Summertime Photosynthesis, Carbon-fixation, Oxygen-release, Atmosphere-cooling, and Humidifying Effect of Landscape Plants in Suzho
目的 探究苏州市常见园林树种固碳释氧、降温增湿的能力。 方法 以苏州市白鹭园13种园林植物为研究对象,通过测定其光合生理指标,分析植物固碳释氧、降温增湿的综合效率及其影响因素。 结果 (1)13种植物净光合速率日变化主要呈单峰型和双峰型2种,蒸腾速率日变化主要呈单峰型。(2)单位叶面积日固碳量和释氧量最高的是榔榆(Ulmus parvifolia),分别为12.08、8.78 g·m−2·d−1,最低的是红枫(Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'),分别为3.50、2.54 g·m−2·d−1。单位叶面积日降温量和增湿量最高的是木槿(Hibiscus syriacus),分别为0.38 ℃和2376.15 g·m−2·d−1,红枫最低,分别为0.14 ℃和848.01 g·m−2·d−1。(3)园林植物固碳增湿量与净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、大气湿度(RH)、光合有效辐射(PAR)呈显著正相关,与叶面水气压亏缺(Vpdl)呈显著负相关。 结论 基于提高城市绿地碳汇功能和缓解热岛效应,在苏州地区乔木中可优选榔榆、朴树(Celtis sinensis)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、垂柳(Salix babylonica)、枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)、重阳木(Bischofia polycarpa)等树种。桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、珊瑚树(Viburnum odoratissimum)和木槿单位土地面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿效益差距不大。 Abstract:Objective Beneficial effects of landscape plants in Suzhou on carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cool, and humidity-increase during summer season were studied. Method Physiologically, the photosynthetic indicators of 13 varieties of plants at Bailu Garden in in Suzhou were monitored during the summer to determine their effects on the surrounding atmospheric carbon, oxygen, temperature, and humidity. Result (1) The diurnal variation on the net photosynthetic rate of the plants was mainly unimodal and bimodal, while that of the transpiration rate basically unimodal. (2) The greatest per leaf area daily carbon-fixation of 12.08 g·m−2·d−1 and oxygen-release of 8.78 g·m−2·d−1 were found on Ulmus parvifolia, while the lowest 3.50 g·m−2·d−1 and 2.54 g·m−2·d−1, respectively, on Acer palmatum Atropurpureum. The highest per leaf area daily cooling and humidifying effects of 0.38 ℃ and 2 376.15 g·m−2·d−1, respectively, were rendered by Hibiscus syriacus, whereas the lowest 0.14 ℃ and 848.01 g·m−2·d−1, respectively, by A. palmatum Atropurpureum. And (3) the carbon sequestration and humidification of the plants correlated positively with the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr), atmospheric humidity (RH), and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) but negatively with the leaf water vapor pressure deficit (Vpdl). Conclusion Through increasing carbon sink and mitigating hot-island effect in the surroundings with plants such as U. parvifolia, Celtis sinensis, Cinnamomum camphora, Salix babylonica, Liquidambar formosana, and Bischofia polycarpa, urban Suzhou could be environmentally improved. On the other hand, Osmanthus fragrans, Viburnum odoratissimum, and H. syriacus did not seem to offer significant benefits in that regard. -
表 1 13种园林植物基本信息
Table 1. Basic information on 13 species of landscape plants in Suzhou
Tree species类型
Mean DBH/cm平均冠幅
Average crown width/m平均高度
Average height/m冠高
Crown height/m香樟
Cinnamomum camphora常绿乔木
Evergreen trees33.37±0.87 a 9.25±0.15 a 11.00±0.46 bc 6.67±0.25 b 广玉兰
Magnolia grandiflora常绿乔木
Evergreen trees25.43±0.95 de 6.07±0.06 ef 8.10±0.53 f 4.50±0.10 e 枫香树
Liquidambar formosana落叶乔木
Deciduous trees27.27±1.11 c 8.20±0.10 b 13.63±0.21 a 9.17±0.25 a 榔榆
Ulmus parvifolia落叶乔木
Deciduous trees26.80±0.70 cd 5.82±0.06 g 8.43±0.31 ef 5.67±0.21 d 榉树
Zelkova serrata落叶乔木
Deciduous trees27.30±0.95 c 7.60±0.13 c 9.37±0.50 d 6.23±0.23 c 朴树
Celtis sinensis落叶乔木
Deciduous trees24.70±1.08 e 6.27±0.16 e 9.07±0.25 de 4.73±0.21 e 垂柳
Salix babylonica落叶乔木
Deciduous trees26.50±0.70 cd 5.93±0.10 fg 10.33±0.50 c 6.20±0.26 c 重阳木
Bischofia polycarpa落叶乔木
Deciduous trees29.5±0.82 b 6.73±0.03 d 11.10±0.30 b 6.37±0.12 bc 白玉兰
Yulania denudata落叶乔木
Deciduous trees15.10±0.20 f 4.32±0.23 i 5.57±0.40 g 3.87±0.32 f 红枫
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'落叶乔木
Deciduous trees12.23±0.23 h 2.15±0.09 k 3.00±0.26 i 1.53±0.15 i 桂花
Osmanthus fragrans常绿灌木
Evergreen shrubs— 4.68±0.03 h 4.97±0.23 gh 3.73±0.15 fg 珊瑚树
Evergreen shrubs— 3.80±0.05 j 4.30±0.20 h 3.37±0.15 gh 木槿
Hibiscus syriacus落叶灌木
Deciduous shrubs— 3.87±0.15 j 4.53±0.15 h 3.13±0.06 h 同列数据后不同小写字母表示不同树种间在 0.05 水平差异显著。
Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at level of 0.05.表 2 13种园林植物单位叶面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿量
Table 2. Per leaf area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants
Tree species总同化量
$ {P} $/(mmol·m−2·d−1)单位叶面积日固碳量
$ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{co}}}}_{{2}}{}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)单位叶面积日释氧量
$ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{o}}}}_{{2}}{}} $/(g·m-2·d-1)总蒸腾量
$ {E} $ /(mmol·m−2·d−1)单位叶面积日增湿量
$ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{H}}}}_{{2}}{{\rm{O}}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)单位叶面积日降温量
$ P_{\Delta T} $ /℃香樟 C. camphora 332.37±9.90 a 11.70±0.35 a 8.51±0.25 a 86.38±5.17 de 1554.86±93.02 de 0.25±0.01 de 广玉兰 M. grandiflora 200.61±10.08 d 7.06±0.35 d 5.14±0.26 d 54.57±10.66 fg 982.27±191.81 fg 0.16±0.03 fg 枫香树 L. formosana 261.80±9.86 c 9.22±0.35 c 6.70±0.25 c 90.01±7.50 d 1620.30±135.03 d 0.26±0.02 d 榔榆 U. parvifolia 343.16±20.01 a 12.08±0.70 a 8.78±0.51 a 115.37±8.43 bc 2076.73±151.71 bc 0.33±0.02 bc 榉树 Z. serrata 200.65±7.39 d 7.06±0.26 d 5.14±0.19 d 77.03±4.37 e 1386.53±78.58 e 0.22±0.01 e 朴树 C. sinensis 337.41±25.14 a 11.88±0.88 a 8.64±0.64 a 121.65±2.39 ab 2189.66±43.09 ab 0.35±0.00 ab 垂柳 S. babylonica 299.31±7.16 b 10.54±0.25 b 7.66±0.18 b 89.25±6.49 d 1606.47±116.87 d 0.26±0.19 d 重阳木 B. polycarpa 276.45±6.50 bc 9.73±0.23 bc 7.08±0.17 bc 106.05±2.92 d 1908.89±52.54 d 0.31±0.08 d 白玉兰 Y. denudata 194.78+8.04 de 6.86±0.28 de 4.99±0.21 de 61.48±3.02 f 1106.72±54.38 f 0.18±0.01 f 红枫 A. palmatum 99.36±2.63 f 3.50±0.09 f 2.54±0.07 f 47.11±1.60 g 848.01±28.80 g 0.14±0.00 g 桂花O. fragrans 174.60±10.21 e 6.15±0.36 e 4.47±0.26 e 56.98±3.81 fg 1025.67±68.55 fg 0.16±0.01 fg 珊瑚树 V. odoratissimum 203.46±11.06 d 7.16±0.39 d 5.21±0.28 d 61.95±0.61 f 1115.02±11.04 f 0.18±0.00 f 木槿 H. syriacus 271.08±5.78 c 9.54±0.20 c 6.94±0.15 c 132.01±5.70 a 2376.15±102.55 a 0.38±0.16 a 常绿树种 Evergreen species 182.21±51.81 8.02±2.28 5.83±1.66 64.97±14.23 1169.46±256.22 0.19±0.04 落叶树种 Deciduous species 203.02±60.16 8.93±2.64 6.50±1.93 93.33±27.50 1679.94±495.00 0.27±0.08 乔木 Arbor 203.67±61.87 8.96±2.72 6.52±1.98 84.89±24.85 1528.05±447.25 0.25±0.07 灌木 Shrub 173.10±34.91 7.62±1.54 5.54±1.12 83.65±36.50 1505.62±656.97 0.24±0.11 平均值 Average value 196.62±57.86 8.65±2.55 6.29±1.85 84.60±27.42 1522.87±493.58 0.24±0.08 表 3 13种园林植物单位土地面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿量
Table 3. Per leaf area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants
Tree species单株绿量
Green quantity per
$ {{Q}}_{{{{\rm{CO}}}}_{{2}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)单位土地面积
$ {{Q}}_{{{{\rm{O}}}}_{{2}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)单位土地面积
$ {{V}}_{{{{\rm{H}}}}_{{2}}{{\rm{O}}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)单位土地面积
PΔT/℃香樟 C. camphora 298.33±2.12 b 3.54±0.35 bc 41.42±1.23 a 30.12±0.90 a 5504.21±329.28 e 0.88±0.05 e 广玉兰 M. grandiflora 86.66±0.97 g 3.64±0.65 abc 25.70±1.29 c 18.69±0.94 c 3575.48±698.18 fg 0.57±0.11 fg 枫香树 L. formosana 322.45±1.46 a 3.61±0.27 bc 33.27±1.25 b 24.19±0.91 b 5849.29±487.47 de 0.94±0.08 de 榔榆 U. parvifolia 100.29±1.79 f 3.58±0.37 bc 43.24±2.52 a 31.45±1.83 a 7434.69±543.12 ab 1.19±0.09 ab 榉树 Z. serrata 188.30±1.30 c 3.72±0.26 abc 26.27±0.97 c 19.11±0.70 c 5157.91±292.30 e 0.83±0.05 e 朴树 C. sinensis 97.18±1.90 f 3.47±0.30 c 41.21±3.07 a 29.97±2.23 a 7598.12±149.51 a 1.22±0.02 a 垂柳 S. babylonica 114.14±0.97 e 3.92±0.35 ab 41.30±0.99 a 30.04±0.72 a 6297.37±458.11 cd 1.01±0.07 cd 重阳木 B. polycarpa 151.05±1.43 d 3.54±0.62 bc 34.45±0.80 b 25.05±0.59 b 6757.47±186.00 bc 1.08±0.03 bc 白玉兰 Y. denudata 37.59±2.26 i 2.16±0.35 e 14.81±0.61 e 10.77±0.44 e 2390.52±117.45 h 0.38±0.02 h 红枫 A. palmatum 3.73±0.62 k 1.94±0.37 e 6.78±0.18 f 4.93±0.13 f 1645.13±55.86 i 0.26±0.01 i 桂花 O. fragrans 42.86±1.93 h 4.04±0.33 a 24.83±1.45 c 18.06±1.06 c 4143.72±276.95 f 0.66±0.04 f 珊瑚树 V. odoratissimum 38.16±1.70 i 3.05±0.40 d 21.84±1.19 d 15.88±0.86 d 3400.81±33.68 g 0.55±0.01 g 木槿 H. syriacus 24.55±2.04 j 2.73±0.30 d 26.05±0.56 c 18.95±0.40 c 6486.90±279.97 cd 1.04±0.04 cd 常绿树种 Evergreen species 113.63±113.92 3.57±0.56 28.45±8.04 20.69±5.85 4156.05±930.44 0.67±0.15 落叶树种 Deciduous species 114.97±93.01 3.19±0.77 29.71±12.11 21.61±8.81 5513.05±2059.39 0.88±0.33 乔木 Arbor 139.51±99.24 3.31±0.76 30.85±12.03 22.43±8.75 5221.02±2010.00 0.84±0.32 灌木 Shrub 31.37±11.84 3.27±0.66 24.24±2.11 17.63±1.54 4677.14±1408.85 0..75±0.23 平均值 Average value 114.56±98.37 3.30±0.73 29.32±10.93 21.32±7.95 5095.51±1885.46 0.82±0.30 表 4 13种园林植物光合特性相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation between photosynthetic characteristics of 13 landscape plants
指标Index Pn Gs Ci Tr Vpdl Ta Tl Ca RH PAR Wco2 WH2O Pn 1 Gs 0.862** 1 Ci 0.012 0.391** 1 Tr 0.827** 0.826** 0.113 1 Vpdl −0.291** −0.440** −0.547** 0.043 1 Ta −0.205 −0.356** −0.496** 0.132 0.960** 1 Tl −0.204 −0.352** −0.494** 0.138 0.962** 1.000** 1 Ca −0.674** −0.589** 0.247* −0.701** −0.102 −0.042 −0.047 1 RH 0.313** 0.462** 0.582** −0.011 −0.933** −0.825** −0.830** 0.225* 1 PAR 0.576** 0.394** −0.183 0.642** 0.258* 0.363** 0.360** −0.463** −0.139 1 Wco2 0.977** 0.832** −0.102 0.709** −0.834** −0.728** −0.725** −0.655* 0.903** 0.722** 1 WH2O 0.781** 0.955** 0.379 0.965** −0.622* −0.490 −0.482 −0.546 0.760** 0.659* 0.816** 1 **和*分别表示极显著相关(P<0.01)和显著相关(P<0.05)。
** and * indicate extremely significant correlation(P<0.01) and significant correlation(P<0.05), respectively. -
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