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陈建 王俐智 赵小玲 杜晓惠

陈建,王俐智,赵小玲,等. 青脚麻鸡父系D的选育及其杂交配套研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(11):1371−1380 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.011.001
引用本文: 陈建,王俐智,赵小玲,等. 青脚麻鸡父系D的选育及其杂交配套研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(11):1371−1380 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.011.001
CHEN J, WANG L Z, ZHAO X L, et al. Breeding and Hybridizing Paternal Line D of Cyan-shank Partridge Chickens [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(11):1371−1380 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.011.001
Citation: CHEN J, WANG L Z, ZHAO X L, et al. Breeding and Hybridizing Paternal Line D of Cyan-shank Partridge Chickens [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(11):1371−1380 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.011.001


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.011.001
基金项目: 西藏自治区科技计划项目(XZ202101ZY0002N);贵州省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(黔科中引地[2021]4003)




  • 中图分类号: S 831

Breeding and Hybridizing Paternal Line D of Cyan-shank Partridge Chickens

  • 摘要:   目的  在商业育种背景下,提升现有青脚麻鸡的外貌整齐度和生产性能,以实现青脚麻鸡父系D的提纯和杂交利用。  方法  用PCR法剔除TYR杂合型种公鸡,对合成系D的羽色、疾病、体重、产蛋性能等进行3个世代的纯繁选育,再以D系作为终端父本进行三系配套,并测定其性能。  结果  (1)D系鸡的羽色整齐度达到培育要求。通过逐代剔除D系种公鸡中的TYR基因杂合子,使后代白羽率从1世代的50.49%降低至3世代的1.89%;通过表型选择淘汰非麻羽鸡只,使后代黄麻羽比率从1世代的21.12%提高到3世代的93.78%。(2)D系各世代鸡白痢的疾病净化效果显著。白痢阳性率公鸡从1世代的14.6%降低到3世代的2.4%,母鸡从2世代的6.83%降低到3世代的2.08%。(3)D系鸡的主要生产性能提升明显。3世代43周龄公鸡体重3993.70 g,母鸡体重3397.14 g,相比1世代分别提高了174.64 g(P <0.05)和67.6 g(P >0.05)。3世代母鸡43周产蛋量和蛋重都有所提升,分别由1世代60.3个和63.38 g提高到3世代的82.5个和64.42 g。(4)以D系为终端父本组建的三系配套D♂×(K♂×Y♀)(DKY)的总体生产效果好于其他4个杂交组合。80日龄时,DKY公、母鸡的平均体重(2992.46 g和2395.7 g)、半净膛率(85.57%和85.27%)、胸肌率(19.19%和21.56%)均高于其他组合。  结论  合成系D经过3个世代的选育,外貌整齐度和生产性能得到较大改善,杂交配套效果良好,是一个可以商业化应用的优良父本品系。
  • 图  1  闭锁繁育流程

    Figure  1.  Flowchart of closed breeding process

    表  1  参与生产性能测定的杂交组合鸡群数量(只)

    Table  1.   Cross combinations involved in productivity test

    cross combination
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    表  2  D系各世代选育情况

    Table  2.   Selection of D line in generations

    First retention
    First retention rate/%
    Second retention
    Second retention rate/%
    世代1 G1 207355116556.2021110.18
    ♀ 2745228183.10166160.51
    世代2 G2 658460377357.31141021.42
    ♀ 5376447983.31404975.32
    世代3 G3♂ 23990601634768.14829834.59
    ♀ 7140600084.03548176.76
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    表  3  D系公鸡隐性白羽基因检测及后代羽色统计结果

    Table  3.   Detection of recessive white-feather gene and statistical results on feather color of D line cocks

    世代 Generation基因型频率 Genotype frequency/%后代羽色占比 Feather color proportion/%
    TTTttt白羽 White麻羽 Partridge黑羽 Black灰羽 Grey
    世代1 G1(n=1365)79.8720.13050.4921.1221.097.30
    世代2 G2(n=1544)84.5415.4603.1182.8910.893.11
    世代3 G3(n=1665)98.961.0401.8993.784.330.00
    TT is a wild homozygous, the phenotype is colored feather; Tt is heterozygote, the phenotype is colored feather; tt is mutant pure, the phenotype is white feather.
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    表  4  D系各世代疾病净化情况

    Table  4.   Disease eradication of each D line generation

    Test item
    世代1 G1世代2 G2世代3 G3
    Positive rate of pullorosis/%
    白血病阳性率 Positive rate of leukemia/%1.7345.370.825.331.1411.3016.4811.526.47
    *: Blood samples of pullorum disease collected from wing veins at 14- and 16-week-old chickens. In addition to 1st meconium detection held at hatching, 2nd detection in G1 and G2 was conducted on 20-week-old chickens, and 2nd to 5th detections in G3 on 6-, 9-, 12-, and 20-week-olds, respectively.
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    表  5  D系各世代的生长性能

    Table  5.   Growth performance of D Line chickens in different generations

    世代1 G1 世代2 G2 世代3 G3
    Growth index
    Growth index
    Growth index
    初生重 Birth weight/g 43.53±3.22 7.40 43.75±2.88 6.58 44.29±3.28 7.41
    11周龄体重 Weight at 11 weeks ♂/g 3501.24±203.53 5.81 3443.63±192.70 5.60 3576.44±127.04 3.55
    9周龄体重 Weight at 9 weeks ♀/g 1980.18±67.49 b 3.41 1845.01±124.31 b 6.74 2171.51±75.6 a 3.48
    5%开产体重 Weight at 5% laying rate/g 3304.28±198.63 6.01 3322.22±190.75 5.74 3350.11±189.68 5.66
    43周龄体重 Weight at 43 weeks ♂/g 3819.06±216.84 b 5.68 3826.18±314.71 ab 8.23 3993.70±277.99 a 6.96
    43周龄体重 Weight at 43 weeks ♀/g 3329.54±368.69 11.07 3372.69±383.17 11.36 3397.14±401.36 11.81
    66周龄体重Weight at 66 weeks ♂/g 3916.71±212.61 5.43 4007.71±377.79 9.43 4083.59±265.23 6.50
    66周龄体重 Weight at 66 weeks ♀/g 3621.93±374.47 10.34 3616.95±389.51 10.77 3652.85±395.08 10.82
    43周龄胫长 Shank length at 43 weeks ♂/mm 106.33±3.32 b 3.12 107.81±3.67 b 3.40 110.48±3.75 a 3.39
    43周龄胫长 Shank length at 43 weeks ♀/mm 94.72±3.70 3.90 95.06±3.87 4.07 95.72±3.84 4.01
    43周龄胫围 Shank girth at 43 weeks ♂/mm 64.3±0.33 b 5.13 64.5±0.34 ab 5.27 65.5±0.18 a 2.75
    43周龄胫围 Shank girth at 43 weeks ♀/mm 56.4±0.22 b 3.90 56.6±0.18 ab 3.18 57.7±0.19 a 3.29
    Growth performance presented as mean±standard deviation; data with no or same letter on same row indicates no significant differences (P>0.05); those with different letters, significant differences (P<0.05).
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    表  6  D系各世代繁殖性能选育结果

    Table  6.   Reproductive performance of D line chickens in different generations

    世代数 Generation世代1 G1世代2 G2世代3 G3
    开产周龄 Age at first egg/周252727
    43周龄产蛋量 Total eggs during 43 week/枚60.380.882.5
    43周龄蛋重 Egg weight at 43 weeks/g63.38±1.3463.96±1.6764.42±0.98
    43周平均产蛋率 Average laying rate at 43 weeks/%45.3756.1249.67
    合格种蛋数 Number of eligible eggs*56.078.377.3
    种蛋合格率 Eligible egg rate/%*92.996.993.7
    种蛋受精率 Fertility rate/%*88.2588.9590.37
    种蛋孵化率 Hatching rate/%*83.3588.4387.83
    种蛋成活率 Surviving rate/%*0~22周95.3796.8395.87
    *: Statistical performance time for each generation was about 30-43 weeks per period depending on number of chickens needed for breeding following generation.
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    表  7  各组合羽色统计

    Table  7.   Statistics on feather color of each combination                (单位:%)

    羽色 Feather colorSYKYSKYDKYG
    麻羽 Partridge95.2196.7395.0396.1695.45
    黑羽 Black4.363.274.133.844.37
    灰羽 Grey0.430.000.840.000.18
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    表  8  不同杂交组合商品肉鸡的生长性能(n=200,公母各100只)

    Table  8.   Production performance of hybrid chickens

    生长指标 Growth indexSYKYSKYDKYG
    体重 Average weight /g 2670.29±277.32 c 2763.02±250.51 b 2776.12±290.60 b 2992.46±301.63 a 2642.10±320.47 c
    变异率 CV♂/% 10.39 9.07 10.47 10.08 12.13
    体重 Average weight ♀/g 2085.79±220.26 d 2127.30±211.50 c 2158.19±247.04 c 2395.70±183.88 a 2245.82±179.13 b
    变异率 CV♀/% 10.56 9.94 11.45 7.68 7.98
    料重比 Feed to weight 2.35 2.6 2.37 2.65 2.72
    料重比 Feed to weight♀ 2.57 2.84 2.51 2.81 2.87
    成活率 Surviving rate/% 97.17 95.17 96.5 95.84 96.84
    同行数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。 体重是在70日龄屠宰时测定。其余性能的统计期为1~70 d。
    Data with different lowercase letters on same row indicate significant difference (P<0.05). Weights measured on 70-d-old chickens at time of slaughter. Statistical period for other performance data ranged from 1 to 70 d.
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    表  9  不同杂交组合商品代公鸡的屠宰性能(n=10)

    Table  9.   Slaughter performance of hybrid cocks (单位:%)

    Hybird combination
    Dressed percentage
    Half eviscerated rate
    Eviscerated rate
    Breast muscle rate
    Leg muscle rate
    Abdomen fat rate
    SY91.51±1.87 a85.57±1.93 a67.87±2.37 ab17.45±1.45 ab24.44±2.623.33±0.99 ab
    KY90.83±1.27 b84.50±1.94 c67.57±2.40 b18.14±1.47 a23.44±2.084.46±0.95 a
    SKY90.92±0.80 a85.18±1.96 bc69.34±3.12 a16.99±1.92 b22.62±3.533.25±1.57 b
    DKY92.17±1.80 a87.19±1.83 a70.08±1.82 a19.19±1.39 a23.67±1.723.78±1.45 ab
    G91.41±0.58 a85.69±1.22 a69.54±1.35 a18.08±1.94 a24.28±1.823.47±1.33 ab
    Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant difference (P<0.05). Slaughter held on 70-d-old chickens. Same for Table 10.
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    表  10  不同杂交组合商品代母鸡的屠宰性能(n=10)

    Table  10.   Slaughter performance of hybrid hens (单位:%)

    Cross combination
    Dressed percentage
    Half eviscerated rate
    Eviscerated rate
    Breast muscle rate
    Leg muscle rate
    Abdomen fat rate
    SY91.28±1.17 ab84.03±2.1267.36±3.97 ab19.46±1.80 b22.71±2.39 a4.29±1.67 c
    KY89.91±2.79 b83.21±2.9766.48±4.69 b21.02±2.42 ab22.59±2.02 ab6.06±1.70 b
    SKY91.63±0.53 a84.46±1.4569.93±1.73 a18.06±1.62 b21.67±1.71 ab4.75±1.24 c
    DKY91.06±0.95 ab85.27±1.4668.68±2.56 ab21.56±0.93 a20.97±1.57 b7.43±1.27 a
    G90.20±1.22 b82.87±1.3866.48±1.18 b20.25±2.46 ab23.08±1.25 a5.66±1.17 bc
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