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魏晓玲 冯常青 黄云侠 徐时长 邱福祥 吴题 郑英洁 李文卿 何华勤

魏晓玲,冯常青,黄云侠,等. 镁缓解高温强光对烟草植株光合生理伤害的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(1):33−41 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.01.005
引用本文: 魏晓玲,冯常青,黄云侠,等. 镁缓解高温强光对烟草植株光合生理伤害的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(1):33−41 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.01.005
WEI X L, FENG C Q, HUANG Y X, et al. Physiological Effect of Magnesium in Relieving Temperature-and-light-induced Damage to Tobacco Plants [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(1):33−41 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.01.005
Citation: WEI X L, FENG C Q, HUANG Y X, et al. Physiological Effect of Magnesium in Relieving Temperature-and-light-induced Damage to Tobacco Plants [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(1):33−41 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.01.005


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.01.005
基金项目: 福建省烟草专卖局项目(20193500002400009)



    何华勤(1968−),男,教授,博士,研究方向:植物分子生态学(E-mail: hehq3@fafu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: Q 945.78;S 572

Physiological Effect of Magnesium in Relieving Temperature-and-light-induced Damage to Tobacco Plants

  • 摘要:   目的  探究镁营养缓解高温强光对烟草光合生理伤害的影响机制,以期为福建地区烟草栽培提供理论指导。  方法  以烟草翠碧一号为试验材料,设置4个镁质量浓度(0、12.0、48.0 和120.0 mg·L−1)与33 ℃高温下2个光强(600和1200 µmol·m−2·s−1)处理,分析不同施镁量对不同光强处理下烟株光合生理的影响。  结果  强光(1 200 µmol·m−2·s−1 )加重了烟株的缺镁症状,烟叶出现日灼斑,H2O2与丙二醛含量增加,膜透性升高。在48 mg·L−1时,烟株启动CAT、POD、SOD等抗氧化活性酶,清除多余的H2O2与丙二醛,增加叶片叶绿素合成量,提高净光合速率,避免烟株遭受高温强光逆境的伤害。  结论  适当施镁能缓解高温强光胁迫下烟叶的日灼斑症状,提高烟株的干物质量和叶片叶绿素合成量,增加CAT、POD、SOD等抗氧化活性酶活性,从而有效缓解高温强光对烟株光合生理的伤害,其中在48.0 mg·L−1镁供应下缓解效果最好。
  • 图  1  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟草的叶片形态.

    Figure  1.  Morphology of leaves from tobacco plants under treatments

    图  2  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟草植株的光合参数

    注:① A:气孔导度;B:胞间二氧化碳浓度;C:蒸腾速率;D:净光合速率。② 图中同一列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),下图同。

    Figure  2.  Photosynthetic parameters of tobacco plants under treatments

    Note: 1. A: Stomatal conductance (Gs); B: Intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci); C: Transpiration rate (Tr); D: Net photosynthetic rate (Pn). 2. Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at P<0.05. Same for following figures.

    图  3  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟株的荧光参数

    注: A:初始荧光;B:最大荧光;C:可变荧光;D:最大光化学效应。

    Figure  3.  Fluorescence parameters of tobacco plants under treatments

    Note: A: Minimal fluorescence (Fo): B: Maximal fluorescence (Fm): C: Variable fluorescence (Fv); D: Fv/Fm.

    图  4  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟草植株的H2O2(A)、MDA(B)的含量和相对膜透性(C)

    Figure  4.  Contents of H2O2 (A), MDA (B), and membrane permeability (C) of tobacco plants under treatments

    图  5  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟草植株的抗氧化酶活力


    Figure  5.  Activity of antioxidant enzymes in tobacco plants under treatments

    Note: A: CAT activity; B: POD activity; C: SOD activity.

    表  1  不同施镁量与光强处理下烟草植株的干物质量

    Table  1.   Dry weight of tobacco plants under treatments

    Treatment group
    Dry weight above ground/g
    Dry weight underground/g
    Dry weight of whole plant/g
    L600Mg09.75±0.81 c0.90±0.11 d10.43±0.85 c
    L1200Mg013.07±0.78 abc0.82±0.03 d13.89±0.81 bc
    L600Mg1210.29±1.94 bc1.27±0.13 bc12.15±2.05 bc
    L1200Mg1214.59±1.27 ab1.30±0.06 c16.00±1.22 ab
    L600Mg4810.62±0.54 c1.41±0.11 bc11.87±0.60 bc
    L1200Mg4814.68±0.77 ab1.95±0.19 bc16.31±0.79 ab
    L600Mg12012.14±2.57 bc1.49±0.17 b13.96±2.72 bc
    L1200Mg12016.41±1.45 a2.24±0.09 a18.79±1.52 a
    Note: Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at P<0.05.
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    表  2  不同施镁量与光强处理对烟草植株的干物质量影响的方差分析

    Table  2.   Variance analysis on effects of treatments on dry matters of tobacco plants

    Sources of
    Dry weight
    above ground/g
    Dry weight
    Dry weight of
    whole plant/g
    Note: *, * *, and * * * on same column indicate significances at P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.001, respectively. Same for table 4 and 5.
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    表  3  同施镁量与光强处理下烟草植株的叶绿体色素含量

    Table  3.   Chloroplast pigment content of tobacco plants under treatments

    Treatment group
    Chl. a含量
    Chl.a content/
    Chl. b含量
    Chl.b content/
    Car content/
    Chl. content/
    L600Mg01229.71±12.13 d450.06±35.32 d193.91±12.63 c1679.77±23.88 c2.77±0.25 a
    L1200Mg0978.35±60.70 e637.47±72.44 cd105.42±14.54 d1615.82±132.82 c1.55±0.08 d
    L600Mg121836.13±57.10 b646.37±18.22 bc296.78±8.97 a2482.49±72.94 b2.84±0.05 a
    L1200Mg121533.91±96.90 c704.80±47.85 bc234.53±30.68 abc2238.71±122.04 b2.19±0.15 bc
    L600Mg481829.40±57.88 b711.86±18.23 bc274.65±19.99 ab2536.21±48.91 b2.60±0.16 ab
    L1200Mg481629.22±24.65 bc832.36±61.23 b225.10±17.71 bc2461.58±84.06 b1.98±0.13 cd
    L600Mg1202456.96±156.84 a1184.78±132.25 a263.27±26.60 ab3641.74±278.58 a2.10±0.15 bc
    L1200Mg1201755.00±101.31 bc1038.29±23.68 a221.77±36.39 bc2632.32±225.25 b2.09±0.30 bc
    注:① A:叶绿素a含量;B:叶绿素b含量;C:类胡萝卜素含量;D:叶绿素总含量;E:叶绿素a/b。② 图中同一列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。
    Note: 1. A: Chlorophyll a content (Chl. a); B: Chlorophyll b content (Chl. b); C: Carotenoid content (Car); D: Chlorophyll content (Chl.); E: Chl. (a/b). 2. Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05.
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    表  4  不同施镁量与光强处理对烟草植株光合特性影响的方差分析

    Table  4.   Variance analysis on effects of treatments on photosynthetic characteristics of tobacco plants

    Sources of variation
    Chl.a content
    Chl.b content
    Car content
    Chl. content
    Magnesium application
    Light intensity
    Magnesium application×Light intensity
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    表  5  不同施镁量与光强处理对烟草植株抗氧化系统影响的方差分析

    Table  5.   Variance analysis on effects of treatments on antioxidant system of tobacco plants

    Sources of variation
    H2O2 content
    MDA content
    Relative membrane permeability
    CAT activity
    POD activity
    SOD activity
    Magnesium application
    Light intensity
    Magnesium application×Light intensity
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