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陈晗 徐洪国 王志刚 徐伟慧 葛宵启 祁宏英

陈晗,徐洪国,王志刚,等. 大麻PEBP基因家族鉴定及生物信息学分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):1016−1024 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.007
引用本文: 陈晗,徐洪国,王志刚,等. 大麻PEBP基因家族鉴定及生物信息学分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):1016−1024 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.007
CHEN H, XU H G, WANG Z G, et al. Identification and Bioinformatics of PEBP Family in Hemp [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):1016−1024 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.007
Citation: CHEN H, XU H G, WANG Z G, et al. Identification and Bioinformatics of PEBP Family in Hemp [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):1016−1024 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.007


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.007
基金项目: 黑龙江省省属本科高校基本科研业务费工业大麻专项(135409704)

    陈晗(1998−),女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向:园艺植物遗传育种(E-mail: c17645247798@163.com



  • 中图分类号: S 668.4

Identification and Bioinformatics of PEBP Family in Hemp

  • 摘要:   目的  对大麻中磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白(phosphatidyl ethanolamine binding protein, PEBP)进行鉴定和生物信息学分析,为PEBP基因家族调控大麻的生长发育及开花奠定基础。  方法  以拟南芥PEBP家族基因作为参考序列,利用NCBI、MEME、TBtools等生物信息学工具对已有的大麻基因组数据进行筛选并鉴定大麻PEBP基因。  结果  从大麻基因组中共筛选出12个PEBP基因,分为FT-LIKE、TFL-LIKE、MET-LIKE三个亚家族,均为亲水性蛋白,分布于细胞质与细胞核中;motif1-motif5为大麻PEBP基因的特征基序,定位在7条染色体上。大麻PEBP基因含有2个外显子及2个以上内含子,其启动子主要含有光反应顺式调节元件、各类激素顺式调控元件,编码蛋白主要由无规则卷曲构成。  结论  共鉴定出12个CsPEBP基因家族成员,通过motif分析、多物种构建进化树,确定大麻PEBP基因具有高度保守性,并预测和分析其潜在的分子功能。
  • 图  1  大麻CsPEBPs基因motif预测

    Figure  1.  Prediction motifs of C. sativa CsPEBPs

    图  2  大麻CsPEBPs基因结构

    Figure  2.  Structure of C. sativa CsPEBPs

    图  3  大麻CsPEBPs基因在染色体上的定位

    Figure  3.  Mapping of C. sativa CsPEBPs on chromosome

    图  4  大麻与拟南芥、水稻PEBP基因家族系统进化树


    Figure  4.  Phylogenetic trees of PEBP family of hemp, rice, and arabidopsis

    A: pink indicates PEBP family of arabidopsis; blue, that of hemp; yellow, that of rice. B: ★ indicates FT-like subfamily; ▲, TFL-like subfamily; and ●, MFT-like subfamily.

    图  5  大麻CsPEBPs基因启动子区顺式作用元件


    Figure  5.  Cis-acting elements in the promoter region of C. sativa CsPEBPs genes

    A: cis-acting element involved in abscisic acid responsiveness; B: gibberellin-responsive element; C: cis-acting regulatory element involved in light responsiveness; D: cis-acting regulatory element involved in zein metabolism regulation; E: cis-acting regulatory element involved in MeJA-responsiveness; F: cis-acting regulatory element related to meristem expression; G: cis-acting regulatory element essential for anaerobic induction; H: MYB binding site involved in drought-inducibility; I: cis-acting element involved in salicylic acid responsiveness; J: cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness; K: cis-acting element involved in low-temperature responsiveness; L: cis-acting regulatory element involved in circadian control.

    图  6  大麻CsPEBPs蛋白的二级结构在线预测结果

    Figure  6.  Online prediction of secondary structure of CsPEBP protein

    图  7  大麻CsPEBPs蛋白的三级结构空间构象

    Figure  7.  A spatial conformation of tertiary structure of CsPEBP protein

    表  1  大麻CsPEBPs基因的理化性质分析

    Table  1.   Physicochemical properties of C. sativa CsPEBPs

    Gene name
    Amino acid quantity
    Molecular mass
    Instability index
    Lipid soluble index
    Total average
    hydrophobic index
    Subcellular localization
    CsPEBP11767.7819873.4034.8277.39−0.430细胞核 Nucleus
    CsPEBP21807.7620187.7338.5072.94−0.418细胞核 Nucleus
    CsPEBP31759.1219635.3945.5472.29−0.373细胞质 Cytoplasm
    CsPEBP41908.6221595.2336.2774.79−0.545细胞核 Nucleus
    CsPEBP51756.9719315.1056.7979.71−0.298细胞核、细胞质 Nucleus、cytoplasm
    CsPEBP61728.9519283.1442.9480.93−0.197细胞质 Cytoplasm
    CsPEBP71767.7319642.2540.0979.09−0.296细胞核 Nucleus
    CsPEBP81748.9319019.0131.5288.91−0.056细胞核、细胞质 Nucleus、cytoplasm
    CsPEBP91748.9319019.0131.5288.91−0.056细胞核、细胞质 Nucleus、cytoplasm
    CsPEBP101789.2019988.8241.4683.15−0.292细胞质 Cytoplasm
    CsPEBP111846.0920758.7530.7280.98−0.243细胞质 Cytoplasm
    CsPEBP121759.4120015.0545.9276.17−0.287细胞质 Cytoplasm
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  大麻CsPEBPs蛋白质的二级结构预测

    Table  2.   Predicted secondary structure of CsPEBP protein (%)

    Gene name
    Alpha helix
    Beta turn
    Extended strand
    Random coil
    下载: 导出CSV
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