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陈志炫 陈蕙如 陈丹心 林友钧

陈志炫,陈蕙如,陈丹心,等. 中草药提取复合物对乳鸽肠道微生物、生产性能和免疫器官指数的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):1048−1055 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.010
引用本文: 陈志炫,陈蕙如,陈丹心,等. 中草药提取复合物对乳鸽肠道微生物、生产性能和免疫器官指数的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):1048−1055 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.010
CHEN Z X, CHEN H R, CHEN D X, et al. Effects of A Chinese Herbal Extract on Gut Microbiota, Meat Production, and Immune Organ Indices of Squabs [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):1048−1055 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.010
Citation: CHEN Z X, CHEN H R, CHEN D X, et al. Effects of A Chinese Herbal Extract on Gut Microbiota, Meat Production, and Immune Organ Indices of Squabs [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):1048−1055 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.010


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.010
基金项目: 福建省科技计划引导性项目(2020N0056)


  • 中图分类号: S 836

Effects of A Chinese Herbal Extract on Gut Microbiota, Meat Production, and Immune Organ Indices of Squabs

  • 摘要:   目的  探究以三辛酸甘油酯、桃金娘烯醇、肉豆蔻酸异丙酯、薄荷醇和樟脑为主要成分的中草药提取复合物T对大肠杆菌的抑制作用及对乳鸽肠道微生物、生产性能、免疫器官指数、肉品质和血清生化指标的影响。  方法  采用液体培养基抑制测定法,以质量浓度为100 mg·L−1和50 mg·L−1的氨苄西林作为对照,测定体积分数为1.000 0%、0.500 0%、0.250 0%、0.125 0%、0.062 5%、0.031 3%、0.015 6%和0.007 8%的复合物T对大肠杆菌的抑制作用。再选取由亲鸽哺育至10日龄的白卡奴乳鸽180只,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复12只,分别设置为对照组(CT组)、饲喂基础饲粮、试验组T1组和T2组。试验组分别在基础饲粮中添加313 mg·kg−1和625 mg·kg−1的复合物T。通过人工灌喂的方式饲喂乳鸽至30日龄,并测定复合物T对乳鸽肠道微生物、生产性能、免疫器官指数、肉品质和血清生化指标的影响。  结果  1)从体积分数为0.062 5%开始,复合物T对大肠杆菌的抑制率随着浓度的减少而开始下降;体积分数为0.031 3%以上的复合物T对大肠杆菌的抑制率均显著高于两个抗生素对照组(P<0.05);复合物T对大肠杆菌在12 h和24 h的半抑制浓度(IC50)分别为0.063 2%和0.042 6%。2)T2组肠道内的双歧杆菌显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);T2组肠道内的乳酸菌显著高于CT组(P<0.05)。3)T2组的料重比显著低于CT组(P<0.05);T2组的法氏囊指数、胸肌率都显著高于CT组(P<0.05)。4)对于胸肌肉的pH值、失水率和剪切力,以及谷草转氨酶、血清肌酐、尿素氮和尿酸等4个血清生化指标,各组之间都没有显著差异(P>0.05)。  结论  复合物T对大肠杆菌具有很好的抑制作用,可以促进肠道有益菌的生长,对乳鸽的生长性能和免疫功能具有一定的促进作用,适宜添加量为625 mg·kg−1
  • 表  1  基础饲粮组成及营养水平(风干基础)

    Table  1.   Nutritional composition of basal diet (air-dry basis)                       %

    Nutrient levels
    玉米 Corn 59.85 粗蛋白质 CP 18.95
    豆粕 Soybean meal 32.00 代谢能 ME/(MJ·kg−1) 12.26
    次粉 Wheat middling 1.50 蛋白质能量比 P/E/(g·MJ−1) 15.46
    豆油 Soybean oil 2.40 有效磷 AP 0.35
    石粉 Limestone 1.60 钙 Ca 0.97
    磷酸氢钙 CaHPO4 1.40 赖氨酸 Lys 0.94
    食盐 NaCl 0.25 蛋氨酸 Met 0.36
    预混料 Premix 1.00 蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸 Met+Cys 0.67
    合计 Total 100.00
    ①预混料为每千克饲粮提供:VA 6 750 IU,VD 2 000 IU,VE 19.50 mg,VK3 1.50 mg,VB1 1.50 mg,VB2 5.50 mg,VB6 3.50 mg,VB12 0.05 mg,叶酸 0.80 mg,烟酰胺 14 mg,泛酸 9 mg,Fe 100 mg,Cu 12 mg,Mn 72 mg,Zn 65.5 mg,Se 0.3 mg,I 1.5 mg。②饲粮营养水平为计算值。
    ①Per kg premix forage provided 6 750 IU VA, 2 000 IU VD, 19.50 mg VE, 1.50 mg VK3, 1.50 mg VB1, 5.50 mg VB2, 3.50 mg VB6, 0.05 mg VB12, 0.80 mg folic acid, 14 mg nicotinic acid, 9 mg pantothenic acid, 100 mg Fe (as ferrous sulfate), 12 mg Cu (as copper sulfate), 72 mg Mn (as manganese sulfate), 65.5 mg Zn (as zinc sulfate), 0.3 mg Se (as sodium selenite), and 1.5 mg I (as potassium iodide). ②Dietary nutrient levels were calculated.
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    表  2  试验乳鸽人工灌喂养殖标准

    Table  2.   Standard for introgastric oral feeding squabs

    Days of
    Days of
    10 90 280 20 120 380
    11 90 290 21 120 390
    12 90 300 22 130 400
    13 100 310 23 130 410
    14 100 320 24 130 420
    15 100 330 25 140 430
    16 110 340 26 140 440
    17 110 350 27 140 450
    18 110 360 28 150 460
    19 120 370 29 150 470
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    表  3  不同用量复合物T对大肠杆菌的抑制率

    Table  3.   Inhibition on E. coli by Compound T in different concentrations %

    14.71±1.77 g2.34±1.52 g31.15±1.12 a28.41±0.61 ab22.33±1.52 d26.05±1.45 bc23.85±2.19 cd11.19±2.71 e8.35±5.48 f5.17±5.02 g
    27.56±4.62 f3.18±2.67 f52.85±2.18 ab48.75±1.70 bc44.87±2.57 c51.84±8.88 b56.88±4.40 a26.95±3.34 d15.26±5.19 e7.83±6.81 f
    322.94±7.44 c6.19±4.41 d61.11±2.28 a57.40±2.35 a52.31±7.51 a58.81±9.98 a53.83±13.35 a32.08±11.46 b21.23±8.59 c6.48±8.31 d
    419.55±7.61 cd13.37±6.65 d62.77±2.96 a60.68±2.77 ab54.29±9.38 ab50.23±12.10 b54.80±13.95 ab27.84±12.77 c25.57±12.60 c6.91±9.68 e
    627.39±15.11 b8.26±12.63 c66.01±4.19 a66.45±2.46 a60.88±8.81 a55.12±10.02 a59.55±13.84 a35.13±12.48 b29.20±18.42 b6.74±10.69 c
    843.78±16.67 b6.86±15.46 d68.90±5.82 a68.55±2.43 a59.73±12.93 a54.35±12.50 ab59.78±18.59 a44.61±18.88 b28.08±15.96 c8.60±6.79 d
    1275.19±6.72 a39.48±20.55 c75.06±1.62 a73.44±2.21 a68.92±9.25 a66.23±12.48 ab74.99±4.36 a55.54±19.21 b32.15±15.92 c17.99±7.92 d
    1661.78±18.94 bc31.57±20.98 de77.51±1.84 a76.84±2.39 a76.01±2.42 ab66.77±8.81 abc75.18±4.92 ab58.18±20.44 c44.06±21.47 d18.69±8.72 e
    2041.26±14.16 c18.24±16.77 d78.51±2.90 a78.44±2.20 a77.51±3.68 a73.54±9.13 a79.23±2.55 a57.23±20.97 b44.20±23.92 c13.64±9.24 d
    2438.27±11.22 c16.34±15.84 d80.06±2.35 a79.32±1.83 a79.00±1.99 a75.53±9.75 a80.40±1.20 a61.12±21.86 b43.72±24.17 c12.80±9.11 d
    Data with different small letter superscripts on same row mean significant difference among different treatments (P<0.05). Same for below.
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    表  4  复合物T对乳鸽肠道微生物的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of Compound T on gut microflora of squabs lgCFU·g−1

    指标 ItemsCTT1T2
    大肠杆菌 Escherchia coli7.90±0.33 a7.62±0.32 a7.44±0.65 a
    双歧杆菌 Bifidobacteria9.42±0.36 b9.51±0.15 b10.05±0.13 a
    乳酸菌 Lactobacillus9.24±0.14 b9.33±0.08 ab9.53±0.17 a
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    表  5  复合物T对乳鸽生长性能的影响

    Table  5.   Effect of Compound T on growth of squabs

    指标 ItemsCTT1T2
    BW at 10 days of age/g
    279.85±3.83 a279.69±2.18 a280.73±4.35 a
    BW at 30 days of age/g
    471.85±3.54 b477.35±6.10 ab484.99±5.39 a
    9.60±0.27 b9.88±0.26 ab10.21±0.32 a
    料重比 F/G4.46±0.12 a4.33±0.12 ab4.19±0.13 b
    存活率 Surviving rate/%96.67±4.56 a96.67±7.45 a96.67±4.56 a
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    表  6  复合物T对乳鸽免疫器官指数的影响

    Table  6.   Effect of Compound T on immune organ indices of squabs                    ‰

    指标 Items  CTT1T2
    脾脏指数 Thymus index0.75±0.06 a1.19±0.39 a1.24±0.30 a
    胸腺指数 Spleen index3.26±1.92 a1.97±1.11 a3.39±0.64 a
    Bursa of Fabricii index
    0.96±0.24 b1.38±0.34 ab1.63±0.19 a
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    表  7  复合物T对乳鸽屠宰性能的影响

    Table  7.   Effect of Compound T on slaughter performance of squabs                    %

    指标 ItemsCTT1T2
    屠宰率 Slaughter rate 82.75±0.44 a 84.18±1.43 a 84.51±1.09 a
    半净膛率 Semi-eviscerated rate 69.67±0.94 a 71.83±2.17 a 71.76±0.97 a
    全净膛率 Eviscerated rate 54.59±1.86 a 55.84±2.11 a 54.27±2.96 a
    腹脂率 Abdominal fat rate 1.22±0.51 a 1.35±0.25 a 0.96±0.29 a
    胸肌率 Breast muscle rate 25.03±1.38 b 27.98±1.69 ab 28.84±2.73 a
    腿肌率 Leg muscle rate 8.05±0.84 a 8.55±0.82 a 9.50±0.65 a
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    表  8  复合物T对乳鸽胸肌肉品质的影响

    Table  8.   Effect of Compound T on breast meat quality of squabs

    指标 ItemsCTT1T2
    pH45 min 6.52±0.05 a 6.57±0.08 a 6.46±0.11 a
    pH24 h 6.39±0.09 a 6.41±0.08 a 6.37±0.11 a
    失水率 Water loss rate/% 31.26±5.43 a 35.42±2.15 a 34.16±2.24 a
    剪切力 Shear force/kgf 2.45±1.15 a 1.14±0.32 a 2.20±0.55 a
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    表  9  复合物T对乳鸽血清生化指标的影响

    Table  9.   Effect of Compound T on serum biochemical indices of squabs

    指标 ItemsCTT1T2
    谷草转氨酶 Aspartate aminotransferase/(μmol·L−1) 37.49±19.85 a 54.95±16.77 a 65.93±26.71 a
    血清肌酐 Serum creatinine/(μmol·L−1) 363.35±125.12 a 374.86±167.31 a 268.12±58.10 a
    尿素氮 Urea nitrogen/(mg·L−1) 0.99±1.10 a 2.08±1.55 a 0.71±0.74 a
    尿酸 Uric acid/(mg·L−1) 0.08±0.04 a 0.10±0.03 a 0.09±0.03 a
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-03-08
  • 修回日期:  2022-03-25
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-08-08
  • 刊出日期:  2022-08-28


