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温度对红肩瓢虫Harmonia dimidiate Fabricius生长发育的影响

孙莉 陈霞 郑涵靑 王智卿 方桂花

孙莉,陈霞,郑涵靑,等. 温度对红肩瓢虫Harmonia dimidiate Fabricius生长发育的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(6):732−738 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.06.012
引用本文: 孙莉,陈霞,郑涵靑,等. 温度对红肩瓢虫Harmonia dimidiate Fabricius生长发育的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(6):732−738 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.06.012
SUN L, CHEN X, ZHENG H Q, et al. Effect of Ambient Temperature on Growth and Development of Harmonia dimidiata Fabricius [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(6):732−738 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.06.012
Citation: SUN L, CHEN X, ZHENG H Q, et al. Effect of Ambient Temperature on Growth and Development of Harmonia dimidiata Fabricius [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(6):732−738 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.06.012

温度对红肩瓢虫Harmonia dimidiate Fabricius生长发育的影响

doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.06.012
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFD1400800);福建省自然科学基金项目(2022J01456、2020J011355);福建省科技计划公益类专项(2020R1024001、2020R1024006);福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设项目(CXTD2021016);福建省农业高质量发展超越“5511”协同创新工程项目(XTCXGC2021011);福建省农业科学院农业科技专项(YDXM2021002、ZYTS2021005);福建省农业科学院对外合作项目(DWHZ2022-19)

    孙莉(1986 —),女,硕士,助理研究员,研究方向:生物防治(E-mail:215860250@qq.com


    陈霞(1975 —),女,硕士,副研究员,研究方向:生物防治(E-mail: 405593754@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: S435

Effect of Ambient Temperature on Growth and Development of Harmonia dimidiata Fabricius

  • 摘要:   目的  研究温度对红肩瓢虫(Harmonia dimidiate Fabricius)生长发育的影响,探讨其大量扩繁及生防应用的适宜温度。  方法  以地中海粉螟(Ephestia kuehniella Zeller)卵为饲料,设置15、20、25、30和32 ℃等5个温度处理,研究温度对红肩瓢虫各阶段发育历期及存活率影响,采用最小二乘法测算红肩瓢虫各发育阶段的发育起点温度和有效积温,采用线性日度方程模拟温度与红肩瓢虫发育速率间的关系。  结果  20~30 ℃的温度范围适于红肩瓢虫卵的孵化,孵化率均达85%以上;发育至成虫的总存活率以20 ℃时最高,达87.50%,其次为25 ℃(82.50%)>30 ℃(77.50%)>32 ℃(45.00%)>15 ℃(35.00%),可见15 ℃低温和32 ℃高温均不适宜红肩瓢虫存活。15~32 ℃范围内,红肩瓢虫均可完成发育,温度升高发育速率加快、发育历期缩短,20~32 ℃区间内各处理间的总发育历期均无显著性差异,而15 ℃时极显著长于其他温度处理,说明15 ℃低温不适宜红肩瓢虫生长发育。红肩瓢虫各发育阶段中,2龄幼虫的发育起点温度最高,为12.74 ℃,蛹期最低,为9.24 ℃,从卵至成虫整个发育历期的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为9.87 ℃和324.82日·度。  结论  综合存活率与发育历期,以地中海粉螟卵为饲料,20~30 ℃为红肩瓢虫生长发育的适宜温度,本研究结果为红肩瓢虫的大量扩繁和生防应用条件提供了参考,发育起点温度和有效积温的测算也为红肩瓢虫的滞育研究提供了依据。
  • 图  1  红肩瓢虫发育速率与温度的关系

    A: 卵 ; B:1龄幼虫; 2龄幼虫; D:3龄幼虫 3rd instar;E:4龄幼虫;F:蛹;G:总历期。

    Figure  1.  Relationship between H. dimidiata development rate and temperature

    A: Egg; B: 1st instar; C: 2nd instar; D: 3rd instar; E: 4th instar; F: pupa; G: total duration.

    表  1  温度对红肩瓢虫各发育阶段存活的影响

    Table  1.   Effect of temperature on survival of H. dimidiata at development stages

    不同发育阶段的存活率 Survival rates of different developmental stages/%
    Hatching rate
    1st instar
    2nd instar
    3rd instar
    4th instar

    Total survival rate
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    表  2  红肩瓢虫在不同温度下的发育历期

    Table  2.   Development duration of H. dimidiata under different temperatures

    Temperature/ ℃
    不同发育阶段的发育历期 Developmental duration of different developmental stages/d

    1st instar
    2nd instar
    3rd instar
    4th instar

    Total duration
    Datas are mean±standard error; those with same capital and lowercase letters on the same column indicate significant difference at 0.01 and 0.05 levels, respectively, by Tukey analysis.
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    表  3  红肩瓢虫发育速率与温度的关系模型

    Table  3.   Mathematic model on relationship between H. dimidiata development rate and temperature

    Developmental Stage
    线性日度模型 Linear diumal model
    Regression e
    卵 Egg0.0219T-0.18830.91460.029615.34
    1龄 1st instar0.0336T-0.40150.97100.005949.56
    2龄 2nd instar0.0406T-0.48540.96790.006944.56
    3龄 3rd instar0.0224T-0.18470.91000.03214.45
    4龄 4th instar0.0102T-0.09100.96800.006844.71
    蛹 Pupa0.0106T-0.09150.97940.003570.57
    总历期 Total duration0.0030T-0.02840.98640.0019108.45
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    表  4  红肩瓢虫各虫态发育起点温度和有效积温

    Table  4.   Threshold temperatures and effective accumulated temperatures for H. dimidiate development at various stages

    Effective accumulated
    卵 Egg0.914611.1838.15
    1龄 1st instar0.971012.6528.04
    2龄 2nd instar0.968012.7423.07
    3龄 3rd instar0.910011.0437.03
    4龄 4th instar0.96809.8691.44
    蛹 Pupa0.97949.2490.12
    Total duration
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