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陈静 张孟豪 杨倩楠 张晓龙 王超 张池 刘科学

陈静,张孟豪,杨倩楠,等. 蚯蚓改良水浇地土壤入渗性能及影响因素分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(11):1367−1375 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.013
引用本文: 陈静,张孟豪,杨倩楠,等. 蚯蚓改良水浇地土壤入渗性能及影响因素分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(11):1367−1375 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.013
CHEN J, ZHANG M H, YANG Q N, et al. Water Infiltration of Soil Affected by Earthworms [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(11):1367−1375 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.013
Citation: CHEN J, ZHANG M H, YANG Q N, et al. Water Infiltration of Soil Affected by Earthworms [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(11):1367−1375 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.013


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.013
基金项目: 广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515011543);广东省教育科学“十三五”规划项目(2020GXJK116);广州新华学院教职工科研启动基金项目(2020KYZD02)

    陈静(1995 —),女,硕士,主要从事土壤生态环境相关研究,E-mail:1286697987@qq.com


    刘科学(1980 —),男,博士,副教授,主要从事土壤生态环境相关研究,E-mail:28257448@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: S157.3

Water Infiltration of Soil Affected by Earthworms

  • 摘要:   目的  探究蚯蚓不同生态类型和密度对水浇地土壤水分入渗特征的影响。  方法  选取表栖型赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)和深栖型参状远盲蚓(Amynthas aspergillum)为研究对象,以无蚯蚓土壤处理为对照,采用一维定水头土柱模拟试验,探究蚯蚓不同生态类型和密度(低密度4 g·kg−1,高密度8 g·kg−1)对土壤湿润锋、累积入渗量、入渗速率、含水率的影响及其与土壤性状的关系,并利用Philip模型和Kostiakov模型拟合分析土壤水分入渗规律。  结果  ①在相同时间内,蚯蚓明显降低湿润锋推进距离、推进速率、累积入渗量及入渗速率,尤其是低密度参状远盲蚓影响最为显著(P<0.01),且低密度蚯蚓的入渗性能较高密度蚯蚓处理差。②各处理入渗结束后,土壤含水率存在差异,参状远盲蚓极显著提高土壤含水率(P<0.01),且低密度处理最佳。③蚯蚓通过改变土壤的理化性质来降低土壤水分的入渗性能,其中电导率(Electricity conductivity,EC)值、有效磷(Available phosphorus, AP)值和砂粒为土壤水分入渗的主要驱动因素。④与Philip模型拟合结果相比,采用Kostiakov模型拟合效果更适用,对参状远盲蚓处理土壤入渗过程的拟合精度(RMSE≤4.80 mm)更高,且参状远盲蚓极显著降低了累积入渗量衰减程度(P<0.01)。  结论  经赤子爱胜蚓和参状远盲蚓改良后的水浇地土壤(壤砂质地),水分入渗性能降低,但对水分的蓄持能力增加。在改良水浇地土壤时,添加低密度的参状远盲蚓有利于土壤持水。
  • 图  1  各处理对湿润锋推进距离及速率的影响


    Figure  1.  Effects of earthworm treatments on distance and rate of wetting front advance in soil

    a: Advance distance of wetting front of different treatments; b: Rate of advance distance of wetting front.

    图  2  各处理对累积入渗量及入渗速率的影响

    Figure  2.  Effects of earthworm treatments on accumulated water infiltration and infiltration rate of soil

    图  3  蚯蚓处理对入渗后土壤含水率的影响

    图中不同大、小写字母表示各处理间差异极显著( P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)。

    Figure  3.  Effect of earthworm treatments on moisture retention of water-infiltrated soil

    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level; those with different capital letters, significant difference at 0.01 level.

    表  1  各处理不同时段湿润锋推进距离

    Table  1.   Distance of wetting front advance in soil under earthworm treatments at different times

    The advance distance of wetting front/mm
    5 min10 min20 min25 min
    CK 67.3±3.8Aa 106.7±6.8Aa 174.0±3.1Aa 191.3±1.9Aa
    E1 62.7±5.6Aa 90.0±6.1ABbc 133.7±5.2Cc 154.3±3.5Cc
    E2 65.0±2.7Aa 101.7±1.9Aab 152.7±1.7Bb 173.0±2.1Bb
    A1 59.0±1.5Aa 79.0±2.0Bc 105.0±3.2Dd 117.0±2.7De
    A2 68.3±1.2Aa 94.7±1.8ABab 126.67±3.5Cc 141.7±3.8Cd
    Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level; those with different capital letters, significant difference at 0.01 level. Same for below.
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    表  2  各处理不同时间段的累积入渗量

    Table  2.   Accumulated water infiltration in soil under earthworm treatments at different times

    累积入渗量 Accumulative infiltration/mm
    5 min10 min20 min25 min
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    表  3  各处理入渗速率的动态变化

    Table  3.   Changes on infiltration rate of soil after earthworm treatments          (单位:mm·min−1

    初始(1 min)
    Initial infiltration rate
    中期(10 min)
    Mid-term infiltration rate
    稳定(25 min)
    Stable infiltration rate
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    表  4  蚯蚓培养后土壤的理化性质

    Table  4.   Properties of soil in presence of earthworms

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    表  5  土壤入渗能力与其影响因子的相关性分析

    Table  5.   Correlation between water infiltration of soil and various affecting factors

    Infiltration characteristics
    初始(1 min)入渗率
    Initial infiltration rate
    0.205 −0.418 0.341 0.126 −0.522* 0.422 −0.205 0.127 0.286
    中期(10 min)入渗率
    Mid-term infiltration rate
    0.019 0.560* −0.289 0.046 0.788** −0.079 0.794** −0.765** −0.751**
    稳定(25 min)入渗率
    Stable infiltration rate
    −0.148 0.664** −0.367 0.115 0.820** −0.267 0.565* −0.522* −0.563*
    25 min累积入渗量
    Accumulative infiltration
    −0.189 0.644** −0.417 0.147 0.858** −0.270 0.601* −0.559* −0.595*
    表中“*”表示 P<0.05;“**”表示 P<0.01。
    "*" indicates significant difference at 0.05 level; "**" indicates significant difference at 0.01 level.
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    表  6  不同蚯蚓处理下Philip和Kostiakov入渗模型拟合结果

    Table  6.   Fitting of Philip and Kostiakov models on water infiltration of soil under earthworm treatments

    Philip模型 Philip modelKostiakov模型 Kostiakov model
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