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时鹏涛 蒋越华 林鹰 李鸿 吴凤 王运儒 张莉娟 蓝唯 秦玉燕

时鹏涛,蒋越华,林鹰,等. 超级稻及其再生稻镉累积特性及安全风险分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(4):468−474 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.04.011
引用本文: 时鹏涛,蒋越华,林鹰,等. 超级稻及其再生稻镉累积特性及安全风险分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(4):468−474 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.04.011
SHI P T, JIANG Y H, LIN Y, et al. Cadmium Accumulation and Food Safety of First Crop and Ratoon Rice [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(4):468−474 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.04.011
Citation: SHI P T, JIANG Y H, LIN Y, et al. Cadmium Accumulation and Food Safety of First Crop and Ratoon Rice [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(4):468−474 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.04.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.04.011
基金项目: 广西青年科学基金项目(2020GXNSFBA297084)




  • 中图分类号: X173

Cadmium Accumulation and Food Safety of First Crop and Ratoon Rice

  • 摘要:   目的  研究超级稻湘两优900及其再生稻镉累积特性,探明再生稻镉安全风险。  方法  以超级稻湘两优900为研究对象,在温室大棚中进行镉(Cd)添加试验,设置0(CK)、0.2、0.4、0.8、1.2和1.5 mg·kg−1 等6个镉质量浓度处理,研究头季和再生稻根、茎、叶、稻米中Cd含量和累积规律,并进行安全风险评价。  结果  头季和再生稻各器官Cd含量随镉浓度的增加而增加,各器官Cd含量依次为:根>叶>茎>稻米;相同处理下,再生稻各器官Cd含量均低于头季。头季根系Cd含量为0.2317~0.9581 mg·kg−1,再生稻为0.2128~0.7802 mg·kg−1,较头季低5.1%~20.5%,平均降幅15.2%;头季稻茎Cd含量为0.0212~0.0846 mg·kg−1,再生稻为0.0189~0.0621 mg·kg−1,较头季稻Cd含量降低10.8%~42.6%,平均降幅29.7%;头季稻叶片Cd含量为0.0273~0.1157 mg·kg−1,再生稻叶片Cd含量为0.0245~0.0689 mg·kg−1,较头季降低10.3%~65.6%,平均降幅45.5%;头季稻米Cd含量为0.0172~0.0516 mg·kg−1,再生稻米Cd含量为0.0150~0.0312 mg·kg−1,较头季稻米Cd含量降低12.8%~53.1%,平均降低幅度33.2%,除CK外,相同Cd浓度下,头季与再生稻稻米镉含量差异显著(P<0.05)。Cd在水稻各器官中富集能力大小依次为:根>叶>茎>稻米。再生稻各器官风险系数均小于1。  结论  再生稻各器官中Cd含量均低于头季稻,头季留桩保留的具有生物活性的根、茎没有对再生稻产生镉迁移风险,以超级稻湘两优900进行再生稻生产时,再生稻镉安全风险低于头季,是一种较常规双季种植更为安全的水稻生产方式。
  • 图  1  不同镉添加量处理头季稻和再生稻根系镉含量


    Figure  1.  Cd in roots of first crop and ratoon rice plants under Cd treatments

    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in first and ratoon seasons under Cd treatments (P<0.05). Same for Figs.24.

    图  2  不同镉添加量处理头季稻和再生稻叶片镉含量

    Figure  2.  Cd in leaves of first crop and ratoon rice plants under Cd treatments

    图  3  不同镉添加量处理头季稻和再生稻茎镉含量

    Figure  3.  Cd in stems of first crop and ratoon rice plants under Cd treatments

    图  4  不同镉添加量处理头季和再生稻稻米镉含量

    Figure  4.  Cd in grains of first crop and ratoon rice plants under Cd treatments

    表  1  不同镉添加量处理下头季稻各器官富集系数

    Table  1.   Bioaccumulation coefficients of organs of first crop rice plants under Cd treatments

    Cd treatment/


    Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences among organs under Cd treatments (P<0.05).
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    表  2  不同镉添加量处理下各器官风险系数

    Table  2.   Risk coefficients of organs of first crop and ratoon rice plants under Cd treatments

    Cd treatment/(mg·kg−1)


    下载: 导出CSV
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