Water Infiltration of Soil Affected by Earthworms
目的 探究蚯蚓不同生态类型和密度对水浇地土壤水分入渗特征的影响。 方法 选取表栖型赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)和深栖型参状远盲蚓(Amynthas aspergillum)为研究对象,以无蚯蚓土壤处理为对照,采用一维定水头土柱模拟试验,探究蚯蚓不同生态类型和密度(低密度4 g·kg−1,高密度8 g·kg−1)对土壤湿润锋、累积入渗量、入渗速率、含水率的影响及其与土壤性状的关系,并利用Philip模型和Kostiakov模型拟合分析土壤水分入渗规律。 结果 ①在相同时间内,蚯蚓明显降低湿润锋推进距离、推进速率、累积入渗量及入渗速率,尤其是低密度参状远盲蚓影响最为显著(P<0.01),且低密度蚯蚓的入渗性能较高密度蚯蚓处理差。②各处理入渗结束后,土壤含水率存在差异,参状远盲蚓极显著提高土壤含水率(P<0.01),且低密度处理最佳。③蚯蚓通过改变土壤的理化性质来降低土壤水分的入渗性能,其中电导率(Electricity conductivity,EC)值、有效磷(Available phosphorus, AP)值和砂粒为土壤水分入渗的主要驱动因素。④与Philip模型拟合结果相比,采用Kostiakov模型拟合效果更适用,对参状远盲蚓处理土壤入渗过程的拟合精度(RMSE≤4.80 mm)更高,且参状远盲蚓极显著降低了累积入渗量衰减程度(P<0.01)。 结论 经赤子爱胜蚓和参状远盲蚓改良后的水浇地土壤(壤砂质地),水分入渗性能降低,但对水分的蓄持能力增加。在改良水浇地土壤时,添加低密度的参状远盲蚓有利于土壤持水。 Abstract:Objective Effects of earthworms of different ecological classifications on water infiltration of the soil in which they inhabited were studied. Method Epigeic Eisenia fetida and endo-anecic Amynthas aspergillum were separately placed in soil containers to compare with one without earthworms. In a vertical one-dimensional stable water potential infiltration experimentation, the wetting front movement, accumulated infiltration, infiltration rate, and moisture content of the soil in the containers were monitored to analyze the correlation between soil properties and presence of the different types of earthworms in low-density at 4 g·kg−1 or high-density at 8 g·kg−1. The Philip and Kostiakov models were applied to mathematically describe the water infiltration function. Result ① The existence of earthworms simultaneously reduced the advancing distance, advancing rate, cumulative infiltration amount, and infiltration rate of the water wetting front in the soil, especially in the case of low-density A. aspergillum (P<0.01). The effect was more significant under low-density than high-density of the earthworms. ② Water retention of soil changed with the earthworm-induced water infiltration pattern which increased significantly by the low-density A. aspergillum treatment (P<0.01). ③ The major driving factors on soil that affected water infiltration attributed by the earthworms were electricity conductivity, available phosphorus, and sand. ④ Kostiakov model fitted the correlation between the soil water infiltration and the earthworm treatments more than Philip model did. A high fitting accuracy on RMSE≤4.80 mm was observed on the treatment by A. aspergillum. Moreover, A. aspergillum also significantly decreased the attenuation of cumulative water infiltration (P<0.01). Conclusion The water infiltration could be significantly lowered and moisture retention raised in a loamy sandy soil by the presence of E. fetida or A. aspergillum. It was conceivable that, at the density of 4 g·kg−1 of A. aspergillum, land of similar kind of soil could benefit from the improved water holding capacity as a result. -
Key words:
- Eisenia fetida /
- Amynthas aspergillum /
- loamy soil /
- water infiltration of soil
图 3 蚯蚓处理对入渗后土壤含水率的影响
图中不同大、小写字母表示各处理间差异极显著( P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 3. Effect of earthworm treatments on moisture retention of water-infiltrated soil
Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level; those with different capital letters, significant difference at 0.01 level.
表 1 各处理不同时段湿润锋推进距离
Table 1. Distance of wetting front advance in soil under earthworm treatments at different times
The advance distance of wetting front/mm5 min 10 min 20 min 25 min CK 67.3±3.8Aa 106.7±6.8Aa 174.0±3.1Aa 191.3±1.9Aa E1 62.7±5.6Aa 90.0±6.1ABbc 133.7±5.2Cc 154.3±3.5Cc E2 65.0±2.7Aa 101.7±1.9Aab 152.7±1.7Bb 173.0±2.1Bb A1 59.0±1.5Aa 79.0±2.0Bc 105.0±3.2Dd 117.0±2.7De A2 68.3±1.2Aa 94.7±1.8ABab 126.67±3.5Cc 141.7±3.8Cd 表中不同大、小写字母表示各处理间差异极显著(P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)。下同。
Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level; those with different capital letters, significant difference at 0.01 level. Same for below.表 2 各处理不同时间段的累积入渗量
Table 2. Accumulated water infiltration in soil under earthworm treatments at different times
Treatment累积入渗量 Accumulative infiltration/mm 5 min 10 min 20 min 25 min CK 118.3±8.7Aa 198.7±8.3Aa 266.3±9.2Aa 284.7±8.1Aa E1 96.0±4.9Ab 151.7±0.7BCbc 231.3±1.2BCb 251.3±0.9Bb E2 107.3±7.3Aab 167.7±3.6Bbc 250.0±3.2ABab 271.7±6.0ABa A1 98.7±4.8Aab 130.0±3.8Cd 178.7±9.2Dd 204.0±9.9Cc A2 111.7±1.8Aab 145.7±6.2BCcd 205.7±2.6CDc 221.7±1.8Cc 表 3 各处理入渗速率的动态变化
Table 3. Changes on infiltration rate of soil after earthworm treatments (单位:mm·min−1)
Treatment初始(1 min)
Initial infiltration rate中期(10 min)
Mid-term infiltration rate稳定(25 min)
Stable infiltration rateCK 39.0±3.5Aab 19.9±0.6Aa 11.4±0.1Aa E1 41.3±4.8Aab 15.2±0.8BCbc 10.1±0.3Bb E2 34.0±1.5Ab 16.8±0.0Bb 10.9±0.0ABa A1 49.3±4.8Aab 13.0±0.4Cd 8.2±0.2Cc A2 52.0±6.4Aa 14.6±0.4BCcd 8.9±0.4Cc 表 4 蚯蚓培养后土壤的理化性质
Table 4. Properties of soil in presence of earthworms
TreatmentspH 电导率
Clay/%CK 7.65±0.04Bb 786.35±173.10Aa 18.68±0.00Bb 2.27±0.13Aa 0.39±0.01Aa 0.57±0.02Aab 83.4±1.0Aa 9.2±0.3Bb 7.5±1.2Bb E1 7.45±0.04Cc 684.52±109.68ABab 19.49±0.00Bb 2.53±0.26Aa 0.36±0.02Aa 0.56±0.02Aab 72.8±1.0Bb 15.6±0.4Aa 11.7±1.1Aa E2 7.61±0.04Bb 522.57±156.88ABbc 19.34±0.00Bb 2.43±0.04Aa 0.37±0.03Aa 0.44±0.03Ab 72.0±0.7Bb 15.8±0.3Aa 12.2±0.5Aa A1 7.60±0.06Bb 363.32±78.06Bc 19.52±0.00Bb 2.33±0.21Aa 0.27±0.03Bb 0.61±0.04Aa 72.3±0.6Bb 15.7±0.9Aa 12.0±0.9Aa A2 7.79±0.02Aa 516.12±109.52ABbc 25.69±0.00Aa 2.31±0.22Aa 0.26±0.24Bb 0.49±0.20Aab 73.2±1.6Bb 14.2±1.5Aa 12.7±0.1Aa 表 5 土壤入渗能力与其影响因子的相关性分析
Table 5. Correlation between water infiltration of soil and various affecting factors
Infiltration characteristicspH 电导率EC 有机碳SOC 总氮TN 有效磷AP 有效钾AK 砂粒
Clay初始(1 min)入渗率
Initial infiltration rate0.205 −0.418 0.341 0.126 −0.522* 0.422 −0.205 0.127 0.286 中期(10 min)入渗率
Mid-term infiltration rate0.019 0.560* −0.289 0.046 0.788** −0.079 0.794** −0.765** −0.751** 稳定(25 min)入渗率
Stable infiltration rate−0.148 0.664** −0.367 0.115 0.820** −0.267 0.565* −0.522* −0.563* 25 min累积入渗量
Accumulative infiltration−0.189 0.644** −0.417 0.147 0.858** −0.270 0.601* −0.559* −0.595* 表中“*”表示 P<0.05;“**”表示 P<0.01。
"*" indicates significant difference at 0.05 level; "**" indicates significant difference at 0.01 level.表 6 不同蚯蚓处理下Philip和Kostiakov入渗模型拟合结果
Table 6. Fitting of Philip and Kostiakov models on water infiltration of soil under earthworm treatments
TreatmentPhilip模型 Philip model Kostiakov模型 Kostiakov model S A RMSE/mm GMER R2 K n RMSE/mm GMER R2 CK 64.18Aa −20.47Bb 12.61 2.68 0.975 41.38ab 0.64Aa 19.21 2.73 0.981 E1 53.46Bc −18.03Bb 4.97 2.72 0.996 39.52ab 0.57Aa 6.50 2.72 0.996 E2 59.04Ab −23.35Bb 8.66 2.68 0.988 35.45b 0.65Aa 16.87 2.73 0.981 A1 35.04De 19.69Aa 3.12 2.71 0.998 48.83a 0.43Bb 2.36 2.72 0.999 A2 41.38Cd 16.74Aa 5.63 2.71 0.995 52.28a 0.45Bb 4.80 2.72 0.998 -
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