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胡莉 万超 张蕖 陈清西 伍炳华 袁媛

胡莉,万超,张蕖,等. 茉莉花JsMYB305转录因子互作蛋白的筛选及验证 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1135−1144 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.004
引用本文: 胡莉,万超,张蕖,等. 茉莉花JsMYB305转录因子互作蛋白的筛选及验证 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(9):1135−1144 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.004
HU L, WAN C, ZHANG Q, et al. Interacting Proteins with JsMYB305 Transcription Factor in Jasminum sambac [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1135−1144 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.004
Citation: HU L, WAN C, ZHANG Q, et al. Interacting Proteins with JsMYB305 Transcription Factor in Jasminum sambac [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(9):1135−1144 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.004


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.009.004
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31902050);福建农林大学科技创新专项基金项目( CXZX2020135C)



    袁媛(1988−),女,博士,研究方向:观赏植物花香和花色相关次生代谢研究(E-mail: yuanyuan@fafu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: S 685.16

Interacting Proteins with JsMYB305 Transcription Factor in Jasminum sambac

  • 摘要:   目的  茉莉花JsMYB305是参与萜烯合成酶(Terpene synthetases,TPS)基因调控茉莉花香气的转录因子。本研究旨在进一步分析JsMYB305转录因子调控茉莉花香气物质代谢的可能机制。  方法  基于茉莉花瓣酵母文库,以白色花苞和完全开放时的茉莉花为材料构建双杂交文库,通过酵母双杂交的方式筛选JsMYB305的互作蛋白并进行鉴定和验证。  结果  JsMYB305全长具有显著的自激活性,分别扩增不同长度的片段进行自激活验证,当编码长度≤510 bp时,JsMYB305没有自激活性。进一步以pGBKT7-JsMYB305(510 bp)为诱饵,从酵母双杂交文库中筛选到1个互作蛋白,经鉴定为水杨酸甲酯转移酶(Salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase,SAMT)蛋白。酵母定向双杂验证表明JsMYB305与JsSAMT具有相互作用。  结论  SAMT属于苯丙烷/丙环生物合成途径,故JsMYB305转录因子也参与了茉莉花苯丙烷/丙环类香气物质合成过程。研究结果为进一步深入研究JsMYB305在茉莉花香气合成中的调控机理提供了参考。
  • 图  1  构建酵母双杂交文库时使用的茉莉花

    Figure  1.  Floral materials used in constructing yeast two-hybrid library

    图  2  双杂交文库容量检测

    Figure  2.  Determination of two-hybrid library capacity

    图  3  文库插入片段的PCR检测

    M为DL5 000 Marker。

    Figure  3.  PCR detection on library inserts

    M: DL5 000 Marker.

    图  4  构建pGBKT7-JsMYB305全长诱饵载体时所涉及的PCR检测及自激活检测

    M:DL2 000 Marker; 1、10−1、10−2表示稀释倍数;A:JsMYB305全长编码序列(588 bp)的扩增,1为目的基因;B:pGBKT7-JsMYB305(588 bp)菌液PCR检测,1~4为阳性条带;C:pGBKT7空白载体和pGBKT7-JsMYB305诱饵载体分别转化Y2H 的自激活检测。

    Figure  4.  PCR and self-activation detection involved in constructing pGBKT7-JsMYB305 full-length bait vector

    M: DL2 000 marker; 1, 10−1, and 10−2: dilution factors; A: amplification of full-length coding sequence (588 bp) of JsMYB305; 1: target gene; B: PCR detection of pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (588 bp) bacterial liquid; 1–4: positive bands; C: self-activation detection of Y2H transformed with pGBKT7 blank vector or pGBKT7-JsMYB305 bait vector.

    图  5  不同长度pGBKT7-JsMYB305诱饵载体的构建

    M:DL2 000 Marker;A:不同长度的JsMYB305编码序列扩增;B: pGBKT7-JsMYB305(510 bp)菌液PCR;C:pGBKT7-JsMYB305(435 bp)菌液PCR,1、3、5为筛选阳性条带;D:pGBKT7-JsMYB305(360 bp)菌液PCR;E:pGBKT7-JsMYB305(285 bp)菌液PCR;F:pGBKT7-JsMYB305(210 bp)菌液PCR。

    Figure  5.  Construction of pGBKT7-JsMYB305 bait vectors of varied lengths

    M: DL2 000 marker; A: JsMYB305 coding sequence amplification of different lengths; B: pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (510 bp) bacterial liquid PCR; C: pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (435 bp) bacterial liquid PCR; 1, 3, and 5: positive bands; D: pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (360 bp) bacterial liquid PCR; E: pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (285 bp) bacterial liquid PCR; F: pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (210 bp) bacterial liquid PCR.

    图  6  不同长度pGBKT7-JsMYB305诱饵载体的自激活检测


    Figure  6.  Self-activation of pGBKT7-JsMYB305 bait vectors of varied lengths

    1, 10−1, and 10−2: dilution times.

    图  7  pGBKT7-JsMYB305诱饵载体与文库杂交后的效率


    Figure  7.  Efficiency of pGBKT7-JsMYB305 bait vector and library after hybridization

    A: DDO (SD/-Trp/-Leu) plate diluted 10 000 times after hybridization; B: SD/-Leu plate diluted 10 000 times after hybridization.

    图  8  JsMYB305(510 bp)的互作蛋白筛选结果

    Figure  8.  Proteins that interacted with JsMYB305 (510 bp)

    图  9  pGADT7-JsSAMT载体构建

    M:DL2 000 Marker;A: JsSAMT编码序列的扩增;B: pGADT7-JsSAMT的菌液PCR。

    Figure  9.  Construction of pGADT7-JsSAMT vector

    M: DL2 000 marker; A: amplified coding sequence of JsSAMT; B: PCR of pGADT7-JsSAMT.

    图  10  pGBKT7-JsMYB305(510 bp)与pGADT7-JsSAMT的互作验证

    1、10−1、10−2表示稀释倍数;从上往下分别为p53+T阳性对照、pGBKT7+pGADT7阴性对照、pGBKT7-JsMYB305(510 bp)+pGADT7-JsSAMT。

    Figure  10.  Verification on interaction between pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (510 bp) and pGADT7-JsSAMT

    1, 10−1, and 10−2: dilutions; p53+T positive control, pGBKT7+pGADT7 negative control, and pGBKT7-JsMYB305 (510bp)+pGADT7-JsSAMT shown from top to bottom.

    表  1  酵母双杂交诱饵载体构建中扩增 JsMYB305 编码序列使用的引物

    Table  1.   Primers used to amplify coding sequence of JsMYB305 for construction of yeast two-hybrid bait vector

    引物名称 Primer name    引物序列 Sequence (5′-3′)
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(588 bp)- F tcagaggaggacctgcatatgATGGACAAGAAAAT
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(588 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccTTAATCCCCATTAAG
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(510 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccTCCATGGAAAGCTT
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(435 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccACCGGAGATCTG
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(360 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccGTGTTTAATGTGCT
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(285 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccCGCAATTTTTGACCACCTGTT
    pGBKT7-JsMYB305(210 bp)- R ccgctgcaggtcgacggatccTCCCCGTCTCACATCTGGTC
    上游引物中划线部分为Nde I酶切位点,下游引物中划线部分为BamH I酶切位点。扩增不同长度的JsMYB305编码序列时,上游引物相同,下游引物不同。
    Underlined sequence in upstream primer indicates Nde I restriction site; downstream primer indicates BamH I restriction site; at amplification of JsMYB305 coding sequences of different lengths, upstream primers were identical, while downstream primers different.
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    表  2  克隆JsSAMT基因所用的引物

    Table  2.   Primers used for cloning JsSAMT

    Primer name
    Primer length/bp
    序列 (5′-3′)
    上游引物中划线部分为Nde I酶切位点,下游引物中划线部分为BamH I酶切位点。
    Underlined sequence in upstream primer indicates the Nde I restriction site; downstream primer indicates BamH I restriction site.
    下载: 导出CSV
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