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赵燚涛 梁璋成 任香芸 马文静 何志刚 郭京波

赵燚涛,梁璋成,任香芸,等. 红曲糟固态制曲对米曲霉3.042产孢子及产酶特性影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(2):238−244 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.014
引用本文: 赵燚涛,梁璋成,任香芸,等. 红曲糟固态制曲对米曲霉3.042产孢子及产酶特性影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(2):238−244 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.014
ZHAO Y T, LIANG Z C, REN X Y, et al. Effects of solid-state fermentation of Hongqu rice wine grains on spore production and enzyme-production characteristics of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042 [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(2):238−244 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.014
Citation: ZHAO Y T, LIANG Z C, REN X Y, et al. Effects of solid-state fermentation of Hongqu rice wine grains on spore production and enzyme-production characteristics of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042 [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(2):238−244 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.014


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.02.014
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2020R1032005、2022R1032009)





  • 中图分类号: TS264.2

Effects of solid-state fermentation of Hongqu rice wine grains on spore production and enzyme-production characteristics of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

  • 摘要:   目的  研究米曲霉3.042红曲糟固态制曲产孢子及产酶特性,为米曲霉固态发酵红曲糟制备调味液提供理论支持。  方法  以红曲糟为主要原料,以米曲霉3.042为发酵剂,以酸性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶酶活力及蛋白质酶解率、氨氮转化率等为指标,研究红曲糟、麸皮与水做培养基料配比、发酵时间等因素对米曲霉生长及产酶效果的影响。  结果  成曲培养料适宜质量配比为红曲糟∶麸皮∶水为1∶0.8∶1.4,在此条件下培养72 h,成曲的孢子量、酸性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和谷氨酰胺酶分别可达9.93、1160.94 U·g−1、1157.47 U·g−1、1788.40 U·g−1和10.49 U·g−1。利用该成曲发酵得到的调味液中氨基酸态氮、酶解率和氨氮转化率分别为 8.2 g·L−1、63.40%和37.08%,利用红曲糟麸皮做培养基料,利用3.042发酵得到的调味液鲜味较高,色泽红褐有光泽,具备酱香浓郁、滋味醇厚的特征,具有典型的酱油风味。  结论  红曲糟适合做米曲霉固态制曲的培养基料的主要原料,其适宜的质量比为红曲糟∶麸皮∶水为1∶0.8∶1.4。
  • 图  1  不同培养料配比对米曲霉3.042产孢子的影响

    Figure  1.  Effects of different culture material ratio on sporulation of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

    图  2  不同培养料配比对米曲霉3.042产蛋白酶的影响


    Figure  2.  Effect of different culture material ratio on protease of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

    Acid: acid protease enzyme activity; alkaline: alkaline protease enzyme activity; neutral: neutral proteinase enzyme activity.

    图  3  米曲霉3.042红曲糟固态制曲过程孢子量的变化

    Figure  3.  Number of spores changes in the Hongqu rice wine grains solid-state fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

    图  4  米曲霉3.042红曲糟固态制曲过程不同蛋白酶变化趋势

    Figure  4.  Trends of different protease in the Hongqu rice wine grains solid-state fermentation of Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

    图  5  酱油原油的感官评定

    Figure  5.  Sensory evaluation of crude sauce

    表  1  酱油原油的感官评分标准

    Table  1.   Sensory scoring criteria for crude sauce

    色泽(25分)Tincture(25)酱香味(25分)Sauce fragrance(25)滋味(25分)taste(25)香气(25分)sweet smell(25)
    红褐色,颜色较深有光泽(16~25)Red-brown, darker and shiny(16~25)具有酱油典型性风格(16~25)With a typical style of soy sauce(16~25)滋味感强,容易入口(16~25)Strong sense of taste, easy to enter (16~25)有明显香味(16~25)Obvious fragrance(16~25)
    颜色过深,有少许沉淀(5~15)The color is too dark, with a little precipitation(5~15)酱油味风格一般(5~15)Soy sauce flavor style is mediocre(5~15)滋味感一般(5~15)Average taste(5~15)香味一般,容易接受(5~15)General fragrance, easy to accept(5~15)
    颜色浅,无光泽(<5)Light in color, dull and dull(<5)没有酱油风味(<5)No soy sauce flavor(<5)滋味感较差(<5)Poor taste(<5)没有香味,刺激味强(<5)No fragrance, stimulate the strong taste(<5)
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    表  2  不同培养料配比对米曲霉3.042酶解发酵指标的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of different culture material ratio on fermentation indexof Aspergillus oryzae 3.042

    处理组Processing group酶解率The enzymatic hydrolysis rate/%氨氮转化率Conversion rate of ammonia nitrogen/%
    1∶0.6∶1.258±0.5 Ab35.87±0.35 Ab
    1∶0.8∶1.463.4±2.8 Aa37.08±0.71 Aa
    1∶1∶1.559.6±1.9 Aab36.11±0.23 Aab
    1∶1.2∶1.647.3±3.2 Bc32.98±1.22 Bc
    1∶1.4∶1.842.1±1.0 Bd31.21±0.88 Bd
    不同大写字母指组间差异呈极显著水平(P<0.01);不同小写字母指组间差异呈显著水平(P<0.05)。下同。Different capital letters indicate extremely significant difference between treatments (P <0.01); different lower case letters indicate significant difference between treatments (P <0.05). Same for below.
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    表  3  成曲的质量分析

    Table  3.   Quality analysis of finished koji

    指标/target孢子数对数值Spore count酸性蛋白酶acid protease/(U·g−1碱性蛋白酶alkali protease/(U·g−1中性蛋白酶neutral protease/(U·g−1谷氨酰胺酶glutaminase/(U·g−1水分含量humidity/%pH值pH
    成曲/finished koji9.93±0.051160.94±25.301157.47±25.201516.84±15.8410.49±0.3326.04±0.556.5
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    表  4  酱油原油的主要指标

    Table  4.   Main indicators of crude sauce

    指标/target酱油原油/crude sauce
    酶解率 The enzymatic hydrolysis rate /%63.4±2.8
    氨氮转化率 Conversion rate of ammonia nitrogen/ %37.08±0.71
    氨基酸态氮amino acid nitrogen/( g·L−18.2±0.4
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-09-21
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