab18.78± 1.37a4.92±0.36ab
    Data are mean±standard deviation; those with different lowercase letters represent significant difference at P<0.05. Same for below.
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    表  3  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑胸肌和腿肌剪切力的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on shear strength of quail pectoral and leg muscles

    剪切力 Shear force/N
    胸肌 Pectoral muscle腿肌 Leg muscle
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    表  4  西洋参茎叶提取物鹌鹑肌肉常规营养成分的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on common nutrients in quail meat (单位:%)

    胸肌 Pectoralis 腿肌 Thigh muscle
    CON 21.94±2.31b 1.17±0.14b 72.37±6.47a 21.27±3.02b 1.16±0.13b 74.16±7.49a
    KSS 24.34±1.46a 1.27±0.11b 70.89±8.15a 21.41±2.69b 1.82±0.16b 74.53±9.24a
    SD 23.60±2.34ab 1.52±0.09ab 70.34±6.83a 23.07±2.48ab 2.71±0.05ab 72.98±10.01a
    SZ 23.97±1.65ab 1.77±0.15a 71.21±9.45a 23.94±1.94a 3.06±0.04a 73.08±6.17a
    SG 24.24±1.58a 1.70±0.17a 69.90±8.34a 23.72±3.02a 2.47±0.07ab 71.08±4.92a
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    表  5  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑胸肌中脂肪酸含量的影响

    Table  5.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on fatty acids in quail breast meat (单位:g·hg−1

    脂肪酸 Fatty acid   CONKSSSDSZSG
    肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid
    棕榈酸 Palmitic acid 17.41±1.08a 18.29±0.66a 18.27±2.08a 19.39±2.08a 19.73±1.48a
    硬脂酸 Stearic acid 7.53±0.19b 14.57±0.26a 11.11±0.37a 13.31±0.44a 14.54±0.21a
    棕榈油酸 palmitoleic acid * 5.20±0.08a 2.95±0.06b 4.08±0.98a 4.47±0.88a 3.16±0.79ab
    油酸 Oleic acid * 27.74±1.05a 23.05±1.11b 26.69±1.89a 26.96± 1.39a 25.88±1.28a
    亚油酸 Linoleic acid ** 35.54±2.28a 32.86±2.66a 33.49±1.81a 33.19±2.16a 34.41±1.03a
    亚麻酸 Linolenic acid ** 1.96±0.08
    花生四烯酸 Arachidonic acid ** 2.65±0.12c 7. 19±0.61b 6.09±0.13b 6.74±0.64b 9.23±0.37a
    不饱和脂肪酸 Unsaturated fatty acids 73.09±4.07a 66.05±3.98b 72.40±3.67a 69.36±5.44ab 69.68±4.81ab
    * indicates monounsaturated fat acids; ** indicates unsaturated fat acids; - means not detected. Same for Table 6.
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    表  6  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑腿肌中脂肪酸含量的影响

    Table  6.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on fatty acids in quail leg meat (单位:g·hg−1

    脂肪酸 Fatty acid CONKSSSDSZSG
    肉豆蔻酸 Myristic acid 0.34±0.03a
    棕榈酸 Palmitic acid 16.95±0.23b 19.81±0.37ab 20.76±0.36a 18.92±0.06ab 17.58±0.44ab
    硬脂酸 Stearic acid 8.61±0. 15c 13.32±0.51b 19.84±0.45a 9.09±0.21bc 15.62±0.32ab
    棕榈油酸 Palmitoleic acid * 2.89±0.14a 3.75±0.01a 2.24±0.02a 3.92±0.03a 2.53±0. 11a
    油酸 Oleic acid * 28.97±0.87a 24.84± 1.61b 26.67±0.17ab 28.02±0.06a 23.45± 1.21b
    亚油酸 Linoleic acid ** 35.08±0.27a 30.28±0.65b 31.24±0. 16b 35.02±0.38a 32.25± 1.05ab
    亚麻酸 Linolenic acid ** 1.81±0.04 1.72±0.09
    花生四烯酸 Arachidonic acid ** 4.11±0.22b 8.00±0.10a 9.27±0.12a 8.99±1.02a 8.59±0.37a
    不饱和脂肪酸 Unsaturated fatty acids 72.86±4.37b 66.87±3.77b 69.42±3.32b 77.67±2.24a 66.82±5.91b
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    表  7  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑肉中肌苷酸含量的影响

    Table  7.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on inosinic content in quail meat

    肌苷酸 Inosinic acid/(mg·kg−1
    Pectoral muscle
    Leg muscle
    KSS1707.59± 8.85b971.85±4.47b
    SD1962.23± 8.28a1285.06±3.26a
    SG1734. 12± 11.38b1349.02±6.73a
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    表  8  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑胸肌中氨基酸含量的影响

    Table  8.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on amino acids in quail breast meat (单位:g·hg−1

    氨基酸 Amino acidsCONKSSSDSZSG
    谷氨酸 Glutamic acid3.52±0.11ab2.91±0.09b3.56±0.12ab3.85±0.13a3.63±0.25ab
    天冬氨酸 Aspartic acid2.21±0.13ab1.86±0.26b2.22±0.25ab2.43±0.05a2.26±0.54ab
    甘氨酸 Glycine1.12±0.11a1.44±0.21a1.10±0.31a1.15±0.19a0.99±0.06a
    丙氨酸 Alanine1.41±0. 23a1.18±0.09a1.39±0.09a1.49±0.13a1.33±0.09a
    酪氨酸 Tyrosine0.78±0.07a0.60± 0.04a0.85±0.17a0.92±0.05a0.92±0.21a
    苯丙氨酸 Phenylalanine*1.05±0.21a0.83±0.05a1.09±0. 11a1.04±0.18a1.06± 0.15a
    异亮氨酸 Isoleucine1.08±0.06a0.86±0.08a1.14±0.15a1.23±0.07a1.13±0.05a
    赖氨酸 Lysine*2.14±0.21ab1.78±0.11b2.15±0.13ab2.27±0.16a2.13±0.37ab
    缬氨酸 Valine *1.13±0.08a0.83±0.06a1.18±0.15a1.24±0.21a1.16±0.26a
    蛋氨酸 Methionine *0.61±0.06a0.50±0.08a0.62±0.11a0.73±0.09a0.65±0.04a
    苏氨酸 Threonine *0.96±0.06a0.88±0.08a1.09±0.04a1.17±0.05a1.10±0.09a
    丝氨酸 Serine0.87±0.05a0.68±0.09a0.98±0.11a1.04±0.03a0.97±0.08a
    亮氨酸 Leucine*2.06±0.15ab1.68±0.14b2.11±0.24ab2.27±0.19a2.13±0.27ab
    组氨酸 Histidine**0.67±0.11a0.51±0.04a0.70±0.08a0.76±0.16a0.72±0.14a
    精氨酸 Arginine**1.35±0.13b1.35±0.16b1.51±0.14ab1.61±0.15a1.49±0.09ab
    脯氨酸 Proline0.46±0.02b1.40±0.06a0.81±0.03ab0.93±0.05a0.94±0.07a
    总氨基酸 Total amino acids21.42±2.05ab19.29±1.95b22.50±2.31ab24.13±3.01a22.61±3.47ab
    必需氨基酸 Essential amino acids9.03±1.01a7.36±0.96b9.38±0.76a9.95±.088a9.36±1.24a
    风味氨基酸 Flavor amino acids10.09±0.65a8.82±0.78b10.21±0.21a10.88±0.84a10.10±0.93a
    * indicates essential amino acid; ** indicates semi-essential amino acid; indicates flavor amino acids. Same for Table 9.
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    表  9  西洋参茎叶提取物对鹌鹑腿肌中氨基酸含量的影响

    Table  9.   Effect of P. quinquefolium extract on amino acids in quail leg meat (单位:g·hg−1

    氨基酸 Amino acidsCONKSSSDSZSG
    谷氨酸 Glutamic acid#2.00±0.23b1.84±0.26b3.51±0.31a3.85±0.13a3.34±0.21a
    天冬氨酸 Aspartic acid#1.28±0.24b1.11±0.27b2.02±0.25ab2.20±0.16a1.94±0.33ab
    甘氨酸 Glycine#0.64±0.05b0.58±0.11b1.17±0.23a1.03±0.09a0.81±0.02ab
    丙氨酸 Alanine#0.75±0.11b0.66±0.12b1.22±0.08a1.23±0.13a1.08±0.11ab
    酪氨酸 Tyrosine#0.53±0.02ab0.47± 0.03b0.89±0.05a0.87±0.06a0.77±0.05ab
    苯丙氨酸 Phenylalanine*#0.70±0.07b0.59±0.05b0.95±0.06a1.03±0.11a0.94± 0.05a
    异亮氨酸 Isoleucine0.72±0.04ab0.55±0.05b1.00±0.02a1.11±0.07a0.95±0.04a
    赖氨酸 Lysine*1.36±0.24b1.03±0.18b1.87±0.12a2.19±0.29a1.92±0.31a
    缬氨酸 Valine *0.71±0.12ab0.56±0.13b0.97±0.35a1.07±0.27a0.98±0.18a
    蛋氨酸 Methionine *0.36±0.04ab0.28±0.03b0.58±0.07ab0.64±0.05a0.59±0.03ab
    苏氨酸 Threonine *0.69±0.06ab0.53±0.04b0.97±0.08a1.05±0.04a0.96±0.06a
    丝氨酸 Serine0.56±0.02b0.49±0.03b0.94±0.03a0.98±0.06a0.87±0.05ab
    亮氨酸 Leucine*1.30±0.12b1.03±0.14b1.87±0.09a2.08±0.15a1.85±0.07a
    组氨酸 Histidine**0.34±0.02ab0.27±0.02b0.50±0.03ab0.59±0.02a0.53±0.04a
    精氨酸 Arginine**1.02±0.07bc0.69±0.05c1.46±0.04a1.52±0.07a1.26±0.11ab
    脯氨酸 Proline0.31±0.03b0.30±0.02b0.86±0.04a0.78±0.03a0.53±0.02ab
    总氨基酸 Total amino acids13.27±1.23b10.98±1.77b20.78±1.54a22.22±1.63a19.32±1.86a
    必需氨基酸 Essential amino acids5.84±0.42b4.57±0.51b8.21±0.57a9.17±0.85a8.19±0.83a
    风味氨基酸 Flavor amino acids5.90±0.95b5.25±0.83b9.76±1.03a10.21±0.89a8.88±0.77a
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