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汤子萱 曹大双 马万里 但雨柔 崔馨燕 尹福强 刘铭

汤子萱,曹大双,马万里,等. 海桐叶斑病病原菌鉴定、生物学特性及防治药剂筛选 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(8):976−982 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.08.012
引用本文: 汤子萱,曹大双,马万里,等. 海桐叶斑病病原菌鉴定、生物学特性及防治药剂筛选 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(8):976−982 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.08.012
TANG Z X, CAO D S, MA W L, et al. Identification, Biological characteristics, and Fungicides screening of the Pathogen causing Leaf spot disease on Pittosporum tobira [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(8):976−982 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.08.012
Citation: TANG Z X, CAO D S, MA W L, et al. Identification, Biological characteristics, and Fungicides screening of the Pathogen causing Leaf spot disease on Pittosporum tobira [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(8):976−982 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.08.012


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.08.012
基金项目: 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目(cstc2020jscx-tpyzxX0007)

    汤子萱(1999 —),女,硕士研究生,主要从事植物病理学研究,E-mail:tangzixuan202207@163.com


    尹福强(1977 —),男,博士,主要从事植物真菌病害与防治研究,E-mail:20200002@sanxiau.edu.cn

    刘铭(1978 —),女,博士,主要从事植物病虫害防治研究,E-mail:liuming780906@163.com

  • 中图分类号: S432.1

Identification, Biological characteristics, and Fungicides screening of the Pathogen causing Leaf spot disease on Pittosporum tobira

  • 摘要:   目的  明确引起重庆市万州区海桐叶斑病的病原及其生物学特性,并筛选出有效防治药剂。  方法  采用组织分离法从具有典型症状的海桐叶片分离病原菌,进行致病性测定,采用形态学和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行鉴定,用菌丝生长速率法进行病原菌生物学特性和室内药剂筛选。  结果  从病叶中分离获得菌株HT10,将其回接于健康叶片上,接种后病斑中央呈灰褐色,边缘棕褐色,外围有黄色晕圈,与田间症状一致,符合柯赫氏法则的致病性测定;PDA培养基上菌丝呈棕黑色,分生孢子倒棒状、卵形或近椭圆形,表面具横隔和纵隔;经多基因(ITS、GAPDHRPB2)系统发育分析,其与长柄链格孢(Alternaria longipes)聚集在同一分支;A. longipes最适生长条件为:PDA培养基,全光照,28 ℃和pH 6.0,碳源和氮源分别是蔗糖和甘氨酸,致死温度41 ℃ / 15 min。室内毒力测定结果表明,25%抑霉·咯菌腈悬乳剂抑菌作用最强,EC50为0.799 μg·mL−1,400 g·L−1克菌·戊唑醇悬乳剂抑菌作用最弱,EC50为370.457 μg·mL−1  结论  海桐叶斑病的致病菌为长柄链格孢(A. longipes),这是A. longipes侵染海桐引起叶斑病的首次报道;25%抑霉·咯菌腈悬乳剂对A. longipes有较强的抑制作用。
  • 图  1  海桐叶斑病田间发病症状及致病性测定


    Figure  1.  Disease symptoms in the field and pathogenicity determination of Pittosporum tobira leaf spot

    A. Symptoms of disease in the field; B. Symptoms of initial stage; C. Symptom of late stage; D. Symptoms of inoculation.

    图  2  海桐叶斑病病原菌HT10形态特征

    A-C. 病原菌在PDA培养基上培养3 d、5 d、7 d时菌落形态;D-E. 分生孢子;F. 分生孢子梗。

    Figure  2.  Morphological characteristics of HT10 pathogen of Pittosporum tobira leaf spot

    A-C. Colony morphology of pathogenic fungi cultured on PDA medium for 3, 5 and 7 days; D-E. Conidia; F.Conidiophore.

    图  3  基于ITS、GAPDHRPB2序列构建的多基因系统发育树

    分支上的数值为 1000 次重复后的 Bootstrap;B. oryzae(CBS 157.50)为外类群;HT10为本研究分离的菌株。

    Figure  3.  Multi-loci phylogenetic analysis based on ITS, GAPDH, and RPB2 sequences

    The value on the branch is the bootstrap value after 1000 repetitions; B. Oryzae (CBS 157.50) is an outgroup; HT10 is the strain isolated in this study.

    图  4  不同培养条件对海桐长柄链格孢菌丝生长的影响

    图中数据为平均数 ± 标准差,不同字母表示经邓肯氏新复极差法检验在 P < 0.05 水平差异显著。

    Figure  4.  Effects of different culture conditions on hyphal growth of A. longipes haitung

    Data are mean±SD,different letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 level by Duncan’s new multiple range test.

    表  1  杀菌剂对长柄链格孢菌丝生长的抑制效果

    Table  1.   Inhibition effect of fungicides on mycelium growth of Alternaria longipes

    Virulent regression equation
    Correlation coefficient
    Imazalil·Fludioxonil 25% SC (Suspension Concentrate, SC)
    y = 0.2647x + 5.0583 0.9900 0.799
    Carbendazim 25% WP (Wettable Powder, WP)
    y = 0.2761x + 3.8609 0.9964 61.908
    Prochloraz 45% ME (Micro Emulsion, ME)
    y = 0.3644x + 4.7093 0.9918 2.214
    Pyraclostrobine 30% EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate, EC)
    y = 0.7618x + 0.8093 0.9783 246.434
    400 g·L−1克菌·戊唑醇悬浮剂
    Captan·Tebuconazole 400 g·L−1 SC (Suspension Concentrate, SC)
    y = 0.931x − 0.4898 0.9708 370.457
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