Evaluation of Sargassum horneri Liquid Fertilizer for Vegetable Seed Germination and Seedling Growth
目的 铜藻为沿海常见的低质海藻,为实现铜藻高质利用,以新鲜铜藻为原料制备铜藻液体肥,研究其对上海青、黄瓜和番茄等3种蔬菜种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,并基于偏最小二乘判别分析(Partial least squares discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)探究铜藻液体肥增肥的生物学效应。 方法 采用酶法和发酵法2种工艺制备铜藻液体肥,并各设置5组稀释倍数(200倍、400倍、600倍、800倍和1000倍)进行种子萌发试验和幼苗盆栽试验。 结果 (1)种子萌发试验中,发酵法制备铜藻液体肥的200倍液、600倍液在上海青种子萌发上效果最佳,发芽指数较空白组显著提高11.8%,较两组阳性对照分别提高1.9%和1.3%;发酵制备的200倍液对黄瓜种子萌发影响最好,发芽指数较空白和两组阳性对照均显著提高,增幅分别达33.0%、21.0%和6.7%;发酵制备的1000倍液在番茄种子萌发上成效最佳,发芽指数较空白和两组阳性对照分别显著提升13.6%、14.4%和19.3%。(2)幼苗盆栽试验中,相关性分析结果表明各生长指标间普遍存在极显著正相关性,主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA)结果显示铜藻液体肥对3种蔬菜的影响作用各有差异,构建实验样品的PLS-DA模型分析不同制备方法的铜藻液体肥肥效并与阳性对照对比,结果表明发酵制备的400倍液对上海青幼苗促生效果最佳,各指标均显著高于阳性对照海藻肥,其中根鲜重提高最显著,增幅为144%;酶法制备的800倍液对黄瓜幼苗生长效果最好,各指标均显著高于阳性对照海藻肥,其中根长提高最显著,增幅为28%;发酵制备的600倍液对番茄幼苗作用效果最好,各指标均显著高于阳性对照海藻肥,其中株干重提高最显著,增幅为31%。 结论 铜藻液体肥具备很好的增肥生物学效应,发酵法制备的铜藻液体肥肥效普遍优于酶法制备,施用前者能提高种子萌发率,促进幼苗地上部分和地下部分的生长,以上结果为海藻液体肥的生产与应用提供科学数据。 Abstract:Objective Effects of the liquid fertilizer made from Sargassum horneri for vegetable seed germination and seedling growth were evaluated. Methods The liquid fertilizers prepared by either enzymatic digestion or fermentation of S. horneri, a low-quality seaweed commonly found in the coastal areas, in a gradient of concentrations were applied on bok choy (Brassica chinensis), cucumber, and tomato to determine the fertilization effects on the vegetable seed germination and subsequent seedling growth in a pot experiment. Data collected were statistically analyzed by the partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA). Results (1) The 200x and 600x liquid fertilizer dilutions delivered the best effects on the germination of bok choy seeds with a significantly increased germination index by 11.8% over that of blank control and by 1.9% and 1.3% over those of two positive controls. On the germination of cucumber seeds, the 200x dilution had the best effect with a significantly higher index than that of blank control by 33.0% and 21.0% and by 6.7% over those of two positive controls. For the germination of tomato seeds, the 1,000x dilution performed best with a significantly increased index over that of blank control by 13.6% and by 14.4% and 19.3% over those of the two positive controls. (2) The growth indicators of the potted seedlings were significantly correlated. The effects of the liquid fertilizer on the growth of 3 vegetable categories varied, as shown by the principal component analysis (PCA). According to the PLSDA models, the fermented liquid fertilizer at 400x dilution was superior in promoting the growth of bok choy seedlings with all indices significantly higher than those of the positive control, especially, a 144% increase on fresh root weight. And at 600x dilution, the fermented liquid fertilizer had all indices on the tomato seedlings significantly higher than those of control and the highest dry plant weight that was 31% heavier than that of the positive control. In contrast, the enzymatically digested liquid fertilizer at 800x dilution was best for the growth of cucumber seedlings with significantly higher indices on all aspects than the positive control and 28% longer roots than the positive control. Conclusion TheS. horneri liquid fertilizers prepared by either fermentation or enzymatic digestion significantly promoted the seed germination and seedling growth of bok choy, cucumber, and tomato in a pot experiment. The fermented fertilizer was more effective than the enzyme-digested counterpart. -
图 1 铜藻液体肥影响生长指标的主成分得分
Figure 1. PCA plot on scores of S. horneri liquid fertilizer affecting vegetable growth indicators
M-1: B. chinensis + enzymatically digested S. horneri liquid fertilizer; M-2: cucumber + enzymatically digested S. horneri liquid fertilizer; M-3: tomato + enzymatically digested S. horneri liquid fertilizer; J-1: B. chinensis + fermented S. horneri liquid fertilizer; J-2: cucumber + fermented S. horneri liquid fertilizer; J-3: tomato + fermented enzymatically digested S. horneri liquid fertilizer.
表 1 不同铜藻液体肥对上海青种子萌发的影响
Table 1. Effects of S. horneri liquid fertilizers on bok choy seed germination
Germination rate/%发芽势
Germination potential/%发芽指数
Germination indexCK 100.00±0.00 a 98.67±1.15 a 89.44±1.25 d AC1 99.67±0.58 ab 99.33±0.58 a 98.11±1.4 ab AC2 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a 98.67±1.89 a M200 100.00±0.00 a 97.33±2.52 ab 73.67±1.04 f M400 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a 94.67±2.02 bc M600 99.67±0.58 ab 99.67±0.58 a 98.50±1.32 a M800 100.00±0.00 a 95.67±3.21 b 83.94±1.44 e M1000 100.00±0.00 a 97.67±2.31 ab 93.92±6.39 c J200 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a J400 99.33±0.58 b 99.33±0.58 a 99.33±0.58 a J600 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a J800 99.67±0.58 ab 99.33±1.15 a 99.44±0.96 a J1000 100.00±0.00 a 100.00±0.00 a 99.50±0.50 a 表中数据为平均值±标准偏差;同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。下表同。
The data in the table are mean ± standard deviation; different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Same for following table.表 2 施用铜藻液体肥对黄瓜种子萌发的影响
Table 2. Effects of S. horneri liquid fertilizers on cucumber seed germination
Germination rate/%发芽势
Germination potential/%发芽指数
Germination indexCK 98.33±0.58 ab 97.67±1.53 a 69.38±3.56 e AC1 98.00±1.00 ab 97.67±1.53 a 76.28±1.09 d AC2 97.33±1.53 ab 97.00±2.00 a 86.48±2.42 bc M200 98.67±2.31 ab 98.00±1.73 a 90.18±3.35 ab M400 97.67±0.58 ab 96.67±0.58 a 88.33±3.59 abc M600 98.00±1.73 ab 97.33±1.15 a 77.72±2.45 d M800 97.00±1.00 ab 96.00±2.00 a 86.86±4.00 bc M1000 99.67±0.58 a 98.67±0.58 a 90.66±2.40 ab J200 97.00±1.00 ab 96.33±0.58 a 92.30±2.35 a J400 97.67±1.53 ab 97.00±1.00 a 83.26±2.45 c J600 98.33±2.08 ab 97.67±1.53 a 84.44±0.64 c J800 96.00±1.73 b 95.67±2.08 a 88.09±3.41 abc J1000 97.00±2.65 ab 95.67±2.31 a 75.51±1.94 d 表 3 施用铜藻液体肥对番茄种子萌发的影响
Table 3. Effects of S. horneri liquid fertilizers on tomato seed germination
Germination rate/%发芽势
Germination potential/%发芽指数
Germination indexCK 89.00±2.65 cd 89.00±2.65 cd 27.26±1.82 bc AC1 88.00±2.65 d 87.67±2.89 d 27.06±1.08 c AC2 89.00±2.65 cd 87.33±4.16 d 25.96±1.52 cd M200 92.33±3.21 bc 92.33±3.21 bc 31.96±0.53 a M400 93.00±1.73 bc 92.67±2.08 bc 23.16±0.70 d M600 98.00±1.73 a 98.00±1.73 a 25.25±1.46 cd M800 92.67±3.79 bc 91.67±3.06 bcd 25.09±2.56 cd M1000 91.00±0.00 bcd 91.00±0.00 bcd 25.05±2.93 cd J200 92.33±0.58 bc 92.00±0.00 bc 30.75±0.28 a J400 87.67±1.53 d 87.33±1.53 d 30.02±0.69 a J600 90.33±0.58 cd 90.00±1.00 bcd 24.67±1.41 cd J800 94.67±1.15 ab 94.00±2.00 b 29.85±1.88 ab J1000 93.00±1.00 bc 93.00±1.00 bc 30.96±0.90 a 表 4 幼苗生长指标相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation among seedling growth indicators
growth indicators株高
Plant height根长
Root length株鲜重
Fresh plant根鲜重
Fresh root株干重
Dry plant根干重
Dry root weight叶面积
Leaf area株高 Plant height 1 根长 Root length 0.511** 1 株鲜重 Fresh plant 0.689** 0.916** 1 根鲜重 Fresh root 0.423** 0.972** 0.879** 1 株干重 Dry plant 0.695** 0.893** 0.985** 0.856** 1 根干重 Dry root weight 0.562** 0.951** 0.945** 0.938** 0.931** 1 叶面积 Leaf area −0.088 0.752** 0.574** 0.800** 0.546** 0.684** 1 *表示在0.05水平上显著相关,**表示在0.01水平上显著相关。
* and ** represented significant correlation (P<0.05) and extremely significant correlation (P<0.01) respectively.表 5 酵解400倍铜藻液体肥与阳性对照对上海青幼苗生长的影响
Table 5. Effects of 400x dilution of fermented S. horneri liquid fertilizer and positive control on growth of bok choy seedlings
Plant height/cm根长
Root length/cm株鲜重
Fresh plant weight/g根鲜重
Fresh root weight/g株干重
Dry plant weight/g根干重
Dry root weight/g叶面积
Leaf area/cm2AC1 3.342±0.007 c 4.427±0.046 b 0.406±0.002 c 0.047±0.000 c 0.019±0.000 b 0.010±0.001 b 0.503±0.007 c AC2 3.579±0.032 b 4.669±0.097 b 0.423±0.001 b 0.058±0.002 b 0.020±0.000 b 0.011±0.000 b 0.676±0.006 b J400 5.517±0.006 a 5.411±0.063 a 0.613±0.002 a 0.141±0.002 a 0.032±0.000 a 0.026±0.000 a 1.525±0.011 a 表 6 酶解800倍铜藻液体肥与阳性对照对黄瓜幼苗生长的影响
Table 6. Effects of 800x dilution of enzymatically digested S. horneri liquid fertilizer and positive control on growth of cucumber seedlings
Plant height/cm根长
Root length/cm株鲜重
Fresh plant weight/g根鲜重
Fresh root weight/g株干重
Dry plant weight/g根干重
Dry root weight/g叶面积
Leaf area/cm2AC1 7.083±0.014 c 6.718±0.031 c 2.402±0.002 c 0.557±0.003 c 0.194±0.004 c 0.027±0.000 c 1.965±0.002 c AC2 8.031±0.032 b 7.105±0.018 b 2.683±0.002 b 0.591±0.002 b 0.216±0.005 b 0.029±0.001 b 2.396±0.004 b M800 9.860±0.024 a 9.095±0.015 a 3.077±0.004 a 0.681±0.001 a 0.266±0.002 a 0.036±0.001 a 2.998±0.004 a 表 7 酵解600倍铜藻液体肥与阳性对照对番茄幼苗生长的影响
Table 7. Effects of 600x dilution of fermented S. horneri liquid fertilizer and positive control on growth of tomato seedlings
Plant height/cm根长
Root length/cm株鲜重
Fresh plant weight/g根鲜重
Fresh root weight/g株干重
Dry plant weight/g根干重
Dry root weight/g叶面积
Leaf area/cm2AC1 9.31±0.032 c 4.709±0.026 c 0.628±0.003 c 0.073±0.000 c 0.090±0.001 c 0.018±0.000 c 0.310±0.003 c AC2 9.749±0.025 b 5.536±0.028 b 0.684±0.003 b 0.087±0.000 b 0.092±0.001 b 0.019±0.000 b 0.337±0.003 b J600 10.486±0.021 a 6.367±0.030 a 0.799±0.001 a 0.112±0.001 a 0.121±0.000 a 0.024±0.000 a 0.395±0.000 a -
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