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朱秀端. 不同措施对南方典型坡地利用模式下土壤侵蚀特征的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1230−1236 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.016
引用本文: 朱秀端. 不同措施对南方典型坡地利用模式下土壤侵蚀特征的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1230−1236 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.016
ZHU X D. Functional Models for Soil Erosion Prevention on Typical Slope Land in Southern China [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1230−1236 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.016
Citation: ZHU X D. Functional Models for Soil Erosion Prevention on Typical Slope Land in Southern China [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1230−1236 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.016


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.016
基金项目: 福建省高校产学合作项目(2017Y4010)


  • 中图分类号: S 157.2

Functional Models for Soil Erosion Prevention on Typical Slope Land in Southern China

  • 摘要:   目的  探究自然降雨条件下南方典型坡地水土保持措施对土壤侵蚀的影响,为南方红壤地区采取合适的水土保持措施、改善生态环境提供参考。  方法  选取福建省建瓯市建安坡面径流观测场2018–2020年降雨量、径流量、泥沙量等数据,通过分析多年降雨特征和分布情况,研究不同水土保持措施的土壤侵蚀防治效果。  结果  降雨主要集中在3–6月,该时期降雨天数达到全年的1/3以上,且降雨侵蚀力最大月份与最大降雨量月份并不完全重合;多种水土保持措施均有效抑制降雨对土壤的侵蚀。其中,最大降雨量月份下,茶园内设置水平台地梯壁种百喜草(T3)处理对土壤流失的缓解效果最佳,其土壤流失量仅为2.47 t·hm−2;降雨侵蚀力最大月份,果园内设置水平台地梯壁种百喜草(T9)处理下径流小区的土壤流失量最低,为2.07 t·hm−2  结论  茶、果园内设置水平台地梯壁种植白喜草的措施对极端降雨月份下土壤侵蚀防治效果较佳,是一种适宜的水土保持举措。
  • 图  1  2018–2020年月降雨量和月降雨侵蚀力


    Figure  1.  Monthly precipitation and rainfall erosivity from 2018-2020

    Data are standardized by scaling without changing their distribution; monthly changes of precipitation and rainfall erosivity are highlighted; horizontal axis represents year, and vertical axis month; greater precipitation or rainfall erosivity are shown in brighter red color.

    图  2  2018–2020年不同坡地利用模式下平均径流深、径流系数和土壤流失量对比


    Figure  2.  Average runoff depth, runoff coefficient, and soil loss under land use models from 2018 to 2020

    Different letters indicate significant difference between treatments (P<0.05).

    图  3  不同水土保持措施在最大降雨月份和最大降雨侵蚀力月份的效果对比


    Figure  3.  Effects of different conservation measures on soil erosion in months of maximum precipitation or rainfall erosivity

    A: the maximun rainfall month; B: the maximum rainfall erosivity month. Ti/T1 indicates T1 as control for comparisons on runoff depth, runoff coefficient, and soil loss among test lots.

    表  1  2018–2020年各径流小区概况

    Table  1.   Overview of runoff communities in 2018–2020

    Slope length/m
    Slope width/m
    Land utilization models
    Water and soil conservation measures
    T115205裸地 Bare soil顺坡
    Down slope
    T215205裸地 Bare soil顺坡(松土)
    Down slope(Loosen soil)
    T315205茶园 Tea garden水平台地梯壁种百喜草
    Horizontal platform planting Paspalum notatum
    on the ladder wall
    T415205茶园 Tea garden水平台地
    Horizontal platform
    T515205锥栗园 Chinquapin garden山边沟
    Hillside ditches
    T615205锥栗园 Chinquapin garden顺坡
    Down slope
    T715205毛竹园 Bamboo Garden顺坡(劈草)
    Down slope(brush cutting)
    T815205毛竹园 Bamboo Garden顺坡(垦复)
    Down slope(reclamation)
    T915205果园 Orchard水平台地梯壁种百喜草
    Horizontal platform planting Paspalum notatum on the ladder wall
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    表  2  2018–2020年各试验小区降雨概况

    Table  2.   Overview of rainfall at test areas from 2018–2020

    monthly rainfall/mm
    Rainfall erosivity
    201814027447.4 (6月)1423.8848.94
    201915635205.2 (5月)1388.8921.15
    202013126286.2 (3月)1415.01463.37
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